[Ch3] Sawan Bieng (Lakorn Thai)


sarNie Coma
lol i should have known that manee yard aired before samee tee tra cuz that lakorn was more recent. i actually have the top award 2001 where ann won for samee tee tra and i think it was kep pan din that aired the same year cuz some of the cast like num/por won for supporting/rising actor. im too lazy to go check


sarNie OldFart
lol i should have known that manee yard aired before samee tee tra cuz that lakorn was more recent. i actually have the top award 2001 where ann won for samee tee tra and i think it was kep pan din that aired the same year cuz some of the cast like num/por won for supporting/rising actor. im too lazy to go check
Haha, I edited my previous post with the dates, I'm on too much coffee, made a few errors but yes, Dao Lhong Fah, Kep Pan Din, Dung Sawan Sap, and Samee Tee Tra all aired in 2001. Whoa, Por had quite a few lakorns that year and they were all hits too! ^_^ I guess, that explains why Por won for Rising Actor as this was his first year as an actor and already 3 different hits.


sarNie Adult
:rolleyes: so has it been confirmed really to air in march? I'm getting really excited but I dont want to be because what if it does turn out not as good as I thought it would :wacko: ...no no no ken and ann wont let us down! :clap: cant wait to see this! NEW JLR IN A COUPLE OF HOURS! YEAHH!


sarNie Oldmaid
lmao .. i'll would explain it but i leave it to pink_juliet_kashie . I'll go grab a pillow when i read her reply .
for all i know it just shows that the nang'ek is doing it willingly to an extent...

Sarn...u're pillow is a waste...LOL..i wouldn't know i'm still young...if i would to be able to explain it top noch...there would be someting wrong w/ me....LOL...hey! but u could do the explainning now... B)


sarNie Oldmaid
hey since you girls are talking about top awards i heard this year the whole ceremony has been cancel due to the death of the King's sister..is that true?? that would reallie suck....


sarNie Coma
^^yes, but they are still gonna anounce the winners although the ceremony wont happen. fans said its this thursday on the 31st so cant wait!

Haha, I edited my previous post with the dates, I'm on too much coffee, made a few errors but yes, Dao Lhong Fah, Kep Pan Din, Dung Sawan Sap, and Samee Tee Tra all aired in 2001. Whoa, Por had quite a few lakorns that year and they were all hits too! ^_^ I guess, that explains why Por won for Rising Actor as this was his first year as an actor and already 3 different hits.
yes, that was definately his year. i didnt know dung sawan sarp was on the same year. it seem way longer


Expired Sarnie
I am still faithful to Ken as a fan. Noi was never really on my good side though. Now that they are married and going to have a kid, I mean I am happy for them but. Kind of hard to explain my feelins but oh well.


sarNie Granny
lmao .. i like the part she climbing dat fence to get away from Kavee HAHHAAH i know im goin love dis version


sarNie Coma
you gals are fast. i was just gonna post up the same clip lol

omg, this version looks more intense than the last one! ken tied anne with a rope through the rain. see they are at the beach like i said hehe. looks like that might be the 2nd :r-scene-pop-corn: im so excited we're gonna see it soon ^_^

credit to anonymous @ afc


sarNie Granny
HAHHAHAHAH ^ 5 ! i think so too girl & they show both of the behind scene of the R" . They are spoiling fan


sarNie Coma
i know !! i like assumption ... ppl get crazy and imagination run wild :lol: & i get to read their dream cloud ^^^ & laugh at them j/k! --- the clip i dont see no rain ?
everyone comes out of their shell when it comes to these type of storyline :lol: oh, the rain scene was just in the other clip that melhouse posted

howcome p'ek has to be so cruel to n'ek when it's her sister who married his dad. this version look more saucy with the aggressive scenes ^_^


sarNie OldFart
From the last version, pra'ake already eyeballed nang'ake so it was out of interest that he wanted to tamper with nang'ake rather than the sister.


sarNie Coma
okay it looks like another JLR moment. He's gonna kidnap her and "r" her. haha.
haha. i was just about to say that too. the way he ties her up and tortues her. im glad they added more scenes that way it'll be more exciting


sarNie Granny
HAHAHA ... he tie her UP on the BED ? That pool scene there he tie her agasinat the pole and KISS her ? HAHHAHA ^^ so wild . They really spice it up UP !!! Crazy P"K !! *sigh* im a sucker for those type of storyline ^^^