[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


Keep On Smiling
yaya kugimiya said:
:cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :cloud9:  :coverlaf:
credits to ka.ta_love _ny
Thanks for sharing na ka.
Yadech's favorite activities......spending quality time together..... :bhehe: :bhehe:

cr:ny preaw
Here are the links to Nadech's cute interview about Salmon pillow.....  Thanks to space4ny for the translation na ka.



thanks bubba
yadech are so funny both are so shy to admit that yaya really hugs the salmon pillow at bedtime whether on the sofa or on her bed :heart:  :kiss3:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf: and nadech is so shy to answer on the question what was the occasion why did he gave yaya a salmon pillow his reaction is priceless dont know what word to say just to avoid the word  :heart: VALENTINES DAY :heart:    :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:  :lmao3:


sarNie Juvenile
Nice Saturday to all ladies,
I did wish the reporters ask Na about his" Ar Sor"
I guess it's his other tricks like before when he made Ya called herself " his girlfriend" in Khonkean word.
We all here had made a lot of guessing of Salmon pillow, we will never know the true meaning, but this one is the most fin and reasonable, meanful explanations I got from Suri's info( NY Sisters), translated by her friend ( "in pantip they interpret the meaning of salmon shaped pillow is a symbol of norway and it's meaning to patience like nadech used to say she is tough girl and finally salmon was eaten by bear hahahahaha"
See the pic below ka

@YK, he was so shy when it's come to Salmon place, my delusional wanted to fill up his full sentence
And Salmon said she's at sofa bed sometime, most of the time, her favorite place is Ya's bed

cr. Space4ny, to the right owners, Suri, Google pic


.: Lady Huo :.
Lol...I get delusional ideas at "finally salmon was eaten by Bear" :lmao:. I was also thinking every time Ya hugs salmon, it's like she is hugging Na :pervie:...a guy giving a teddy bear to a girl is common, our Na is "a man with plans" so salmon present was part of his plans :coverlaf:, a salmon present has more meanings than a stuffed teddy bear & Ya probably have lots of teddy bears already.


sarNie Adult
image: https://igcdn-photos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-19/11324997_753227971442510_1186490951_a.jpg


image: https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e15/11326399_563615677111047_1307069596_n.jpg

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image: https://igcdn-photos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-19/11324997_753227971442510_1186490951_a.jpg
 ka.ta_love_ny Гай, что дамы хотят, чтобы поцеловать больше всего: 
парень, который остается в первом ряду для этого титула не может быть один, кроме этого жаркого актера Nadech Kugimiya, который очень известен, потому что из всех его lakorns а также его Появление что очень красивый, пока мы не можем найти какие-либо плохое место. Кроме того, он имеет очень хорошие личности, так как он всегда относиться к своим ТЭ красиво, как своей собственной семьи. Более того, он также имеет Яя Urassaya как пара Jin в течение многих лет, что делает их прославился не остановить. Мы можем сказать, что вся его деятельность может стать ценным новости; и мы можем увидеть его лицо везде. Так странно, что дамы во все времена действительно хотите, чтобы поцеловать этого парня больше всего. Но они должны спросить Яя сначала, если она позволяет другим женщинам поцеловать ее парень или нет, потому что есть 342 женщин из 1800 респондентов проголосовали за Nadech стать парнем, который дамы хотят, чтобы поцеловать наиболее 2015 года .... #nadech # urassayas #nadechyaya Кр.leeya_ifnt 


Read more at http://websta.me/n/ka.ta_love_ny#c2UZJogZ4yjJ2P8v.99


image: https://igcdn-photos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-19/11324997_753227971442510_1186490951_a.jpg
 ka.ta_love_ny девушку, что, ребята, хотите, чтобы поцеловать больше всего: 2 ранга Яя Urassaya 
Хм ... Популярность этой девушки не хуже, чем ее партнер, потому что среди 2332 мужчин-респондентов всех возрастов в, есть 286 парней проголосовали за нее, что делает ее остается в 2-го ранга в девушку, что ребята хотят, чтобы поцеловать наиболее 2015 года, а ее оценка достаточно высока и далеко от других, назначенных актрис. По причине ее успеха, нам не нужно, чтобы объяснить слишком много, потому что для тех, кто привык смотреть на нее lakorns или следовать ей в IG, они будут знать, как мило это девушка. Кроме того, имея красивый внешний вид, ее характеристика также прекрасный. Хотя она получила дразнили ее пожилых и своих друзей так много раз, мы никогда не видели эту девушку злиться, но она повернулась, чтобы освободить ее чувство очень естественным образом, милый, hittable и teasable. Если это так, те ребята, которые не любят эту девочку бы сумасшедшие ребята, потому что даже дамы сотрудники TOP TEN Таиланд также влюбиться в эту девушку. .... #urassayas #nadech #nadechyaya Cr.leeya_ifnt 


Read more at http://websta.me/n/ka.ta_love_ny#c2UZJogZ4yjJ2P8v.99


it's okey MsZoe it is his property any ways i remember Saichon when kissing Nangfa at the swing in GRGR...in every kiss he made to Nangfa's body part  he said ......this is mine.....this is mine :pervie:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


.: Lady Huo :.
Haha...you think it was part of the lakorn's script or Saichon added it in? :coverlaf:. The little boy is cute but for Mr. Mango, his Watermelon is cuter, his eyes are glued to hers :loool:.

yaya kugimiya said:
it's okey MsZoe it is his property any ways i remember Saichon when kissing Nangfa at the swing in GRGR...in every kiss he made to Nangfa's body part  he said ......this is mine.....this is mine :pervie:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


Ms.Zoe said:
Haha...you think it was part of the lakorn's script or Saichon added it in? :coverlaf:. The little boy is cute but for Mr. Mango, his Watermelon is cuter, his eyes are glued to hers :loool:.
your delusional thoughts sre so cute :coverlaf:  :lmao3:.....but in reality yadech during GRGR were at getting to know stage that time but much closer compared during DJA wherein they both said they were like strangers yadech friendship only started to become deeper during GRGR :wub: but in DJA there was a scene when Fai kissed Jeed twice that it looks so unscripted because the situation does not call for more than one kisses i guess Barry was just a very good actor or it could be that Barry really started to get attracted to Yaya eversince in DJA....my conclusion is ...... Yadech romance officilally begun during TNNKK my evidence is yadech are not dating someone else but themselves  and no one could ever dare to hit/court on yaya....omg these two are making us crazy :rofl:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


Mae Pla is celebrating her bithday ......so i am expecting anytime soon the Kugimiya family and Sperbund family will have a dinner together or it could be the two moms together with yadech and yadech's assistants :scratchhead2:
:hapbday: to mommy Pla  :bdaycake:  :bdaycake:  :bdaycake: thank you for raising yaya a good and a beautiful lady :wub:


sarNie Adult
Thank you ladies for all the beautiful pictures. I am ready to watch them onscreen again. ❤ Hope everyone has been well.


.: Lady Huo :.
How I wish I could read Barry's mind about this to find the answer to our question/suspicion :coverlaf:. If he started finding Yaya attractive during DJA time then he must be happy every time he gets to see & act with her. This could explain the extra kiss :pervie:, I would not blame him because Yaya was cute, adorable & had the youthful beauty in DJA :coverlaf:. Yes lol, just an extra reason why TNNKK is my favorite lakorn in general as well as my favorite NY lakorn :lol:. As I get to know more about Barry, he strikes me as "a man with plans" :coverlaf: like when he wants something, he will plan his ways to get it :ghehe:.

yaya kugimiya said:
your delusional thoughts sre so cute :coverlaf:  :lmao3:.....but in reality yadech during GRGR were at getting to know stage that time but much closer compared during DJA wherein they both said they were like strangers yadech friendship only started to become deeper during GRGR :wub: but in DJA there was a scene when Fai kissed Jeed twice that it looks so unscripted because the situation does not call for more than one kisses i guess Barry was just a very good actor or it could be that Barry really started to get attracted to Yaya eversince in DJA....my conclusion is ...... Yadech romance officilally begun during TNNKK my evidence is yadech are not dating someone else but themselves  and no one could ever dare to hit/court on yaya....omg these two are making us crazy :rofl:  :coverlaf:  :coverlaf:


sarNie Juvenile
lol love you too, little handsome kid,  
Reveal the little boy in the clip "Nadech's little FC crying so hard love P'Nadech in the heart". His parent has to brought him to see P'Nadech on the way back to Bangkok yesterday at Khonkean Airport  The first time that he saw P'Nadech walking by. "He was a little bit surprise, he keep looking at P'Nadech and smiled. Feeling shy to meet P'Nadech that he love with all his heart". P'Nadech took a photo with him too, he hug P'Nadech leg so tight. His heart will be so happy to see his hero, happier than seeing Ultraman...so adorable ha ha ha  I remember after he took a photo with P'Nadech, he didn't go anywhere, he was there looking at P'Nadech taking a photo with another FC. He is so cute, I was teasing him "Hello little Nadech, you are handsome na" and he smiled at me. So, now you have already met P'Nadech don't forget to be a good boy to your mum and your dad. Don't cry again na. 


Cr.seng_khonkaen, as tagged, corlean, translated by Space4ny