[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


.: Lady Huo :.
Nadech is in the process of obtaining his 6 packs abdomen. Nadech showing off his muscle? :coverlaf:. I think it looks good, not too buff, now it needs some toning. I think he needs to add swimming into his workout routine too, it helped my father in obtaining his 6 packs abdomen many years ago.

Nadech looking so manly & matured, so dreamy too :wub:...No wonder he is the most hottest mixed actor :cheer:. Besides his good looks, he could portray his characters well, congrats :cheer: to him for winning the best actor category in Golden TV Award as the role of Ryu in RFTD. P.s. I am staring at this photo countless times :coverlaf:

His playful side, showing off one of his bunny ears (one of his dimples) ;).

Cr - keaw_jung


.: Lady Huo :.
:cheer: Congrats to Yaya as the hottest mixed actress! I totally agree with NY being hottest actor & actress.

I just came across some of these IG photos from the photographer who took photos of NY in Maldives for the Traveller's Companion mag. He was in Norway along with other people including the editor lady of Traveller's Companion mag. Were they there for some reasons, one reason is that they might select NY for future magazine photo shoot in Norway? :scratchhead2:, just my thinking.

He took picture with Cat.

He also took picture with Henry. Are those Henry's artworks in the back? They look nice! Artistically gifted as his cousin.

This is him with other people including the editor lady (I think she is the editor).

Do excuse this post in absence of NY or N/Y photos ;).

Cr - amatyai


Junyukio said:
Thank @Rak for the pics and link of bts from NYLON mag: Cute face, bright eyes with radiant smile, sweet voice, lovable, playfull and smart character...How can Na & we not love you , :heart:  Ya ?  :yes:
:welcome1: on board @pinky8 , we still have alot of space on  :cloud9: na ka
@YK, mae Keaw surely know how to please the fan lol..
Just wonder what Ya will comment when she saw his sexy pic :lol2:

Cr. keaw_jung
hi junyo
thank you so much(sorry for my delayed reaction).......i am sure it is nadech himself(NOT HIS MOM.....just using mom's name to cover up) who posted this picture in IG.......nadech knows how to entertain the NY'ers that most of us looking forward to see him in swim wear outfit like this :coverlaf: i am so sure yaya saw this picture of nadech already and became speechless in fact this kind of nadech's picture should only belongs to yaya's eyes :pervie: ......he is not just cute and adorable in here but also very SEXY at his very young age maybe 7 to 8 y/o no malice maybe he felt cold so erection was unstoppable :censor:  :coverlaf: ....i wish to see yaya's picture to compliment this :scratchhead2:


thanks MrsChum
this portion is my most favorite part of yadech interview wherein nadech said though they are public property he and yaya still KEEP THEIR PRIVACY :heart: :
"Imagined Couple vs. Real Couple" IN magazine by E-Book #nadechyaya #nadech #nadechkukimiya * Y:Over years, it's great that we have been an imagined couple and been also successful in acting together. In reality, I am closest to p'N, we meet very often, he is like an advisor and a professional colleague at work. After working, he is like a true friend in my life who always supports me, I would like to keep having him like this. Actually we have grown up and experienced a lot of things together over 5 years. I have met him the most, might be more than my dad, not only working but also doing a lot of merits arranged by his mom together. N: It's not uncomfortable to be cheered as a real couple. Even we are working in the public but we can still keep our privacy. Currently nothing changes between us, we are always close and take care each other.


my next favorite part of the interviews wherein it is very loud and clear that yadech have MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING a more than just a friend thing but never a sibling but LOVERS :heart: :
"How Cute You Are" IN magazine by E-Book #nadechyaya #nadech #nadechkukimiya *N:We both are very similar and get along very well, we are fat, naughty, and crazy, sometimes we wear same color unintentionally. When we face problems, we can discuss together. We always take care and ask each other what's going on. Y: I can feel that P'N is nice from his inner. He cares and is friendly. His kindness from inner to outermost still remains the same from that day till today.
agazine by E-Book #nadechyaya #nadech #nadechkukimiya *N:Y should take care her health well because she has migraine. However, she is always mentally and physically patient in order to continue working as a public person. I concern her health, she has just got injured from jellyfish at work. Y: I concern his health too, P'N has tons of work so he has little rest. He works professionally and happily. Pink Quote by Y: Thank you for your support and being together, never disappear. No matter when I have problems or successes, P'N firstly know, support, and advise to cheer me up. Without P'N, I was not sure I could pass those difficulties with such high spirit.
"Grow Up Together" IN magazine by E-Book #nadechyaya #nadech #nadechkukimiya *N:Actually Y started working in the showbiz and acting in lakorn before. When we meet, it likes we hold hands together, sometimes we might hold others' hands but then we will come back to hold our hands again. That's our way of life, thank you for helping on work, inspiring, caring, advising, and supporting, Y is a cute younger buddy.
:cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer: 


Keep On Smiling
Good morning or night everyone and thank you all for sharing na ka.
A big congratulation to our amazing and talented Nadech for the TV Gold Award --Best Actor!!! 
So proud of him :thumbsup:
Nadech posted this to thank you khun Ja for accepting an award for him and to thank everyone for their supports.  He also apologizes for not be able to attend the award ceremony due to his filming a lakorn in Chiang Mai.

cr:as tagged


sarNie Adult
Thanks for sharing their interview YK. Cute tee sood. They always have something sweet to say about each other. I love it when the get to hand out with each other out of work. Shows they make time for each other. ❤ Congratulations to Nadech for winning his first TV Gold award.I am so proud of him. He is definitely one of a kind and I am glad he is being recognized not just from his fans but his peers and etcs.


sarNie Adult
Congratulations to Nadech for winning TV Gold Award - Best Actor - a perfect Ruy :cheer:  :cheer: :thumbsup: :bravo:
Love Ruy and Dr Mayumi :heart: :heart:

Thanks everyone for sharing :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
I'm so happy to see Yadech spending time together and with Na's friends :heart:
NYers have hawk eyes and always find out anything relating to Yadech :thumbsup:

Cr: moey_ny
An old date (don't know when)

Cr: @mikijung_ny
Hands in a right place :heart:

Cr: @yaheeyudya