[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Egg
 Hi everyone, long time i can come back to talk with people here.
Regarding the change of Ya's fan page can say Ya was betrayed.
I do not know all the reasons, but one reason I know that is: One Admin have wanted tobe manager of Ya, but M' Pla didn't
agree, so this Admin turned traitor Ya and support Patricial. I also heard this Admin posted pictures of Patricial at Ya's fan page.
That is all what I heard. If i wrong expect people to comment.
Our girls were very strong and fair play. Let's support to Nong Ya na kha! With love we can rebuild all, right?
About the picture with shirt have "Light house", it is not couple shirt. It is shirt for all employees in the crew Thoranee. You can check it in bottom pic



sarNie Adult
Hello Clacken! Hope you are doing well! Thxs for more info on the situations. Poor our Yaya! She has many fans so we all know she'll be alright.
@Jess I remember that. That's so sweet. He even said she was cute on one of her picture to an event ;) ❤❤❤
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sarNie Adult
@clacken   thanks for letting us know much more details :flowers: :flowers: , if it was true, i have to say this admin is really stupid for what she did :thumbdown: . so hope pat's mom could let her be pat's manager....lol!! :coverlaf:
and for the t shirt, lol, i knew it was for all crews in tnnkk time :pervie: and i guess that some of us have already discussed it  here b4?! dont remember the time . i just credit it from some ny fans fb, and i think the point there is not that t shirt......it is everything they have chosen is similar... :bhehe:
@pinky    i've heard about yadech and pantip, but i dont know much details....can u tell me or pm me what was going on there?


sarNie Oldmaid
thank u lu nett m9 bubba charlenem 4 all beautiful pic
hsdsfan nett vimalee charlenem clacken thanks 4 informing yayas new fan site...feel sorry 4our girl lets all love n support her even more, truly she deserves every bit of our love, at least mine !


Live Love Laugh
Even though the contest for the Sudsapda hug-able guy and gal is not over yet, but still

to Nadech and Yaya for winning the IG votes for the hug-able guy and gal...!!!
and :thanks:so much everyone for making this happened...!!!


Live Love Laugh
Another big Congratulations are in order.
October 11th, Nadech and Yaya will attend and receive the 11th Anniversary Seventeen Awards.
October 28th, Nadech and Yaya will attend and receive the OK 2013 Awards.
Agreed with bubba, we should declare October 2013, the national Yadech FIN and JIN month...!!!

credit:  NY Family at Pantip FB


sarNie Oldmaid
Congrats 2yadech, so happy 4them they deserve totally! thanks so much vimalee, happy news indeed!

im so looking forward 2yadech togetherness 2day n its da entire day, v awesome !


sarNie Adult
Oh wow! I am so happy for them. I can't wait to see what they will wear & what Nadech will say this time haha lol Yay forYadech!!!! Thanks Vimalee for the good news ❤

Pinky & Bubba, is that Yaya? It does & does not look like her? Lol


sarNie Oldmaid
So that was all that urassaya.com thing was about. That's crazy if that is real. The admin wants to be Yaya's manager..pshhh...please. If Ae can't even get Yaya to switch over to be under his management, what make you think she'll be under yours.

Anyways I know no one has said anything bad at all, but I want to ask n advance to not be anti-Patricia. She seem like a really sweet girl.


sarNie Adult
Mey , I don't think is yaya cuz not sure if u can endorsed two car deal .. Yaya is with Honda . Remember during one of their phone event ? They were giving a Honda away , na wasn't on stage with ya to give the key to the winner .


sarNie Hatchling
I'm so excited right now...guess what !!!
It's october the 3rd, they must be getting ready for doing merit right now, cos it's 7.45 and jakarta-bangkok has the same time...
@nett those pics u've shared melt my heart..so sweeeeet of them together heheh
@bubba ... yaya is cute almost all the time ... no wonder she has so many 'secret admirer'
@vimalee..auw so nadech has IG accounts too...I just knew about this..and he always changes accounts ... I can see how annoying some fans are to him but hopefully he will still love his fans forever
@charlene I know how u feel..and I just wanna say that we can't blame people for changing when all they do just follow their heart but as for me I choose yaya better not just because of her work and how multitalented she is, it comes to me later on. The first thing make me start to like her is her personality. She's always charming and that make people so easily to love her. And it's not only work to yaya but also to nadech. So that's why I won't easily change my heart to another stars. As for other people just let them be true to their own heart. As for us just let continue cheering this thread and make this as a sweet and most comfortable place for yadechers, ok na...
@pinky : really??? he called yaya that way...auuuuww so sweet...pinky ka, I wanna know too what happen between nadech and pantip..heheh..so please tell us here not just pm to charlene 
@clacken nice info and glad to meet u here...
@m9 thx for the pics, ryu is always handsome...hahah..I'm so bias.
@key u are right..let us being a supportive fans to yadech and make them love us back...hope u have a wonderfull day today
@bubba nadech really handsome in those mazda ads 
and dont forget to vote via website..everyone su su na ka !!!


sarNie Hatchling
Thanks vimalee for the award update. Wow, more fin days.

Welcome back clacken. It's ok to have many actor/actress under same admin but they should at least manage in a sensible way and not to have more of pat and less of yaya. If it is true that M'Pla reject the admin to be ya manager and end up anti ya. This is really immature of them.

Charlenem, we love yaya, we love nadech, we love yadech. We heart them. We will stick together and never change. At least for me. I am the one .. once love something will stick all the way..hahahahha
Glad that NDW post yaya new website for support. Even her buddies margie and kim follow suit.

m9, thanks for your picture too. ^^

fyi, yadech picture always melt out heart, ^^

bubba, seemed the lady is not yaya in the mazda ad

kashie, it is unavoidable for some yaya fans to be anti-pat with this saga happening. They have a sense of the betrayal feeling and all anger and frustration pour out at pat cos' she is the cause of the whole thing. For me, I am neutral to pat. I will not anti-pat. Lol. My heart is all with yadech.

I am glad that yaya has a new website. This show the admin here are true yaya fans. As for the admin that go for pat. They changed heart so easily. Who know one day they may did the same thing to pat.

To all yadecher, we must stay strong and stick together just like the sudsapda voting which make them the winner for IG voting. Focus now is website voting. su su na.


sarNie Hatchling
I feel sorry for Nong na. This is the second time that she's been betrayed by her fan club and had to change her website. Right now Yaya has exams and media are always intentionally trying to defame her image. This is the moment where she needs moral encouragement and support from her fans the most but yet they choose to abandon her. That's quite cruel if you ask me and to think that these are the same people who claimed to love her wholeheartedly. On the brighter side, it's good that the admin has left while it's not too late. Imagine if they continued to manage Yayaurasssaya.com, they would only prolong the matter and hurt Yaya even more. Consider it as a new beginning for a new upcoming year. As for Pat, everyone has their own right whether they want to like her or not. 


sarNie Adult
It's sad to hear all this negative thing happening to Yaya. Why everytime when Nadech have new lakorn with other n'ek or Yaya having exam, there's always drama. I'm curious on what Yaya do to those ppl to have them betrayed her like that.
For me I will always support Yaya no matter what. She will always stay in my heart and Yadech will always be my koojin......will jin and fin them always. No other couple can make feel all giddy and have butterfly in my stomach like Yadech do!

:thanks: everyone for all the pic and update. Esp the info about Yaya fc info.


sarNie Adult
I'm glad they changed Admin when they did. It sound so immature. Her mother is her manager & they should just leave it as is. Why push it? I wonder is that why Nadech don't wanna act with other actresses bkos it causes his Nong Sao drama? Lol j/kidding but I can't help but to agree with MrsChum. Hopefully Nadech is right by her side telling her it's okay ;)