Haha, I never noticed Pope has bunny teeth
Me neither. They don't seem that bunnily to me. Haha.
Finally done. Definitely an entertaining, easy going lakorn to watch. I'm not gonna lie though, it's pretty weak. Especially from Broadcast. This feels like a half@ssed produced lakorn. Haha. Something you'd put on the evening run.
I wouldn't rewatch the whole thing.. . .actually I wouldn't rewatch anything. Hahhah. Sorry Pope love.
Anyway, my only complaint is the focus on Ying Koi. What is her importance? She has more screentime than any supporting character. . . . ? Heck. Even more that Sri. I'm not even gonna critic the storyline. That's how bad it is. Haha. Anyway, I liked KCLek and Sri's storyline better, it had more substance. KCRong and Sa's storyline was a bit bland although I did enjoy Sa's sassiness. Alek definitely did his part as the jokester KCLek, I really liked his character. Nychaa was awkward in some places, but overall she was good and I also really liked her character. As for our pra'nang. Well they may just be the cutest couple in the most oddly awkward way. Hahaha. Who decided to cast these two together? They look like they don't even want to touch each other. Namtarn had more chemistry with Alek?! Pope. Where is the jao choo in yoo boo boo?? Have you not found your Date yet? He kind of did in that pre-bed scene though. The adult books. I thought that was funny.

From reading adult books every night to teaching how to row a boat. Reading those books have done you good I see. Hahahah. Where was I? Ah yes, awkward chemistry. Cute, but awkward. I would not reunite the two until they have decided to pop their bubble and be more aggressive in showing some skinship. I liked Sa's cute and bubbly character. Not very original, but she wasn't those weak nang'eks so I like her. KCRong was definitely frustrating. Sometimes I hated him sometimes I liked him. HAhah. Mr. PJ was obviously doing his thang that's why we love him. The actress playing Jaroy is very pretty. If they give her more likable roles I think she'd be more likable. All the roles I've seen of her are slutty and rai. Sigh. Okay I think I'm done with my review .Oh wait I forgot to mention I do like the comedy in here. It's very clever! Hehe.
So all in all, I enjoyed it. It was entertaining and . . . . YAY another Pope lakorn completed!!!

Now Leurd Ruk Toranong here I come!!