[Ch3] Sawan Bieng (Lakorn Thai)


sarNie Granny
they are in the same house as tik/cherry in kaew ta pee. you think theres a 2nd "R" scene too huh?..why else would ann be going crazy like that. plus, kens shirt was unbottom so it must have been successful. there goes us making assumption again lol

o'my ! u little grasshopper . U are catching on dis R" assumption very well . welcome to the club :lol:


sarNie Coma
i learn something in the JLR thread :lol:

since we wont get to see SB after Dung Duang Tawan, it'll most likely be replacing JLR. notice how its gonna be 3 kiss/slap in the row on the mon-tues slot.


Expired Sarnie
Older summary with Brook and Kob version

Ann as Narin
Ken as Khavee

Leela and Jade are lovers who have to work hard in order to find a secure life together when they are married. Unfortunately, their dream is destroyed five days before their wedding in a car crash. Jade died instantly. Leela is injured ended up in the hospital. The other party is Mr. Kid Worawat, a very rich businessman. He has a minor injury while his wife had died from this car accident. Mr. Kid feels very sorry about the accident. He just took very good care of Leela. Since both of them are in the same situation (losing their love ones), they gpt very close which lead to a sudden marriage. The person who is shocked was Khavee, the only son of Mr. Kid.

Khavee lost his mom when he was still young and was spoiled by his dad. He always attacks his dad's new wife (who had died from the car accident). He's just feel happy for a moment after the death of his dad's wife until he finds out that his dad is going to marry a woman who is about the same age as him. He used to know Leela. Leela used to like him, but he didn't like her because Leela is from a poor society. He is so sure that Leela marries his dad because of money and wants his wealth.

After the marriage, Leela comes to live in the mansion along with her mom, her younger sister, Narin who have her own dignity, and her teen brother. This made Khavee furious. He becomes an enemy with Leela and her family, including his own dad. He always tried to break up the family whenever he had a chance. This made Mr. Kid very depressed and got ill.

One day, Khavee picked a fight (argue) with his dad about Leela. His dad is had a heart attack and passed away. Everybody was very sorry and sad about Mr. Kid's death. Khavee thinks that Leela is the main reason why his dad died while Leela thinks that Khavee was the one who killed his dad. After Khavee finds out that his dad's will was given to him and Leela with equal amount of the inheritence, he was disappointed. He planned to avenge Leela and her family. He wants them to be ashamed in the society. However, everybody just ignores him.

One night, Leela and her mom left the house to visit her sick brother in another providence. Narin is at home by herself while her brother is still at school. This was Khavee chance to avenge; he used his strongest force to rape Narin. She cannot help herself. After Khavee raped her, he just tells her off that she is worth nothing to him and refuse to marry her after his behavior towards Narin. Narin was very angry and frustated about Khavee's rude action. She doesn't want to face him anymore. She promised to herself that she will do anything to give get back at him for making her lose her viginity. She leaves the mansion without telling anyone that Khavee raped her. She lived by herself and ignored all the other guys who want to marry her. She doesn't ask for help from anyone even if she had to work hard herself to death. She does all this just to make Khavee feels guilty for what he did to her. She wants him to feel the pain that she used to have. Khavee tries to find where Narin lives.

After that night, Khavee was unable to forget the terrible he did to Narin. That feeling is getting worse when he finds out that Narin is pregnant. He starts to see the bad things that he did in the past. He now knows what is his real feeling about Narin. He tries everything to make Narin forgives him. He follows Narin everywhere with a hope that Narin will marry him. Narin, however, doesn't care about his offerings at all. She was hurt too much in the past. She doesn't want to forgive him easily. Finally after Khavee proves that he loves her so much and willing to marry her, Narin starts to forgive him. Now Khavee and Narin understand each other and learn to live together again, along with their son.

Very quick, there were a lot of cute scene too as I remembered. Not quite sure what else happen.


Lakornaddict ;)
love the summary :wub:
i cant wait either :D :D i wannna see the outcome of this :p :p

no teaser yet? :lol:


sarNie Coma
was kob/brooks version also a hit?..

i like the wardrobe in this lakorn. i saw DGJ awhile back when the cast was attending a ceremony. they all was looking very classy/sophisticated. it was from the same scene when ann/ken was dressed as if they were getting married. not only that, the house is so modernize too.


Expired Sarnie
No Kob version was not a hit. It was okay to me. Brook was not a good actor in here. There were cute scene but not to the point were it is super sweet just sweet. Lol!


sarNie Coma
if its airing after JLR they probaly waiting til a few more epis to release the teaser instead of informing us the actual date


sarNie Coma
oh kool. i like aof's voice. cant wait to hear it. i check @ tv3 webboard everyday hoping to see a teaser