@Cecilia: That poster is so pretty. I love your artwork.
Episode 5, what can I said about you. Lol. Starting from what I already stated in my previous comment about Tengkwa, and I will not change my mind. She's a butt! Lol. Now change of character, oh, Kob, How I pity you so much. You're in love with Bau and you'll do anything to make her happy. Even though, you're heart broken by it. (Umm.. I wonder, do he even know he love her???) I have a feeling he don't know that what he feel for her is love. Lol. I just love Kob so much. He is such a kind person. Love him. I remember saying way before this lakorn aired that I will be on Kob's team throughout the lakorn. And I am on his team even now that it had aired. Lol.
TEAM KOB! Boo, Bau! I don't like you, you make my Kob sad!Lol. Bau, what can I said about you? I want to said you're selfish! Lol. I don't really want to said that because you don't know that Kob like you but at the same time, I want to said that because you're mean to Kob! Lol. Make no sense, but whatever. Anyway, I love MK chemistry in here. They're too darn cute! I wonder, how Bau is going to fall in love with Kob since she's so crazy over work and Tin? She don't even have the time to look at Kob. All she see is him giving her problems.
"Bau! You're going to miss Kob when he's gone!" Hahahah. I'm excited to know what's going to happen after the island scene, tomorrow. When they all see Bau and Tin sleeping together.Woo-wee!!!!! At the same time, I'm nervous too. Ha. I bet it's all Tengkwa's plans for sure!!!!!!!!!!
I kind of feel bad for Bau's friend's husband. He was happy when May said that she is going to take them out and family members can come too. He wanted to go to the beach too but nope, his wife just have to turn him down. It seems like she's just like Bau. Another version of Bau. She don't really pay much attention to him and maybe the son too.( Just like how Bau don't pay attention to Kob.) She is too worry about her work (maybe) and Bau's problem that she don't focus on her man.Sad.

The viewers can tell he wants all three of them to go out and spent time together but she's always too tired afterward.
Anyway, besides all those annoy scenes of TengKwa, episode 5 was cute because of MK. Lol. My favorite scene was when they went to go watch the movie. He fed her popcorn. Then he (pretend) to be asleep. She thought he was asleep, so she decided to put popcorn on his head, nose (even though it wasn't successful), mouth and ear.Ha. Then he spitted the popcorn back at her. Lol. They started throwing popcorn at each other, then they stopped because the people was shhh-ing them. Lol. I think that happened, I forgot. Well, they stopped, because they were loud. Lol. They're so cute!!!
I doubt that this lakorn will only have 9 episodes. If it do, it's going to be a slap in the face for all of us, MK lovers. We waited for so long. They have filmed this lakorn for almost a year, and they only give us 9 episodes! W T F! So, I don't think it's going to be 9 episodes. I think what they mean by this lakorn being short is because it's a weekend lakorn, which airs 3 episodes per week. So, its going to go by quicker than weekdays lakorn.
Okay,, I'm off to go do some homework. Haven't done anything yet and it's due on Monday.