U welcome na ja KatFun, as long as its got koey in it I'll read hehe
Thanks for the clip alice
I totally agree! Don't forget to add her long legs too :lol2:Pitta definitly enters my list of most beautiful thai actresses with Aff, Pancake, Nao, Vicky, Benz, Rita and "juicy-lips" Aom. Look at this body OMG, this dark skinned tone, these doe eyes, high cheek bones, this warm smile...
ha. I know me too. I hope I get a tall man!!!I wish I was at least 5'5 lol
Yes Pitta is a pretty grl, to bad they never game her a chance as N'k, ch3 keep popping newbies like rabbits....
Oh i love this show! Have this episode air yet? If not do anyone know when will it air? Thanks for the video. Ha. They're so funny together. Hehehe.some more giggling
Oh gosh. Why did I saw Sadist. LOL Darn Sawan Biang. I was writing this when i was debating if i should watch Sawan Biang again or not. :coverlaf:I don't know if I can write a sadistic character. I like his playboy image. It's stuck like glue.
AHAHAHA. I wish I can but then I would be horrible. I can't write for crap. I can think and imagine only. Also read others FF. :lol2: I'm lazy as well. I find others FF more interesting because of they way they think and write it.LOL n'rose, maybe you should write a fanfic ken as a Sadist :coverlaf:
@Thip, i think from what my aunt read me, this week Kim breaks up with her a$$ of a bf. i'm staring to like Markim a bit more, pace is slowly picking up.
BUT still love my KOey <3
EKKKKK!!! Tomorrow!!!! i'm gonna try and watch it live if it doesn't buff again
Mann a whole weeks gone already luckily i had a new book to read lol.