@Daai, sorry im going to say it frankly here. So many times i have seen your posts, i dont know if it's the language barrier or not but i find your posts coming off a lil rude and very demanding (i "want" and "need" this and that translated). I never want to say anything cos I dont contribute much to the thread so i dont want disrupt the nice atmosphere in here, but today i feel the need to say it. The girls here and esp the translators (vimalee, bubba, cookiies) have done more than enough and i myself (and im sure the rest of us here also) dont even know how to express our true appreciation for all their time and effort. Yet you are here saying how "DISAPPOINTED" and upset you are that certain of articles of yours are not being translated and to say that only a few would help you out, im sorry but to say it simply, it's no one's duty to do so, everyone has their normal life to deal with whether it's work or school. People translate out of generosity and love for yadech, it is very time consuming and hard work so pls take it and appreciate with what you are given. I personally find it so disappointed and upsetting that you can say those words out and take the girls for granted like that.
Hsdsfan, i know where you are coming from regarding certain fans of nadech who are not too fond of yaya (and vice versa with groups of yaya's fans not liking nadech either), and i've seen it few times how harsh certain of his fans can be. I dont know if you have visited Nadechworld english or not, but the girls there have been EXTREMELY understanding and cosiderate, they have translated practically everything they could, so pls dont imply that they may not want to translate things regarding yaya bcos they dont like her. It is nadechworld afterall, not yadech world, so the only thing they ask are for the members to respect other nadech fans out there and to posts only articles that relate to nadech, I dont think that's too much to ask. We are all curious and want to know more, but fans also needs to be considerate where they want their queries and curiosity answered
Vimalee, bubba, cookiies and all the translators, pls dont feel pressured, obliged or feel bad that you cant translate certain things, do what you can and whatever makes you feel happy, we are truly thankful already. With lots of love na