well 1 pic must have 4 people ...so that how it turn up.yaya kugimiya said:thanks huanzu
to be honest i dont like their calendar photoshoot concept.why not yadech and mariopat will shoot separately and unite in dec and january.it would be better if yadech have their own months and same with mariopat.just saying my opinion :rant: :rant: :rant:
i'm rooting for mario and pat though it's nice seeing them all together their european looks really matters yaya and mario looks like a real life siblings though they can be lovers in lakorn while patricia and nadech is also like a real life siblings because of their dimples but not suitable as lovers in a drama. i would love to see pat and mario and jj in a love triangle lakorn someday.i'm also curious if pat has a good chemistry with march.i guess it's patricia's turn to be build up by her home studio that's why she is with these superstars yadech and mario.good luck to her.
Charlenem said:
@Vimalee, did Nadech really whisper that at they end.
@Neezy and @m9saeteurn1 you two are silly. I was referring to Mam Jintara not his sister. Anyways, she in a lot of lakorn just not nang'ek. She was our Fai's mom in DJA.m9saeteurn1 said:That's what I thought too. Are we talking about Mew?
Me too Neezy! I don't ever get to see any videos or even some pictures on my phone
thanks haunzhu 4 bts. i totally agree wif u she was zoned out n a loner there !huanzhu said:well 1 pic must have 4 people ...so that how it turn up.
For me ...YADECH+Mario = OK but Pat need to change to other ppl bcuz she seem 'out of radar' during the photo-shot - no clicking moment there
hi queen agree how yadech had such good fun time in their own world, seeing their laughter i was laughing along wif them !queenyeon said:Thanks Huanzhu for sharing the BTS english subbed! I love how Nadech & Yaya are lol~ing in the beginning of the clip while Pat and Mario are just being...er silent, a little bit awkward. Show how they grow closer along the years :heart:
Vimalee said:@Charlenem, thanks again for sharing another beautiful MV - Soulmate
What I like about this MV was that it contained many cute little stories.....Here are some of my favorites:
@15 second.....Oops said, you two seem to know each so well, why don't you tell us about each other type or spec.
Yaya.....Pe Nadech is a type of person who really loves his mom and family. Therefore, his lady has to be someone who loves and takes care of family also, but what is more important she has to get along with his family; has to be about the same age so they can communicate well. Look wise, she needs not be that beautiful, but should have a nice personality and that's good enough.
Nadech.....Yaya's type has to be someone who is a gentleman, loves family and can take care of her. He has to be a good person. Look wise, well, she is very pretty so she deserves a very good looking man (smiling)
Lol, they described each other as their specs. :rofl: :lol2: :whaha:
@1:17.....Yaya is very pleasing to the eyes of so many people. Is she your type?
Nadech.....Oii, She is this (pretty, adorable, cute), who wouldn't like her?
@1:35......Nadech said, " Right now, Nong Yaya and I are still young. I think it is not the right time to date. I have to save money first. It might be for a while before I go ask a lady. Who might it be, we will have to think again."
@2:18.....Fortune teller said Yaya' soul mate will be someone behind the scene. Then they showed the pictures of Nadech behind the camera taking her pictures, fixing her hair, fixing her make up, etc.
@2:52.....Nadech whispered to Yaya. " Don't tell anybody that we are girlfriend/boyfriend "