moofangz810 said:
Thanks so much, Cecilia, for your wonderful translations.

Can I ask a favour from you? I really want to know what they were saying in these few scenes though.. if it's not too troublesome for you..
1)The scene where Ang's mum and Ang were talking at the dock
2) The scene where Ang took clothes for Koburi just before they sleep
3) The scene just after the bombing, Ang's Granny and mum were saying something to Ang that makes her feel shy
Outside on dock:
Mom: I say it's b/c of
fate, dear. Things will be what we've created. Dokmali, other than
being another ethic group, there's no flaw in him at all.
Ang: But ...
Mom: He's a good person, dear.
For us woman, the most happiness is when we're married and have a
family of our own. Regardless if it's good or bad, we have to keep
building more to make it prosperous (talking about making a relationship
last well). And you also married him already. Dear, don't look at him
badly. I want you to look deeper into him (see the good side of him).
And in the future, time might make you change your mind.
Ang: ok
Ang got up and walked away .. but mom stopped her.
Mom: Ang, does he knows about Vanus?
Ang: He's aware. He told me that ... on the day i want my freedom, he'll give it to me.
Ao! He's not right by saying this at all, dear. You're not an object.
How can he give you away so easily? What if Vanus learn of this ...
what will he think? We don't know it yet. (she's talking about the
marriage between the two - perhaps, Vanus might think of something else
instead of what Ang's trying to do now.)
In their bedroom:
Kobori: Hideko, if you're tired, go ahead and sleep. Don't worry about me.
Ang tried to brush the mosquitoes away.
Ang: You should take a bath first and then come back to continue your work.
Ang went toward the closet to take out his clothes.
Kobori: Hideko, it's alright. I can do/take it out (myself).
Ang: It's alright.
Kobori left what he was doing and crawled toward Ang.
Kobori: I will never forget this moment even though it is short ..
Ang was reminded of the tradeoff promise .. Kobori noticed her facial expression and apologized.
Kobori: I'm sorry ... if I say something wrong to you. Please forget it. I'll try to forget it that I don't have much time too.
Kobori left for a bath :wub:
Next morning:
Ang came in to tell Kobori that breakfast is ready.
Ang: Kobori, breakfast is ready.
Kobori: Yes.
Kobori walked wearing suspender pant lmao
Kobori: Today is my day off. You came right in time. I was going to go and inform you too.
Ang: Yes? What did you say?
Kobori: Please come out with me. Please. Change to a pretty dress too.
Ang: You ...
Kobori pulled her toward the closet and opened it.
Kobori: Per guidance (referring to their promise deal).
Ang: But I ...
Kobori: Please ... do as I like.
He looked around the closet for clothes and take out a top/skirt.
Kobori: Here, this one.
She smiled and took it from his hand as he smile and walked out ..
Kobori: Hurry, please.
He was about to close the door but notice the stun Ang and commented, "Should I help you?"
Ang: Don't.
Bombing scene:
Kobori grabbed onto Ang and said, "Go to sleep. I'm here .. Don't worry."
He held onto her, "Close your eyes."
She slowly follow his order and fell asleep (OMG, i have to add that this
was one of the saddest scene --- b/c future bombing scene will not be
like this again when he's not there .. Oh, my broken heart T_T).
Bombing is over:
Kobori: Hideko (as he tried to wake her up)
Mom: This child .. the bomb dropped so much and yet she still able to fall asleep.
Ang: I'm awake.
Granny: Who was it that fell asleep earlier to have Dokmali watch/slap them mosquitoes away? Who?
Ang: Well (running out of excuses lol)
Kobori: Let's go home. Let me get up to help granny first.
In the kitchen - making milk glasses:
Kobori: There's milk powder, coffee, and ...
Ang: It's alright. I'll handle this. Please go out first.
Kobori: Let me help you.
Ang went to grab three glasses to set it on the tray.
Kobori: Why are there only three cups?
Ang: Well .. for you, for mom, and for grandma.
Kobori: And you?
Ang: I'm not hungry.
*** Ang came out of the kitchen with the cups of milk.. She handed everyone their milk ..
Ang: You ..
Kobori took out the milk glass.
Kobori: For you. I made it.
Ang: Thank you .. but I told you I'm not hungry.
Kobori: It's alright .. just drink a little. You seems to lose some weight. You should eat more.
Ang: I really can't handle it.
Kobori: You haven't eat much lately .. just a little bit of rice or at times not at all. You don't look so good (she looks like she's getting sick). Should you see a doctor? Or should I have the doc come here?
Ang: It's unnecessary. I'm fine .. just a bit tired, that's all.
Kobori: Then you shouldn't work too much, understand?
Kobori handed her the cup, "Hideko, have a little of it. It's still hot."
Ang: It smells.
Kobori: Drink it all. This is an order.
She followed his order :wub:
Ang took a sip.
Kobori: A little more .. finish it all.
Ang took another sip.
Kobori: Good job .. you'll gain more blood.
Ang rushed out to vomit .. followed by Kobori.
Kobori: Hideko
Mom: Ang, whats' wrong, dear.
Granny: Go and take a look.
Kobori: Hideko, you're not feeling well, right? You're sweating.
Ang: I'm alright ...
She finished puking and asked for water ..
Kobori: Water? Please wait.
Mom: The water is there ..
Kobori: Water, Hideko.
Ang drank and vomited it out.
Kobori: Careful or you'll choke.
Ang rested on Kobori's chest from exhaustion.
Kobori: Let me take you to rest ..
--- In their bedroom --
Kobori: I probably took you out for too long (play for too much) to make you feel hot .. or perhaps, you sleep less these days.
Kobori pulled the blanket to cover Ang.
Kobori: I'll bring the doc tomorrow to check on you.
Ang: Don't .. I just feel a bit dizzy (does this make sense .. like she's going to faint *scratch head*)
Kobori took out a bowl of water and a towel to wipe her sweat, "Let me wash away your sweat. There are lots of it."
The smell of the towel got to her ...
Ang: Don't .. it smells.
Kobori brought it up to his nose, smelled it and said, "This scent is from the one you've always used."
Ang: That's it .. I haven't use it .. it smells .. makes me dizzy.
Kobori: It's alright .. let me change for a bowl of water.
** He walked out ..
Mom: Dokmali, how's Ang?
Kobori: She's resting ...
Granny: How's her condition?
She doesn't have a fever .. she'll feel better after a few minutes of
rest but she complained earlier that the scent from this towel smell.
** GRANNY and Mom are shocked ****