Title: ลูบคมกามเทพ / Loob Khom Kammathep (part 4 of 8)
Also known as:
Duration: TBA
Genre: Romance / Comedy
Popularity: Top Rated
Air time: TBA
Broadcast network: Channel 3
Broadcast period: TBA
Theme song:
Producer: Add info here
Director: Mai P.wat.P.
Screenwriter: TBA
Company Name: Broadcast Thai
Author of the Book: Shayna
Wawaa Nichari Chokprajakchat as Karageade
Indy Intouch as Daniel
Karageade is a girl who has lots of problems in her life. When she was drunk she unconsciously sign a contract with seven other girls in the Cupid Hut that she will find a boyfriend in one year. Daniel is a half-caste guy who she meet and decide to go after him. Unknown to her Daniel is an undercover cop who is on the job investigate in a case. What will happened when they find out each other problems.
Summary Credits to: Krisayaporn
The opening ceremony is next month on February 2016. Not sure on the day yet.
The opening ceremony is not February 11, 2016. K'Nong said she want to film four part of the series first before the opening ceremony.
All the couple in each part have their fitting today on February 3, 2016.
Grace was link to this series going to be in part 6 but it turn out to be fault. News said she going to be one of leading lady in part 6. She is in this series in part 4 but as a supporter not taking on n'ek role.
Links to other part of the series: