[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Egg
@nykim, @bubba Thank two u so much for the translations!!!  :kiss2:  You really did a great job!!!
After reading their interviews, I'm actually on the cloud as u guys! I think I'm on the top floor now! Though they still called each other as brother-sister, the way they described each other's interests, characters and spec is really sweet! They definitely know each other very well! Everyone could see they were describing themselves when talking about the other's spec like me, right? :dance2: Na rak makkkkkkkkk!!!!!!
And about Na's first love, it is so admirable!!! I know nothing about love until I got 15!!! :cry: Yet Na ja, we do care much more about ur "last love" na ja!!! :dance1:
Love this pic, give u guys!!! Na always love teasing his Nong!!!  :dance1:  Have an enjoyable evening na kha!!! (I don't know whether it is evening in ur country or not) :D
Cre: Barry Yaya


sarNie Adult
@bubba - Once again, thank you for the translation! I can't believe Nadech's first crush was in kindergarten (mine was the 2nd grade), haha.

@luloveyaya - Thanks for your effort in trying to find out what "khem khem" means! You're so sweet to do that! Let us both agree it means manly/sexy! Lol. Anyway, thank you for helping translate what Nadech was saying at the 4+1 concert!!! I watched that clip of them performing a million times and I always wonder what they were talking about at the end. If you can help me out a little bit, what was Yaya saying when she wiped his chin and went "Owww!" Did she ask him if he was nervous? Because I know towards the end Nadech said "Standing next to P'Poh (?) my heart was fine, and now standing next to you it goes beep beep beep." Hahaha.
If anyone can help translate what Yadech was saying @5:37 that would be great! I've been trying to figure it out for the months! I understand some parts of it. Well no need to translate the whole conversation. Only when Nadech turns his head towards Yaya to ask her a question, and when Yaya wiped his chin.
Also this was the very first time I saw Yaya being "sexy"...I can't believe how easily she can go from being cute to being sexy! This girl and Nadech are both the same, they can turn on/off their sexiness whenever they want with no problem!


sarNie Adult
@meo are you still up there? please come down already lol. yes, we are more concern about nadech's last love than his first hehe... ^^
after reading the translated article, i can only come to a conclusion - that both yadech admire each other a lot hahaha... 
cr: @mark_prin cr : @kanphon 

is he stuffing his mouth with food? how cute! 

cr: @mairatchda

daily dose of visual shock ^^


sarNie Juvenile
Neezy said:
@bubba - Once again, thank you for the translation! I can't believe Nadech's first crush was in kindergarten (mine was the 2nd grade), haha.

@luloveyaya - Thanks for your effort in trying to find out what "khem khem" means! You're so sweet to do that! Let us both agree it means manly/sexy! Lol. Anyway, thank you for helping translate what Nadech was saying at the 4+1 concert!!! I watched that clip of them performing a million times and I always wonder what they were talking about at the end. If you can help me out a little bit, what was Yaya saying when she wiped his chin and went "Owww!" Did she ask him if he was nervous? Because I know towards the end Nadech said "Standing next to P'Poh (?) my heart was fine, and now standing next to you it goes beep beep beep." Hahaha.
If anyone can help translate what Yadech was saying @5:37 that would be great! I've been trying to figure it out for the months! I understand some parts of it. Well no need to translate the whole conversation. Only when Nadech turns his head towards Yaya to ask her a question, and when Yaya wiped his chin.
Also this was the very first time I saw Yaya being "sexy"...I can't believe how easily she can go from being cute to being sexy! This girl and Nadech are both the same, they can turn on/off their sexiness whenever they want with no problem!
Hi, I can give you answer now because I got this version in Vietnamese from one of our fellows from Vietnam , I will put her video here as credit na ^^
from 6: 35

Yaya and Nadech: is it ok? ( asking audience about their performances)

Audience: OK

Yaya: Thank you ka

Nadech: First of all, Thank you Yaya for spending your time here to join this concert tonight.

Yaya : Thank you ka.

Nadech: Today, you're so beautiful

Yaya: make cute sound ( love her), Thank you ka.

Nadech: I normally do not say this often to Nong but I have to admit that you're so beautiful tonight * look at Yaya*

Yaya: Thank you

Nadech:  Since the beginning, I was very happy because when I asked you to be my guest, you said you will come here becauce of P' Nadech, right ?

Yaya: It's correct. But Yaya also come here because of CH3 Fan and everyone here tonight ka

P'Nadech, are you excited? You are sweating a lot and then she " wee wee" haha

Nadech: You can taste it too ( Nadech, what do you mean ? lol)

My heart was not beating this hard when I was with P'Po, but now standing with Nong Yaya, my heart is like " pum pum pum"

THank you so much for coming today. Please cheer for Nong Yaya everyone

Yaya: Thank you so much
I'm not good in translating, but please enjoy it na haha


sarNie Adult
Neezy said:
@bubba - Thanks for the translation!!! I know you may not think it's much but just by knowing it says "Nadech and Yaya 4 Years of Loving Each Other" is enough for me!!! I can't believe it has been that long!!! I wish them to be friends always! <3

@tippytoes @m9 @mrschum @falada @queenyeon - A big thanks to all you guys for the video and pics!!!

@kittiya - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Wish you all the best! :)

@keylargo @vimalee @huanzhu AKA "The Oxygen Rescue Team" - Thanks for always being there to help translate as well! You guys are the best!

 thank u so much .... :scooter: :scooter:


sarNie Adult
@nee yes she asked if he was nervous! and in between they were talking about tnnkk ^^
@lu thank you for the translation!! you did an awesome job :)  i saw from chinese sub, he really did tell her to taste it lol! 


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
Wow......thanks everyone for sharing.   Love the Oops magazine, Yadech are so sweet!!! 
@ keylargo,  I know right.  I very want that magazine too.
@huanzhu, no worry.....we'll be there ASAP.....just got up from fainting myself  from  all of Yadech's sweetness overloaded  :coverlaf:  , have to get keylargo and Vimalee from cloud9 :cloud9: .  And, we'll be on our way to the rescue na :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: .
@queenyeon, thanks for sharing.  Sorry, me and my 4 eyes can't see the tiny words clearly.  Anybody with eagle eyes like tippy can help?  But, I can read the BIG title that stated,  Nadech & Yaya 4 years that loving each other.   Gotta love that :heart: .
Thanks for the link.
This clip of the Lays @ SOS Children's Village Thailand is so touching.    It's the moments of the Lays family that filled with pride and love.    Yadech are so beautiful inside and out.  Gotta love them!!!
sweetness &  :wub:  :cloud9:  level is high after seeing Yadech pict from Oops Magazine. don know what will happen after the magazine out . fainting LOL .


sarNie Adult
queenyeon said:
Oxygen tank group? You guys are so cuuuute! 
Thanks Bubba! Has it been over 4 years already? 
2010-2011-2012-2013....dang time sure flies! Wow and they're still as hot as before! what can I say...lol LONG LIVE TO YADECH  :cheer: 
[н̲̅e̲̅н̲̅e̲̅н̲̅e̲̅] :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: :scooter:  u should join us bcuz if we all in :cloud9: and fainted no one will rescue us ... :pervie:


sarNie Adult
keylargo said:
hi bubba huanzhu im just so glad u r both back full scale !!! sure was empty while u were away ! we have da best oxy team around built from strength, leadership and most of all love !!! i love my oxy team !!! vimalee huanzhu bubba u guys lead and i'll tread gladly ! we hve 2 prep ourselves cos i suspect once rs starts we'll b busy wif rescue operation ! bubba dearest ill always love 4 u 2 join me during yadechs c9 moments, huanzhu and vimalee 2 !!!
:thumbsup: :scooter: :scooter: :scooter: :scooter:  right now am afraid we all will faint 1st before we can rescue another yadechers!... hahahaha & Yadech always make us in :cloud9:


sarNie Adult
bubba said:
Here's the link to Nadech & Yaya recent news.
Credit: sanook.com
ณเดชน์ ญาญ่า ทริปหวานที่เยอรมัน อิตาลี

Here's a translation:
Nadech Yaya on a sweet trip to Germany - Italy
Nadech & Yaya is a koo jin who have the most fanclubs.  Many ppl both inside and outside the industry like them and want them to be more than koo jin.  Recently, the couple holding hands went on a sweet trip to Germany and Italy for the magazine shoot, Traveler Companion  (expected the magazines to be sold out) where they're working and vacationing.  Mae Pla and Mae Keaw also went on the trip with them.  It seems like a very warm family indeed.
Don't know if this beloved couple is a koo jin  Oh!  or a real couple.  The pictures of the trip were so sweet and guk-gik for us to see each day.  They are natural without the stylist telling them to post.  They're so sweet and cute.
are they talking about each other :pervie: :bhehe: :wink: ...........no need to explain cuz we knew it already :spin: :drool: :clap: :crush:


sarNie Adult
nykim said:
@bubba, thanks for the translation! Yadech is sure loved by many, and who wouldn't't want them to be real couple?!!

@vimalee, I would try my best to translate some info in the oppss magazine.. Pls help me add some other info if I miss out heheh..

From ' dunangjai Akkanee' is 4 years ard that you two are koo Jin.

Nadech: from the first day to today, me and nong yaya is pee nong(bro/sis) that still love and care for each other and never become lesser, even knows each other's heart and feel more connected, just the same as someone in the family. :)

Yaya: yes right. one of the reason is because our mum are close, both Mae blah Mae keaw like to do merits, and always brought us and our fan clubs to do merits tgt, is a family that is so warmth, p nadech is more than koojin ka(smile) ( aww.. Am so shy with this Heheh..)

This period nadech likes to grow mouth starch vs fresh-face, yaya prefer which one more?

Yaya: truthfully, handsome guy does whatever is still ok, once in a while p nadech grows mouth starch, I think he looks khem khem( I duno how to translate this hehe, maybe fierce/serious?) and pretty cool, I almost kritttttt or scream haha(being a fan gal lolz yaya)
but if without it, he looks fresh, likes a Korean, kawayii!!(laugh) soooooo handsome! ( haha yaya simply spazzzzzz abt how handsome her bro Is!!)

Nadech: nong yaya also the same krubbbb,beautiful girl does whatever still looks good(smile) she is a type of gal with many personality. Being sweet, being priew( not sure to trnslatr this too) and can change to being cool, and then just like like a kid, ting tong( being silly) and also a little kii onn(not sure how to say this in Eng too) so cute krub.

Random things I've just read here and there in the ooopps mag.. Hmm nadech wanted to play boo(action) with yaya.. Coz wanted to protect nang ek( always so sweet)

Nong yaya: p nadech is a king of project ka( I think she meant his random activites) lots of projects! From photography,play ukulele ,ride motorbikes, the latest one, wake board. He has so much talent, whatever he does turns out all good, so handsome and also so smart.

P nadech: thank you krub, but it's even better, P wanted YA to go play wake board tgt, it's really fun, called ya to go many times but always rejecting, scare turning dark, big muscles,etc.. No idea why so scare of that....... Just being like this is toooooooooo cute ard!!! ( lmao!!!)

The most finnnnnnnnn soot soot!! Heheh
Since you two know each other heart so well, tell abt each other's ideal type.

Nong yaya: P nadech is a person that loves his mum and family a lot, his type/his girl must be a person who loves and take care of family, the most important must be able to get along with his family, age must be about the same, so can understand each other better. Looks no need to be that special, but just someone with a kind heart is enough ard.

P nadech: spec/ideal type of nong yaya must be a gentleman krub, love family, can take care of her, is a good person, and abt looks, beautiful like this must suitable with someone good looking krubbbbbbb. (ahhhhhhhh!! Am in heaven rite now hahah)
:thanks: so much for the translation !!! OMG U make my day . seldom see u here w/ long comment. glad to see u back and make all of us in :spin: :arrg: :drool:


sarNie Adult
MrsChum said:
Ladies??? Where's all the Yadech patrol officers at??? Need a lots of oxygen tank plssss!

Thank you @m9 for the pic! Nadech really do look HOT in those pic. Love both of the recent photoshoot of him. Nadech is coming back with his hotness Ladies!

@nykim, now I can't go back to reading Christian Grey POV. I'm all excited for Yadech, can't concentrate on my reading anymore.....hehe ;)
MrsChum !!!!  I almost don recognize u cuz u changed ur DP. we coming to rescue u but before that I need my team to resume me 1st Hahahahahahahahahahahhahaha totally in :wub:  after read all the translation  & comments


sarNie Adult
keylargo said:
@nykim thanks a mil 4 translating, its pure joy reading !!! full of sweetness and obviously yadech r referring 2 themselves !!! appreciate your time and efforts nykim !!!
@m9 love yr thai skills, sounds fluent and confident 2 me, u'll be prepped when u visit TH !! thank u 4 gorgeous pic m9, drooling im !!!
@falada thank u 4 yr dedication wif so many pics and vdo, appreciate it falada !
@mc im in need of oxy as well but no worries recovering fast !!! oxy team gotta b ready at all times 4 this special task !!!  ok njoy cg pov after this mc !!!
@vimalee i agree they r referring 2 themselves, happiness and stars 4 me !!!
oh vimalee im so glad mc is in oxy team now, shes 1 2 b reckon wif and a v welcome member 2 hv !!! Welcome on board MC, glad u r officially team oxy now !!! 
eh ...I thought MrsChum always in our team .... :scratchhead2: 
@keylargo this time I think u need to rescue me 1st na  :scooter:  :scooter:  :scooter:  ....cuz we the nearest . am totally in :wub: :cloud9:  now ...don know how many comments I already replied hahhahahahhahaaa :lol2:


sarNie Egg
Oh My!!!! Thank you all for sharing!!! I just came back from my vacation and look how far I have to catch up. I can't stop smiling, my cheeks are hurting from smiling ears to ears. Thank you all for sharing, I appreciated very much. you all did a wonderful job. I love yadech so much and I can't wait for RFTD..... I'm waiting patiently and I know it will be worth the wait. as of right I 'll just have to re watch DJA, GRGR and TRNNKK ....... my husband think I'm crazy cause I can't stop smiling at the monitor.( when ever i read about yadech)  LOL...... :woot:  :woot2:  :woot:  :woot2:  :woot:  :woot2:  :woot: