[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


FF Writer!! Love it!
MrsChum said:
More pic! This is from Volume Mag, May issue.

Cr. Barryya fb
LOL this is the only picture i can recognize if its her or not!! Yaya is way to gorgeous to be photoshop to the point where I was wondering which one was her. Although the pictures were sexy. I like the theme of it. It so/so :)


sarNie Adult
^ same, could only recognise her at first glance in this photo, the rest i agree too much photoshop. still, yaya looks incredibly stunning nevertheless!  :heart:
from nadech's mom ig

credit: @keaw_jung

i use translator it says something merit, august 10 and mother's day?  :shrug:

from yaya's ig

credit: @urassayas

she looks so happy here! i like her butterfly bracelet hehe..

credit: @kimmy_kimberley

indoor rock climbing! it looks so fun! she is just as sporty as nadech :)


sarNie Adult
queenyeon said:
wait Nadech is doing rock climbing too! eeeeh

credits: as tagged
just dont know if they r in the same place....but whatever i am happy that yaya can have sometime to do something makes her happy!!!


sarNie Adult
i like mae keaw's photo about yadech r in paris...lol.hope nadech could be the special guest for the trip with yaya to france of 12 plus activity,ok,just in my dream...


sarNie Adult
yeah it doesn't look like it's the same place. LOL but such coincidence exist? just when they finally have some free time, they decide to go climbing separately of course  :bhehe:


sarNie Adult
@charlene i wish they would go together to paris too~ oh so romantic!  :spin:
@queenyeon im thinking what you are thinking too...  :coverlaf:


sarNie Adult
@pink_juliet_kashie : me too. can't wait for the full version :dance1:
@Vimalee : totally agree w/ u ---> something wrong w/ VOLUME mag. :shrug:
@kenann fan & MrsChum : me too . don like don like . so disappointed  :annoyed:


sarNie Egg

Guys I think there is another voting rite now.. Pls help vote for nadech yaya too..
Simply clicking like on their photo is one point.. And comment on their photo is one point and help share will be another point I think..
Sry I dunno how to post link heheh...

Anyway, there r ppl saw them tgt at rock climbling heheh.. But do not sure if the source is reliable or not though..
But base on the pic, seems like they r at the same place ( in door climbing one ) hmm..hope NY enjoyed their times tgt :))))


sarNie Adult
@nykim, voted, commented and shared...also "forced" my friends on facebook to vote too.

can see the pic? if no, pls go to https://www.facebook.com/NYFamilyPantip?hc_location=stream
they r in the same place, but dont know if it is the same time....i am happy for them , esp. for yaya, she could play a little. i felt very bad for the picture she's posted yrstday that she slept on the chair like so, poor girl. pls take a holiday with your brother in europ asap!!


Keep On Smiling
@nykim & Charlenem, thanks for the link, I'll check it out.
@tippytoes & queenyeon, it might be the same place :bhehe: ....Glad to see that they finally have some fun.
Yadech went rock climbing......

cr:as tagged&NY Home at Pantip


sarNie Adult
if they were hanging out together, it is lovely that nadech was the only guy in this group.,...lol. maybe there was someone else? yaya is so adorable with the tshirt bear, i love that bear...
now i really begin to believe their relationship might be developing a lot....hanging out with a group of girls, hehehe, good for na!
they r clever kids, with a group of friends, even got cached by photo, no problem too.. they r not alone!
that is why na said he met often yaya and kim recently? i was wondering how he would meet often kim, but..... of course, now i understand...lol.


sarNie Adult
@bubba thanks for the photos! it really looks like they were at the same place! nadech could have just join them because he seems to be climbing 'alone'..  :pervie:

@charlene yaya loves that 'bear'... care bear hahaha! i remember she has another care bear tshirt... with more care bears in it lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
Hi every1 im back,past few days no internet access so suffering!
i miz u all so much,cmns,pics, vid, thanks everybody for sharing.feeling blue bout yadech! bubba thanks for pic! At least yadech did sth fun!


sarNie Adult
SAME PLACE FOR SURE! that is so cute /happysquee :dance1:  they never fail to make into a delusional fangirl lol 
Charlenem said:
that is why na said he met often yaya and kim recently? i was wondering how he would meet often kim, but..... of course, now i understand...lol.
He said that? lolz somehow I'm glad to know he doesn't meet up with Kim alone


Live Love Laugh
Charlenem said:
ok, i thought maybe you guys knew it already...lol :scratchhead2: , someone who was in the trip of lays in america just shared this story after na's new rumor came out on pantip two days ago, because some fans turned to be crazy of this rumor so they need to get know something sweet from NY....lol! really dont know what they r worrying for, just a stupid rumor?!...
when the group arrived in america, they went to resteraunt, everyone was tired and hungry. but yaya didnt order any food because she wanted to wait na come and eat together with him. and mae keaw told her no need to wait him, but yaya insisted to wait na. and she was waitting more than 20 mins, mae keaw asked her to eat again but she still waited for na. ann, the pr of lays pushed her salad towards to yaya to ask her try a little.
and when na was coming, he hugged and kissed mae keaw, and his mom let him know that yaya was waiting for him, so the fans who shared story said NY had a moment, we can see it in the video where they looked at each other. and then na ordered food for him and yaya without asking her. 15 minutes later, the waiter brought two plates for them, and it was the same food. na ordered same food for them.
we can see easily in that video that yaya had empty plate in front of her, she only drank water and ann's salad was close to her.
how sweet and thoughtful yaya is !  i think she cares a lot her brother during their private life.
i dont want to judge if they r dating, for me, i dont think they r really dating like normal lovers, they cant date in public area like any lovers and besides they r busy of works and study. but i keep believing that they r really more than friends and siblings.  
but my question is for a girl, who will you wait for dinner together  when it is not neccessary and esp. you r exhausted? :secret:
:thanks:  so much Charlenem for the clip.  I watched it before but didn't catch that part.    The cutest part in the clip was at 1:05 when Mae Kaew said to Nadech that Yaya was the only one who was waiting for him.  He then looked up at her with twinkle in his eyes.  It seemed like both of them acted kinda shy because they hadn't seen each other for awhile.  Nadech left to Florida first for the Minute Maid trip with the lucky fans and later met with the Lays group in San Francisco.  Nadech pretended to look at the menu right away and Yaya didn't know what to do so she sipped water.  Just my take, lol.


sarNie Adult
@vimalee, i like your "take"... i do agree that they were shy when they met there.
i find that nadech keeps "distance" with yaya in public, or they both keep "distance" to each other. they never try to show how they r close, they never try to "sell" their perhaps relationship to promote themselves. but funny thing is even they try to pretend that they r just good friends good collegues good siblings, their eyes cant lie, their body language cant lie, their facial expression cant lie. sometimes they r in their own world senselessly.  and from some BTS, they do look very close.
from this clip,we saw yadech's moment, we saw mae keaw's smile, but dont forget mae pla. as yaya said, she is a protective and strict mom, she loves and supports yaya the most.  yaya was hungry but kept waitting nadech alone, and mae pla said nothing.....  :pervie:she knows her daughter the most, right? 
after yaya had rumor with alex, she said in an interview that she stopped talking to him for a while because of the rumor, when yaya had rumor with arthur, mae pla was not happy and went to ask the producer to clarify it. but yaya has news with na for 3 yrs, instead the two moms become good friends...lol.  when they went to japan, two moms didnt follow, but mae pla told yaya to always follow her brother and no quarrel with him.  she trusts na.
i think nadech has very good personality and behavior to impressed mae pla a lot....lol.