[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Egg
bubba said:
Thanks Falada, m9, MrsChum for sharing pictures and clip na.  Yaya is so beautiful and Nadech is so hot!!

Here's the translation of the captions ja.
It was so cute how they warm up before cooking!!
Nadech:    I’m ready to tease/pick on Yaya krub.
Rabbit:     Ehhhhh!Nadech:    Just kidding.   I meant I’m ready to work krub.
Rabbit:      No excuse.   Too late.Nadech:     Something stuck in your teeth, Yaya.
Bear:           So she really looks.
Yaya:            I don’t see anything   (Nadech’s laughing so hard)
Nadech:      There really is.
@0:50        Yaya:            Amen…….whoever lies, may he  @#%$#@!!#@
                    (Nadech sweats)
                    (Yaya blows flour at Nadech)
Rabbit:       Yay…….get him back.Nadech:      Is this lime ripe yet?
@1:35Yaya:            Must get revenge  (Yaya smirks)
Rabbit:        OK
Yaya:            Dangerous!!!
Rabbit:        Strong danger radiating……

Nadech:      Today we really had fun.
Rabbit:        Did you ask Yaya?
LOL at the end, when Nadech didn’t let  the director hugs Yaya.  Then the director said,  “Ohhhh……I understand"
Thankssss a bunch, @Bubba, OMG ur my new idol now hehehe! I really appreciate your help, as i know how long it would take u to remember and translate each caption! Fighting ja ;)
@Sasha, i have the same thoughts as you, in every BTS that i have seen, there would alw be Nadech trying to make fun of Yaya :D his life would be so boring without teasing his Nong :p
@meo: thanks meo for all your lovely pic, i love how you attach them together <3 hihi private question, r u the admin of NYVFanpage? I love that page very much, and i appreciate the efforts that your team has dedicated to Yadech ;)
@keylargo: i love your signature very much, isnt that scene from Duanjai akkannee?! I just finished that lakorn last week, and cant get it off my mind!!! Yadech is so sweet together :heart: :heart:


sarNie Juvenile
There is 2 topic that they ask yaya about, the first one is about the picture that mae'kaew posted on yaya when it was mothers Day and the other one is the topic of nadech ''throwing'' away a doremon doll that his fan gave to him. 
About the picture that mae'keaw posted on IG yaya answered that she looks up to Mae'keaw a lot and the reporters said that people were wondering if this was a thing like a ''daughter in law'' thing for yaya to do, and yaya said no, no and then she said that she did it to others elder as well. She then said that she went just to kraap/wai. 
As for the topic about nadech throwing away the Doremon doll yaya said that she doesn't know about it, then the reporters ask if nadech likes/loves the things the fans give him and yaya said yes, no matter how much he is carrying he will always take what the fans give him and she said she thinks he might have forgotten it.  And then the reporters said : nadech isn't the person who throws the fans things away right? and yaya said: no he isn't like that at all. 
Some things it to hard to for me to translate to English, so if I missed something bubba or vimalee please help na ka :D 


sarNie Oldmaid
hi cookiies thank u 4 yr time translating, appreciate it ! love yr new pro pic, so serenely beautiful yaya is !
thank u dami its a scene from dja n thanks 2 my lovely angel 4 creating it ! i love how nadech tenderly holds her neck n plant kisses on her n yaya accepting sweetly n happily ! shes so beautiful wif her hair up ! hi tippy i love my new siggy, thanks alot!


sarNie Adult
Credits: NadechYaya @ Pantip & BarryYa
























LOL...It's like Yaya is holding Nadech and her child.  :woot2:  :dance1:

Thanks everyone for posting in pictures and updates and videos!
@Sasha Thanks and your welcome. :D
@Key Thanks! :D


sarNie Adult
m9saeteurn1 said:
Good Morning Everyone! Thank You for posting all these wonderful pictures and videos. I love how Nadech look so good serious/mad in the filiming of Rising Sun.
Cr: As Tagged
Looks like she is off to Japan. Her and her glasses matches Nadech very well! hehe

So dreamy in these BJ Jean pictures!

Hehe, such a dork!



sarNie Adult
keylargo said:
Hi falada thanks 4 lovely pic n vdo, yaya is so good wif kidz, little boy loves her 2, dozing on her, so sweet ! much thanks 4 gif! HAK
Your welcome! :D LOL Yaya is. And love her for it. 


yaya is getting similar to nadech i wonder if she's goofy like this even(prior to dja) before meeting nadech or could be due to their constant pairing yaya was influenced by nadech unconciously lol!or a bfgf instinct  :heart:  :heart:  :heart: she's seems so proud of her engagement ring (call me crazy who cares she's hinting anyways lol!)


cookiies said:
There is 2 topic that they ask yaya about, the first one is about the picture that mae'kaew posted on yaya when it was mothers Day 
About the picture that mae'keaw posted on IG yaya answered that she looks up to Mae'keaw a lot and the reporters said that people were wondering if this was a thing like a ''daughter in law'' thing for yaya to do, and yaya said no, no and then she said that she did it to others elder as well. She then said that she went just to kraap/wai. 
thanks cookiies 
sorry to cut your post,
yaya doesnt owe us an explaination when reporters open the topic about her visiting nadech's house to pay due respect to mai keaw on mother's day because it is already understood the more the reporters ask yaya the more she will deny it.which is expected already.sometimes i'm so annoyed with some reporters questions so unnecessary and boring .why not ask her directly if yaya is in a relationship or currently in love with somebody so that we can see her facial reaction when she deny it lol! :woot:  :woot:


i'm so glad seeing this solid evidence old picture from previous pages that yadech really used to sit next to each other in the aircraft during their bali trip and merits together. :heart:  :heart:  :heart: thanks to kenann fan


Keep On Smiling
@dami, you're welcome ja.
@cookiies, thanks for the translation.  You did a great job!!! :thumbsup:
@Falada, MrsChum, meo, Salenayaya, c1ndy,m9, thanks for sharing pics, clips, &  info.
@yk, Sasha, Neezy, keylargo, thanks for wonderful comments.  Love your evidence @yk.
Aren't they cute????


cr:as tagged


sarNie Adult
Hello everyone & thank you for all your effort! Thank you for the pictures, translations, opinions, clips & videos. I agree that Yaya does not need to give us any explanation as we already know why! ;) lol
I think it's so obvious the two care deeply for one another & that satisfied my heart already.


sarNie Egg
@Falada, MrsChum:  :thanks: for all ur cute pics!!! Yaya look so adorable. But I think she looks not well, tired. :(
Thanks evey1 for sharing pics, clips and cmts!  :heart:
Some cute pics of NYVNFanpage :D
The professional photographer is taking photo for his girl!  :heart:

Love the caption in this pic!  :kiss3:

I'm dreaming abt a happy wedding.....

....and an unforggetable honey moon.....  :heart:

The short clip of Yaya:
Cre: Sprite Boon