sarNie Oldmaid
Sorry to bring this back up. Just want to tell you gals about an incident. I try not to add to the drama on there but goodness in one of the thread it got totally out of hand and I couldn't hold my mouth anymore as a Nadech fan. After thinking about it now I feel quite stupid arguing back & forth. But I never said anything vulgar and never do I personally attack anyone it really isn't necessary. Then I decided I wouldn't go back to read anymore JamesJi article regard how he has this and that title until a friend I refer to the site TODAY! Said I need to go back on there because someone actually "called" me out. LoL as in used my real name...first and last. Not my username. I was quite shock. Apparently after that first thread 2 other JamesJi thread were posted and the drama continued there. These 2 users just went off on the admins and this other girl out of nowhere just called me out by name saying that I'm desperate. That I'm on all the international sites using multiple usernames bashing JJ and then come back to comment to agree with myself. I'm like woah! LoL I have never commented about JJ and Nadech until that one thread on Sugardaily. And I keep repeating : I think JJ is adorable and I like him quite a bit. I'm just a little surprise that person connected me on SG to my real name. But it's ok because ive never used inappropriate words when I post anything so whether she/he knows me by name I don't mind. It's either it's one big misunderstanding or someone is totally setting me upCharlenem said:@m9 noooooooooo.... i m even not a member of Spicy, i stopped visiting there since several months or more, i only read some news about yadech on sugardaily sometimes but never leave any words, and i think i wont go sugardaily anymore coz recently the way the admins take is really too much, in my mind they r too crazy. sorry, no ofended to anyone, just tell my feeling ...AF is the first and only place i post something about yadech coz i like fans here. u met someone who is living in france there too?hmmm, interesting.... :scratchhead2:she is yadecher too? i m thinking if she is one of my friends??? i have a friend who likes yadech but not her favourite and she is often on spicy but i dont know whether she leaves messages there often or not. well,in another part i dont think it is her, coz we r off school for summer holiday since last week and she is probably on vacation in spain with her bf now....hahahaha.
When I went to meet them I wanted Nadech all to myself. I don't care if Yaya and him are kookwans I wanted him! LoL but I had a feeling the other girls there would have killed me if I tried anything LoL.m9saeteurn1 said:Haha @ pink_juliet_kashie - I like your comment under the little YouTube clip. He has a lot of gurlssss!! She will need to step aside. Ahaha
Please call me Kashie jakeylargo said:@pink hope u dun mind me calling u tat, its short, sweet and simple, all s words ! u hv me going gaga wif yr up close and personal moment wif nadech ! def dream come true and once in a lifetime !