Well..........here I go with replying to the comments. Hopefully, this will never happen again, the falling behind on comments (yeah, right


Anyway, there are just too many pictures to share...I'm overwhelmed with the many photos from
LNF's opening ceremony...
Robber, thank you so much for taking so many lovely pictures of Vill and everybody else! :spin:

:yahoo: :grouphug:

:blush: Vill did look amazing during that day. I am excited with all the updates on
LNF, but my #1 love is ToomVill. :woot: :wub: I only hope that you will be able to take many ToomVill photos and share them with us as well when
NJ has its opening ceremony.

Thank again for all the
LNF pictures! :bravo: :kiss3:
I'll just share the links to more of
LNF's opening ceremony pictures.

There are WAY TOO MANY GOODIE pictures to re-upload onto my Imageshack account and share them here. :nailbiter: Um,......I'll save the determination for ToomVill when
Ngao Jai has its opening ceremony. :whaha: :wub: Sorry,

Credits: Mkukkikm Thanyathip (Official Fanpage) & Vill Wannarot (VVC)'s Facebooks. A
BIG THANK YOU to our very own
Sirpass, who took a lot of pictures to share them with us.


Thank you again,
Robber! ^_^
Link 1.
OR https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.655220364529763.1073741880.157764694275335&type=3.
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.640755575963811.1073741832.199409886765051&type=1"]Link 2.[/url]
OR https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.640755575963811.1073741832.199409886765051&type=1.
huajaikaungtur said:
Maiko: Thank you, thank you, thank you for being awesome and posting photos. How many times can I thank you?
I may be more hyped for NJ updates but in the mean time, these photos are making me excited, too. I was expecting her to wear her birdie clothes, too but I'm glad she wore what she wore.
Oh, did not know Dew, Egg, and May were in here.
LOL @ your comment about Exact being cheap.
Push and Vill look good together though, their smiles
Loving Push's suit and face. As for Vill, that, I believe it's a blazer??, is definitely a no-no. I mean, it doesn't look too bad but I feel like it's unnecessary. I feel like what she's wearing underneath is fine
Everyone looks pretty good but the only outfit I would change is May's.
Agree with you, Maiko, it's too big for her. Her face is beautiful but I don't really see her matching business atiire. I like Dew's outfit though and his pierced ears
Can I just say how nice Push and Vill's photos are? Especially that one bright photo with her head angled up. Even though she's at a weird-ish angle, I really like the picture.
Then, my quick comment on Vill -- I swear she's such a beauty. Really love her hair and makeup. <3
Eek! I see we share(d) the same thoughts, Marina! :highfive:

Yes, I was pleasantly shocked that Vill didn't wear her birdie costume to the opening ceremony. It's a breath of fresh air to see her in that outfit. :yes: I know, Vill's blazer is unnecessary.

Yes, I love Vill's hair and makeup, too! :blush: And the Push and Vill photos are just darn gorgeous... :drools: They do look good together, but like Minny said, my bias is ToomVill. :loool: I still couldn't stop thinking of ToomVill even when gushing over the Push - Vill photos. :wub:
DaisyDukes* said:
omg! the dude keeps getting better and better!! arggggggggggggggggg! hope I dont fall for him like I did with Toomtam unintentionally in Sood Sai Pan. Lol.VIll is sooooooooooo freaking gorgeous! I love her make up and wardrobe in here! I think she is going to have an amazing and beautiful chemistry with the dude! What's his naem? lol I think he looks real SHARP and handsome in those suits! So manly! I hope he looks better in motion then I won't be able to resist this lakorn. Lol.
Once gain, Vill is gorgeous! She looks glamorous as well!
Hahaha, aw, Daisy! You make me laugh! :coverlaf: You still don't know his name?

Just kidding, I'm sure I saw you mentioning his name before in an earlier comment hehe. :lolyup: His name is Push (or Put/Putt).

Yes, Push keeps looking better to me, too.

Seeing the new BTS clip of them so far, wowie, they look extremely cute together. :spin: Darn, I'm jealous for Toomtam's sakes. :whahuh: Um-hmm, I agree, Push looks very handsome in a suit. :yes: Vill does look gorgeous and glamorous indeed. :spin:
I'm sure you've already seen this video in
KNK's thread, but I'm going to post it here for
LNF, since it does contain behind the scenes for
LNF as well hehe.
LNF's part starts around the 5:06 mark.

Aw, Push and Vill have a really nice height difference. Man, he's so tall! I...like how he grabs Vill's face.
Credit: LAKORNHD Thaitv (Official).
Chalidaluvprin said:
I think she match push too but I think that ToomVill is better. My BIAS
They are cute and good-looking together to me as well, Minny, but ToomVill FTW! :wub: My bias, too! :highfive:

DaisyDukes* said:
okay Maiko, waiting for your post. hehe.
ChalidaluvPrin, I so agree with you that ToomVill is our bias, lol, but srsly this dude is looking better and better!! ahhh!!!! :woot:
but yea, ill see what he has to offer when in motion. lol
so far, he ain't bad, but yes TOOMVILL is our bias, esp. Toomtam. lol my bias 555+++
:lmao2: Got back to you later than I thought. I wasn't planning on staying away from AF for a week+, but it happened. :annoyed: I'll happily give Push a chance.
queenyeon said:
The pictures are getting better and better! And yeah Puth is seriously looking quite good, too!
Love love the picture where Vill is smiling and he's looking at her! So cuuute!
That one is cute indeed,
Queenyeon! :blush:
Mahalo said:
He's ok. No one can replace Toomtam though! Lol. Push may look good in photos, but let's see his smooching skills. No one is in the same boat as Prince Toomtam except for Weir and Ken T.
I know...if he's good-looking, but acting skills stink, it's a big no-no for me!

Oh? You're more interested in his smooching skills,
Mahalo? :lmao3: :rofl: Huh? Toomtam's only a prince? Not the king? :coverlaf:
DaisyDukes* said:
IDK but the more I look at the dude, the more charming he gets lmao!!!!!! ahahahahha. and there is something funny about his look too, but I mean, he is rather somewhat eye candy you know? lol but yea, it's whether his acting is impressive or not!?!
I am actually excited about this lakorn now too. I hope Vill's character isn't the crazy go happy character, but rather composed one..I don't like happy go crazy character. I like a mature/composed nang'ek lol, but knowing this is comedy, we'll see what Vill and Push(?) has to offer. lol
Um, don't know, but from the BTS I've seen so far, Beauty/Lallalit (Vill's character name

) does seem like a "happy go crazy" character, Daisy. :lol2: I like the composed n'eks as well.

Hmm, Beauty seems like a drama queen. :faint: Yep, his name is Push.
huajaikaungtur said:
Daisy, I agree with you. I'm super excited for this lakorn and especially for this pairing. As much as I adore ToomVill, this pairing is good as well.
Yeah, I hope Vill doesn't play such a happy character and plays more of a mature role. Either way, I'm gonna watch this since I have a feeling I'll enjoy it
Mature, Marina? Hehehe, I'm not too sure about that. :lolyup: Maybe Beauty/Lallalit will change into a more mature lady near the end.
noydarny said:
My new crush Dj Push. He is so feminine.
:lmao2: :lmao3: Hiya,
Noydarny! :hiya: Are you serious or kidding about that? :lolyup: About Push being your new crush?
songielove said:
*woot*woot* DJ Push is getting a lot of love, finally! 555 Vill and him are getting along so well. Of course, because he's super talkative (i.e. DJ). It's just cute because he looks super dapper and suave here in LN, but outside of all that his personality is just cute. Even though Exact really knows their stuff, i'll still have to wait to see just how specialized they are at scoring newbie pra'eks this year (they did well with Toomtam :coverlaf: ).
I should be disappointed that P'Vill and P'Son wasn't together despite "Leh Nangfah" and "Narak" sharing the same opening ceremony, but i was on :cloud9: just seeing them in one frame together.

Haha, i loved it! So proud of them. SonVill Team for me! ^^
In case you haven't seen TV Pool's interview.. :]
Cr. CatMatdz3@yt
I like P'Vill's wardrobe actually. She can be hi-so and bratty, but at least this outfit is hinting that she is a lady with some respectable class.
Yeah, I'm happy to see them getting along well with each other, Songie.

Good thing they're comfortable around each other.

Aw, at least you enjoy seeing Son and Vill in one frame.

I wasn't. :smack: :shutup:

Agree, I'm waiting to see how Push's acting is in
LNF. Hopefully, it will "make" him, for Exact desperately needs more p'eks.

And I think it'd be interesting to see him with the other actresses!

Thanks for sharing the video! :kiss3:
aiyaja said:
Oh, reporters asked Put if he was going to be the next guy to have rumors with Vill. He said, nay. He and Vill are close because both of them are outgoing and friendly, but he already has someone he's dating.
Aiyaja, so you finally joined this thread as well! :yahoo:

:grouphug: Ooh, how honest of him! I like it! Despite him being taken, I love how chummy they are together.
huajaikaungtur said:
Songielove: Agreed with you, girl
I really like how he's so talkative and not so quiet and conservative
Hope to see Son and Vill paired up again, too. I've only seen them together in Kaew Lom Phet -- Sao Noi wasn't interesting enough for me to continue watching. I'm definitely liking Vill's wardrobe, too. The hi-so look really matches her.
Aiyaja: Ah, so he's already dating? Wonder who's the lucky woman, hehe
Ah, Marina, you break my heart. :nono1: :lmao: :rofl: But it's ok. I still :heart: you nevertheless!

But please do excuse my evilness... :spin: :smack: I've had enough of Son and Vill. Twice is enough.


As for Push, he is pretty talkative, compare to his Theepop character. :whahuh:
aiyaja said:
Put was hush hush about the name, but he did say he's studying someone right now.
Hmm...what if it isn't a woman? Aah! Sorry, I couldn't resist! >_<

Sorry, Push.