I love Mark/Kim!!! I think they're a good couple. To me they have very good chemistry in 3NNT.I excited for this! Produce/Directed by my favorite actress too, I'm watching 3 GOlden Men to prepare for this lakorn and I'm loving it MK is an abosolutely adorable couple, I hate that 3NNT doesn't have a lot of love scenes for them so I'm hoping this one will... So happy its Romantic COmedy, Slap and Kiss seems so god for them cause in NRLJ I liked his character but not the n'ek's.. Taew and Prin would be amazing cause I love Taew too.. So far MK is my fave newbie couple
I'm planning to rewatch 3nnt again but after my finals. I also can't wait for this.
haha. I hope in the future Mark and Taew gets to play a lakorn together. I want to see if they
have good chemistry. I'm happy to read that you also like Mark/Kim together! Yay! Another fans
of theirs.hahaha