[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


.: Lady Huo :.
Mae Keaw's date for Happy Mother's Day dinner & he is looking extra handsome :wub:.

A head to toe photo of mother & son. Mae Keaw probably wore 2 different dresses on the same day. This photo I think was before they went to dinner.

Cr - keaw_jung


Keep On Smiling
Good morning everyone and hope you all had a wonderful weekend na ka.
Yay....Congratulations to Nadech!!!
yaya kugimiya said:
please help can anyone translate this?.....thanks in advance
Here's the translation from space4ny.  Thanks yk for sharing and thanks to space4ny for translating ka. https://instagram.com/p/2jCuKdy6L5/?taken-by=space4ny
Recently, in the social network there are many requests for koojin's drama. For example, "Nadech-Yaya" it's look like people are cheering for them to have drama together the most. Regarding this matter, many channel 3 drama producers think that it's possible. But it's depend on the story and script of drama weather or not it's suitable for them. 
"Tong-Julawat" drama producer from Chollumpee production,reveal to us that "The production of drama nowadays is consist of 1. The plot that people can understand easily. 2.The trend of drama that should come from fanclub base. 3.Suitable role for actor and actress. From what I understand, there will be many koojin drama next year. Because the channel want this trend. "Nadech-Yaya" or "Boy-Margie" because they go well together and already have fanclub base. We are very welcome If we got a chance to do koojin drama.   
Now "Nadech-Yaya" is very hot as well as many other couple. We have to accept that the drama trend and the industry is like this. It's also happen because of fanclub, that effect drama production and the market too. Now the drama that we are working on is also trying to be on this trend. If the channel want to give koojin to us, if they have time for us that will be good. I heard that they might do it. But for Chollumpee we didn't have it for now, but we want to do koojin drama too."   
Let's look at the director "Somrouy Rakchad" the director of "Kai Warayut" reveal that. "I understand about koojin. If I got koojin actor and actress to work in drama it will have a lot of viewer base. For example, I want "Nadech-Yaya" together but will they have a schedule for me?. From what I know, now when you work in drama that has big star like "Nadech-Yaya, Mark-Kim". Actually we working like a professional and didn't have any pressure but when they are something about koojin we have to listen to it, another thing is that this is a channel policy. That want to see actor and actress with various pairing and look at the suitability too. If you ask whether or not it's good to have koojin in drama? It might be good. But I cannot answer that because it's not a fixed formula to success. But when it's about koojin it will be popular fast."


thanks bubba
i am so glad lakorn producers and directors are aware enough about NY FC demands for more collaborations of NY.......to be honest i admit i am so greedy i want NY lakorns and movies forever (my ultimate bias :coverlaf: ) which is impossible.... but producers should respond to the demands of the public they should STRIKE ....WHILE THE IRON IS HOT in case on NY if they want to be more wealthy(ny and the producers to be rich :scratchhead2: )
i still wish yaya can be paired with Mario but i am possessive of Nadech i want him for yaya only :coverlaf: sorry for being crazy :coverlaf:


sarNie Adult
Awe he looks so handsome with that outfit and hat. Congratulations to Nadech for the RS actors award!!! I will have to come back and finish reading all the posts since I am traveling But I just want to thanK all the ladies who are always do active on her.