Ooh, if I were here all day yesterday, there would have been even more comments.

But one and a half pages isn't bad, not bad at all.

I had a blast reading all the comments. Love them all like usual. But I'll only directly reply to some of them. :spin: I guess it's safe to say we're all pretty disappointed with Thit in episode 8. Man, Thit, turn back to the loving person you were with the real Gan! Hmm, seems like Bankk's song is meant more for Thit than Gan! :coverlaf:
Now, where's
YOUR complaint with Thit,

You've been too quiet...I have a feeling you have loads to say about his character and actions. Please do let it all out! :bhehe:
D~D said:
Have a good day at work. Looking forward to hearing what ur going to have to say for tonite
LOL, it was a good day,
D~D, but it really drained me... I didn't even comment in this thread last night. Went to sleep pretty "early." And I work again today! At least it's a short shift, thank goodness! And I have tomorrow off, yippee! :yahoo:
D~D said:
Awe.... So sweet... I went to SSP page on Viki and someone did change the photo ( Its Gan and Thit at the beach).. Look Maiko.. Someone "listening to me".. Lol.. J/k..
:lmao2: Thank goodness they did! My selfish heart is grateful! But any pictures of Toomtam and Vill will do!

And I'm glad that Anony subbed those bittersweet scenes for us. I'm so in :heart: with Toomtam and Vill's acting abilities! Love what Gan says to Thit before leaving him in the hallway...Thit isn't the only who can say hurtful things.
ceda_lee said:
Damn it! I'm stuck at work. I'm afraid to watch today's episode.
AnnTfan said:
I want to go on without subs but.... urg I want subs too :cry:
The struggle
72701 said:
:rant: the praeg is stupid while the bad guys can tell the difference b/wn the twins.
Yes, what's up with that? :lolyup:
jun ji said:
Hence it is called "blind love"... cause he sure is blinded by love, to the point he couldn't tell from the more reserved and timid Gan as compared to the outright man-eater that is Nee.
Ooh, I love how you pointed that out,
Jun Ji! Agree with
DaisyDukes, your description of Nee as a "man-eater" is hilarious and spot on! :lmao:
aiyaja said:
Manager is slowly posting up Episode 10's Summary, so this is half of it. *SPOILER* Dang, I could have used this a long time ago. Hahah.
Yeah, you should have! :smack: I was wondering why you didn't.

:coverlaf: Thanks again for the spoilers,
Aiyaja! I'm so disappointed in Exact for killing off Urai...why, Exact?! I guess it wouldn't be an Exact lakorn without any deaths. :huh: I was afraid Rut would blame Gan and be all bratty like before, but thank goodness she isn't all dumb!

hew: Glad that she and Gan will grow closer!
jun ji said:
Thank you, Khun aiyaja, again for the summary!
Khun Thit, ah, Khun Thit... how can you say that you don't want to see her face again when she has the same face as Nee????!!!! Men... lakorn men... they are so difficult to understand!
:loool: Yes, they are! But when they're sweet and loving in other scenes, we can't resist them. :ghehe:
huajaikaungtur said:
Aww, I have so much catching up to do -- 2 episodes but after reading all the comments, Episode 8 seems to piss off people.
Erg, I hope it's not too infuriating.
Also, I'm to the point where I just love seeing Toomtam & Vill scenes even if it's evil Vill xD I just love all their scenes, Lol.
Awh, me, too! :yes: I'm ticked off with Nee, but I hecka adore all Toomtam and Vill scenes! :wub: Hmm, there is a distance between Nee and Thit (I can feel that Thit isn't too happy whenever he's with Nee), and I applaud Toomtam and Vill for playing their roles so perfectly. :bravo: In my opinion, Vill and Toomtam's chemistry is still there as Thit and Nee, but you can feel Thit's confused and conflicted feelings for both Nee and Gan. He's drawn more to Gan and is just allowing Nee to cling onto him (like the typical n'rai


I can't explain it too well right now, so I'll think of something better later.
xox said:
I haven't seen any of those clips. Matter of fact, I've never even heard of the song. Lol...But Toomtam and Vill sure do look super cute dancing together! Love them!
Yeah, I only found out about the song because of Toomtam and Vill.

Every time I listen to it, I just think of these two. :bhehe: I love them, too! :wub: The song's actually really addicting and cute, but I don't really like the music video. There are backup dancers (all girls) moving their booties too much. :yuck: But, I suppose it's not too bad. I would just prefer a different take on the video. Or just no "dirty" dancing at all.
SokLaHote said:
@xox after finding courage to watch all of ep 8, I went downstairs for food & guess what was served up? Stir fry bitter squash & beef. Your comment got me lmao. I hope Aiyaja gets to post the second half of the spoiler for episode 10. I hope it gets better for Gan. A smart pra'ek in a lakorn is a rare species so I'm not going to get too worked up about it. I like Toomtam as Id from his first lakorn better. I'm just curious how they gonna turn things around for Gan. Seems like Nee got the upper hand here. Where is Wit in all this? Hmmm.... Anyhow glad to see Rat not as bad as her mother. I might have to take a break from the lakorn till it finishes. Can't stand the feeling of anxiousness in addition to my other mental issues.
Hehe, I guess quite a lot of people like Toomtam's Id character. xD I want more Wit! I prefer Wit over Wasan! :woot: Wit's busy filming his new movie, but he better return soon! :spin: Yeah, I know, good thing Rat/Rut is maturing. Awh, I'm with
Xox that you should still join us, but I can certainly understand your situation. This lakorn gives me headaches and heartache, too. And sadly, I work today, too, and that's adding more to my headache.
jun ji said:
I wish the producers would throw in a super handsome, gentle and sweet 2nd male lead to court Gan while Thit is with Nee. Make him so jealous to the point of breaking that he realizes what he had in Gan that is seriously missing in Nee - besides a heart! As Nom Sai stated in one of aiyaja's summaries before, if they divorce, Gan would be snatched up in a heartbeat! That will surely light his butt on fire and get some sense knocked into him!
One thing about this lakorn is that it never really explained to us how Gan has come to love Thit. From the beginning, it was him that was persuing her, of course he thinking she was her twin sister, but still... what made her fall for him?
I'm assuming that it is the kind-hearted and sweet Thithi that made her heart skip a beat? That is when he is sweet and gentle and not the jerk that he's been. They should've elaborated on that a bit more.
Hmm, since Vill's filming some scenes with Guy (who plays sadistic Wit), I hope it's Wit!!!

Haha, most likely they'll have one or two scenes to tick off Thit. Not like Wit will fall for Gan, but I'm sure he'll cause the same type of trouble and misunderstandings like Wasan does. If there is such a second male lead character later, I doubt he'll be handsome. :lol2: Yes, I hope that they elaborate on Gan and Thit's love later on. :spin:
Nangfah11 said:
ohmygosh, Nee is sure an evil, selfish sister to her twin. She is so cold. She doesnt even care about her stepfather who loves her dearly.
Thit why are you so confused and jealous of Gan? lol Seriously, you just don't want to lose her. hahaha
I know, Nee is too delusional and selfish... :smack: I feel bad for Visoot (her stepfather).
ip.smilez said:
My sister has been crazy over SSP -_- Ahahahah She literally talks about it everyday...I'm over at my other sister's house and she's going crazy as well ! She had me translate some parts for her....and now I'm going crazy !!! Lol I haven't gotten the chance to watch SSP due to my busy work schedule...Gahhh now I need to find the time to watch it !!! Toomtam and Vill's acting is awesome from what I'm seeing !!! For sure I know Thit's character is going to annoy me lol
Ooh, good for your sisters!

LOL, yes, please do join us,
Ip.smilez! xD Oh, yes, for sure, Thit's character is definitely going to infuriate you. Toomtam and Vill's chemistry is off the charts, in my biased opinion.

These two deliver their roles perfectly! And their acting is believable and awesome! So far, Toomtam's her best on screen partner. ^_^ Though, I still love her with Guy, too.
xox said:
LOL!!! :coverlaf: That's so funny!!! The bitter squash probably didn't taste so bitter anymore after watching that episode huh??? Haha...
And yes!
I had to keep reminding myself that this is a lakorn, meaning it's NORMAL for the main guy to be stupid. I really wonder too how things are gonna turn up for Gan. Because even with all these people on Nee's ass. she's still managing to get out of every mess she's created. I have a feeling things won't lighten up for Gan anytime soon though.
And they're probably saving Wit for last. Like they say "save the best for last".
And no...don't take a break! lol! Stick in with us and our emotional madness!
To the first bolded text: :rofl:
Second bolded text: :whahuh: Hurry up and appear, Wit! I'm more interested in him than Wasan! Plus, I find the idea of Wit and Gan exciting! It'd be great if she can change his sadistic nature (yeah, right!). I just want him to appear so he can cause even more misery for Thit. :coverlaf:
Third bolded text: "Emotional madness." :whaha: