[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Egg
@Mrs Chum: congratulation :thumbsup: ...Love the photo edited by Dara Gang soooooo much...Soo excellent photo maker :thumbup: thanks for sharing :heart:
@Bubba: love the photo"love the way Nadech look at Yaya" and the "happy day" photo so much :heart: :heart: thanks Bubba :p
@Swiffy: Welcome back :clap: How abt your all exams?
thank so much everyone for all sharing :flowers:

Crdit: NadechYaya.com Fb
Maybe for Rissing sun or for "Shokubutsu for Men" Ad???


Live Love Laugh
Callayuki,  thanks for the picture.   Mae Keaw's IG mentioned something about Kombori so I think this is a photo shoot for Koo Kum promotion.
@MrsChum, congrats and happy for you now that you can post pictures!  :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:


sarNie Hatchling
@Mrs chum & Calla,Thanks for sharing pics na.Love the pic yaya stick on her mom...Shes so cute indeed..
I had a very hard time to finish up all these exams..But finally,they r all gone..Hope I could pass all..Thanks for welcoming me na,Calla.. :p  


Keep On Smiling
:thanks: MrsChum and Callayuki for sharing na.
Here's the clip of Yaya  in Panasonic ECONAVI Air Conditioning's Launching
Yaya's getting prettier and prettier everyday!!!  She truly is glowing!!!! .
For those who can't view the vid clip, here's the link:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4WRDqkx3iQ
:heart:   Too Cute!!!!  Superheroes.....

cr:NY Home at Pantip


sarNie Oldmaid
mrschum tks 4 all beautiful pics, esp yaya wif her mom, so lovely !
bubba totally agree wif u, yaya is absolutely glowing, so gorgeous indeed !
swift2thesky glad ur exams r over. wish u da best in excellent results ! now u can relax a little over here !
calla & vimalee thanks 4 always giving updated info, appreciate it alot ! 


Live Love Laugh
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

credit:  Nadech & Yaya Home at Pantip FB


Live Love Laugh
Yaya and her older sister Katrina?.  Yaya's parents wanted to name her Christine when she was born, but her Thai grandmother didn't like it so Yaya's mom named her Urassaya.  I love the sound of it:  very feminine and sweet.  Her dad, on the other hand, could not say Urassaya so he called her Ya and eventually became Yaya.

Yaya with her sister, half brother, and little cousin Henry during Christmas in Norway 2012.

credit:  Yaya's IG.......... http://web.stagram.com/n/urassayas


sarNie Hatchling
:coolpix:Collection of beautiful slides,Mrs chum..Song fit well with our girl,*Miss Independence*...Ur first Mv is really great..
@keylargo..Thank  u so much for caring me na. :heart:......Yes,,,,now I could visit here almost all the time..hehe.. :popcorn:
So,There will be an event for Nadech on March 9?Wanna be there....By the way,March 9 is my birthday...lol..
Thanks everyone for cute pics ,Mvs & infos... :)  


sarNie Oldmaid
There will be an event for Nadech on March 9?Wanna be there....By the way,March 9 is my birthday...lol..
Happy Birthday swift2thesky! Wishing u a wonderful bd wif lots of happiness & love! May yadech make u happy always! We love our yadech sisterhood!