[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Adult
@ candy. Omg, the ring changes around Yaya's fingers with in ONE single day!!! 5555
What is she trying to tell us??? Lol...


Live Love Laugh
@ candy. Omg, the ring changes around Yaya's fingers with in ONE single day!!! 5555
What is she trying to tell us??? Lol...
It was on an index or pointer finger in the morning, it was on the middle finger in the afternoon, and finally on the ring finger in the evening.

I'm curious too why she kept switching the ring around her fingers.


sarNie Juvenile
@ candy. Omg, the ring changes around Yaya's fingers with in ONE single day!!! 5555
What is she trying to tell us??? Lol...
It was on an index or pointer finger in the morning, it was on the middle finger in the afternoon, and finally on the ring finger in the evening.

I'm curious too why she kept switching the ring around her fingers.
Lol, she have something hiding from us. Hehehe, but it's ok, we all know she just wanna kept it low. Haha


sarNie Adult
LOL @ nadech's hair, i cant stop laughing, sometimes i wonder if it's the same person that i love or it's actually nadech's twin heh
all pics credit to Nadechworld
The real Nadech
Nadech's drop-dead handsome twin brother

But this the one main reason why i love nadech, he is always genuine and never afraid to show his true self!!


sarNie Egg
LOL ya'll been talking about the ring. Here's the ring on her fingers. :)

Credits: Nadech Yaya FB​
OMG...This ring...There is sth strange about this ring...I'm surely about that :woot2: ....Because if not, why Yaya has to change finger like this ....hahaha:)...Maybe we can hope, can exult inwardly about sth......that we - Yadechers looked forward...It's possible, isn't it ??? ^ - ^. Thank u so much Candyfruit....Love this pic

@ Bubbles8: Like you, I really love Nadech because himself-his reality image. I love his wonderful image of him in magazines, lankorns, events....but love him more in real life although sometimes it's ridiculous a little bit :))....But it's not important....His true self always be the best....Maybe it's the way he wants to show his love for fans...Live with his self..show real image...and never prove to be super star...It's real love he wants to give his beloved fans, isn'it??? ^^

Here more pics I like

Love the way NY coax Ella to stop crying...so kute >....<

More pic of Mea Keaw - She "takes care of" her "future daughter-in- law" again ^ ^

Love every moment NY see each other and smile together like this.....Love..love..so much :))

Credit: Nadech&Yaya home at Pantip Fb


sarNie Adult
@ callayuki. Lol...You want to know the reason why baby Ella won't stop crying, look at her butt. she has a tight
wedgy. LMAO....I would be crying to if I had one. It is so uncomfortable. Yadech is to damn cute just making faces
at baby Ella to make her stop crying, but It didn't work do to the wedgy. :coverlaf: :coverlaf: :coverlaf:

And look at this. Nadech is trying to be sneaky with his hand. Nadech ja, you just got caught trying to put
your hands on top of your n'sao hand. Lol...Na rak mak mak!

credit: NY Home fb

Nadech's new photoshoot! Priew Magazine Vol.32 no.699 November 2012
So SEXY!!!!

credit: NadechYaya.com fb


FF Writer!! Love it!
Damn the picures r hot!! Is it burning in here or is it just me? Lol am i the only one who thinks these pictures or hot? Hahaha lol :)


Live Love Laugh
Thanks, Kenann fan for the MV clips. I really like the song of the first clip; it is called One Hundred Thousand, One Million Minutes. I especially like the part that said, I want to let the whole world knows that in this life I give my heart to you.

I love the part where Yaya spoke Nadech's hometown dialect. She said she loves Esan people very much, then she said Ai lor lor (he is very good looking). Ai is an Esan or Laos word used to call a man who is older than oneself. I don't know if she was referring to Nadech or not, but let's just say that she was referring to him that he is very good looking. He then whispered to her to say another Esan words but I didn't quite get it.

cool :)

sarNie Adult
sorry to just butt in but,dang y is nadech so frekin smexy in that mag ??! lol


sarNie Adult
@ kia. You are not the only one who thinks the pictures are damn Hot. Count me in on that. ;)

@ vimalee. I seriouly love the first mv as well. I can understand most of the lyric, but there are
still some words I still can't quite understand. But the lyrics to the song is indeed very good. It
matches them in my point of view. :)

I truely thinks she is talking about Nadech. 5555 Everyone have their own imagination.
So it depends on how you would think. Lol...

@ cool :). There's no need to be sorry. You are welcome to join us when ever you want. And
Nadech is damn sexy for sure! :D


sarNie Adult
Nadech and his mom really taking good care of Yaya at the merits. They treat her as a special person. Yadech is getting closer and closer.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
Man, this is the closest i have seen Nadech and Yaya together in a LOOONG time. There is no restraining, no hiding. Has their relationship progressed a further a little more.....


sarNie Egg
Here to share a couple of clips i got of facebook!

You can see Mae Keaw tying string around Yaya's wrist here and i think the emcee was teasing Yadech about getting married? Reminded me of TNNK, when Athit and Nee had strings tied around their wrists by Athit's parents to bless their wedding/marriage! You can see Yaya looked so sheepish, she even turned to look at Nadech. TOO CUTE!
Link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=558134744212652
Credit: Video shared by Iba Jubjib on Nadech&Yaya Home at Pantip @ Facebook

Another video, of when P'Por (a patient that Nadech and his family once visited) came for the event. You can see Nadech holding Yaya's hands as she came down from the stage.
Credit: Video shared by Yesterday Onemore on Nadech&Yaya Home at Pantip @ Facebook

Okay last one, a lovely MV i found on FB also. At the start, this famous female comedy actress (acted as a teacher in Mario's A little thing called love) said she really liked Yadech as a couple. She said that since Nadech likes cute girls, he should seriously consider making Yaya his girlfriend :D I love it when people in the ET support them to date srsly haha.
Credit: Neung2522 @ Youtube

ENJOY! (:)