[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Egg
Hi all,
I hope you all doesn't mind that I join ya. I love NY and feels so sad that all the haters that try so hard to bring him down. I hope he stay strong and keep on fighting. No matter what nadech & yaya will always be my only number 1 kookwan. They are the original kookwan, the rest is just a copy cat.


Keep On Smiling
@bobby101, welcome to  this thread.  Hope you'll have lots of fun with us.
Yadech work together today......They look great!!!!

Yadech never fail to make us laugh.....

Oh....Nadech.......Yaya'll get him back....

Told you so......

This is too cute......

cr:as tagged


sarNie Oldmaid
@bobby101 welcome 2 this fun and fantastic yadech thread, guarantee ull c lots of yadech love and support no matter what negative vibes da world tries 2 present !!! we just dun care, we LOVE yadech 2 much 2 bother !!!
@bubba thank u 4 da cutest lays pics, yaya is sooo pretty ! nadech as usual teasing yaya, he loves 2 do tat and yaya taking in good stride ! yadech look so adorable and really happy ! I wish they will always b happy in each others company and have many more opportunities 2 work together, they just look perfect ! trust lays and thanks lays 4 creating sweet lovable cf always, I swear lays chips must b selling so well, sales will b better if sold worldwide !


sarNie Adult
thanks bubba,so lovely photo....lol. is this activity not on the open schedule??


bobby101 said:
Hi all,
I hope you all doesn't mind that I join ya. I love NY and feels so sad that all the haters that try so hard to bring him down. I hope he stay strong and keep on fighting. No matter what nadech & yaya will always be my only number 1 kookwan. They are the original kookwan, the rest is just a copy cat.
hi everyone and bobby
i'm also new here thanks to keylargo and kikichue for welcoming me.
we have the same sentiment regarding this jj thing i saw him out of curiousity bec recently his name is always being tag along na's name.if not bec of nadech i will never bother to be curious about jj.congrats to his handlers and builders by using nadech jj is becoming a trending topic making him popular at the expense of nadech's fame which is unfair to na but since this is showbiz na has to face all these trials,the price of being a super star.
here's my bias as i see jjs pix hes still has a long way to run he looks young fresh and beautiful he's not handsome at all bec he's so pretty and very feminine donnu who's fault is this maybe he's just too pretty or lady like naturally or his stylist anyways who cares
for me no one can beat barry's charisma plus urassaya sperbund's aura with him i think they need each other forever bec fans are generally possessive but this doesnt mean they cant make projects with different partner.i believe their individual popurlarity is already stable if given the right projects.kookum was a wrong project of na it was boring not entertaining but i think he accepted it for it's beautiful script.hahaha sorry for my long ranting.
without YADECH in thai showbiz industry its really so boring(bias mode)


keylargo said:
@bobby101 welcome 2 this fun and fantastic yadech thread, guarantee ull c lots of yadech love and support no matter what negative vibes da world tries 2 present !!! we just dun care, we LOVE yadech 2 much 2 bother !!!
@bubba thank u 4 da cutest lays pics, yaya is sooo pretty ! nadech as usual teasing yaya, he loves 2 do tat and yaya taking in good stride ! yadech look so adorable and really happy ! I wish they will always b happy in each others company and have many more opportunities 2 work together, they just look perfect ! trust lays and thanks lays 4 creating sweet lovable cf always, I swear lays chips must b selling so well, sales will b better if sold worldwide !
i really thank LAY'S so much for feeding our YADECH addiction surely their sales is always high
btw to be honest i really dont like lay's cause it's too salty i'm afraid it can damage my kidneys but because of ....YADECH i dont care anymore hahaha so bias


sarNie Adult
@ yaya kugimiya    i really like your id....lol!!
i am agree with you, in the begining, jj's name tags with mark coz they look like, and then turns to be with na....ok, compare a little, it is normal and acceptable to me, but all the time, everywhere, it is annoying. i dont mean jj, i mean the way they take to promote him. of course he can be more famous or hotter that na, not my business, but now they make this comparison too much, it seems that they push a war of popularity between na and jj. and funny thing is na even doesnt care, just the medias or some behind pushers make it like so.
au debut, i even didnt pay attention on jj, coz guys with feminine look r never my type, but his manager's speech makes me not appeeciate for.  so we will see, maybe now he is really hot, but question is how long he could keep his hotness? besides he has so many news with different girls  now and some dont look like just rumors..... i say nothing, wait and see.
siamdara will begin to vote on 1 - 21 june,  www.siamdara.com
i dont know if we could vote for them, but it looks like only for the people who lives in thai.......so hoping NY fans could show their firmly supports to yadech, let our beloved couple get again the awards together!


sarNie Oldmaid
@yayakugimiya so happy u participate here, have lots of fun okie ! did u manage 2 find da eng version of RFTD 2 read ? v glad u r v strong supporter of yadech....not even caring of da saltiness in lays, tat speaks alot !!!
@Charlenem and yayakugimiya i completely agree wif u both, 2 me this jj guy is a chubby baby face (well certain vid, pic i saw and no offense 2 his fans) ! he really has a long way 2 catch up just like nadech when he was new in da industry. da plus factors nadech has : v charming, good looking, humble, polite, gentleman, good actor, singer, dancer, musically inclined, professional attitude, love his mom and elders, i can go on and on and m sure most yadechers agree wif me ! yadech will always have da support and love from yadechers ! we love yadech !


Live Love Laugh
People seemed to like this one comment left at the picture below.
"Nadech, do you have an eye sight problem?  When you have some time, please go have your eyes checked because it seemed to focus on one particular object for a very long time."
For me personally, no need for words about this picture.  Yaya is so pretty and Nadech with his longing look......... :wub:  :coverlaf:  :spin: :drool: :drools:

credit:  NadechYaya.com FB


sarNie Egg
@Vimalee: Thank you ~:) i'll try to be more active here since I'm on summer break
I just read from spicy that RFTD will air next year, sign...how can i survive until then D: Hopefully, Yadech will have more events/CFs in between so at least it'll make the wait less painful