Oi, I'm back! Time for my currently favorite AF thread! :woot: I am so lucky that I was able to come home 30 minutes early. :worthy: My lucky stars are watching over me. :spin: Thanks for understanding that I need to be on this thread, stars!
huajaikaungtur said:
Oh, Maiko. I just love you so much for replying to everyone's posts

Well, off to go see the episodes! Woot! Hope I don't get too mad xD
Awh!!! :blush:

I love you guys for all your sweet comments and contributions to this thread (actually, all the threads here on AF)! Trust me, it wouldn't be fun without any of you guys. I'll be the only one talking to myself. :lolyup: I can reply to
ALL the posts, but replying to most of them will do.

Thankies for your sweet and touching comment,
Huajaikaungtur! :grouphug: I hope you have fun watching episodes 7 and 8, especially 7!!! xD Because that has their love scene!

Ntsuab-Ci said:
@ Maiko; I thought it was pretty weird but I did very enjoy it too cause I'm kinda falling for Nat. <3
Just finish ep. 8 & I don't really have anything to say. I was happy when Wit appeared.

I love how Wasan threaten Nee but I wish he would just tell the truth to Thit even if he's evil. -.- Summary for ep. 10 part 2 sounds interesting! I really do hope the step father tells the truth. Well... if he does, I have a feeling Nee's gonna have a plan. But if she doesn't, YAAAY! Excited to read ep. 11 next. Once again, thank you so so so much aiyaja for the summaries. xD
Nat is a cutie (his funny, chinky eyes!), but I'm just really annoyed with his Wasan character. xD So, for me, it's Toomtam first, then Guy, and finally, Nat. :coverlaf: *Sigh* If only Wasan is manlier and less...money-hungry. It makes him look pathetic.

Hah! I was excited when Wit appears, too! Sadly, it was just for one scene! :lmao: He needs to spend more time with his family!!! Give Thit more heck!

Ooh, you're right,
Ntsuab-Ci! Even if Visoot, Nee's stepfather, were to tell the truth, Nee will definitely counterattack with something else. :scratchchin: No way she's giving up so easily... We'll just have to wait for
Aiyaja's translations when the summary for episode 11 is posted. :spin: Yep, thank you for translating for us,
Aiyaja!!! :grouphug:
cool :) said:
i agree with huajaikaungtur, I :heart: u for spending your time replying to all our posts Maiko
And I :heart: all of you for talking with me and sharing your cute and interesting thoughts about this lakorn! :grouphug: Thank you,
Cool! :blush: I'm having the time of my life sharing thoughts with you guys.
Nangfah11 said:
Maiko, you are truly a Vill and Tumtom fan. I am shipping their boat with you. hehe
I want to watch ep.9 and 10 real bad. I want to find out how things will progress from here on!!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
Awh, hehe, I'm sure I'm not the only one! :woot: From a biased point, they're perfect in whatever they do. :cloud9: But from an unbiased point (that I don't really pay attention to

), there are areas in which both of them can improve. But they're absolutely magic together! :spin: I love them on screen, and I love Thit x Gan.

I'm so happy you're shipping them with me,
Nangfah11! :grouphug: :yahoo: Yes, even though I'm going to be so unhappy with the events that will happen in Thit and Gan's lives, I'm looking forward to all of their scenes. Want to see how their love will grow. :wub:
711Purplicious said:
I am really glad that I still haven't started watching this lakorn yet or I will (definitely) be addicted!! Can't wait til next Friday to watch this series and thank you for all the spoilers
:rofl: It will drive you crazy! Copying dear
Cool's words: you will be in a whirlwind of emotions! :yes: (Love your words,
Cool! xD)
lilo said:
Finally got the opportunity to catch up this drama. Omg how the heck is Thit saying that Gan is the one that gave him pain. When he is the one that cause her more pain then anything. Because he was the one keep not wanting to believe what he was trying to tell him along. :scratchhead2: Honesty, I would not want to keep a promise to a female who left me knowing that I was a nothing, and how that she know who I am, now I am something to her. Thit need a slap in the head...ugh...just is lucky he is quite handsome I just holding back. :lol2:
Talk about being illogical, huh? Men! But...he's hurt, too; they both hurt each other out of love (though I definitely blame Thit more, just because he's the guy, and guys are normally at fault more than girls

). :teary: They just need to trust and believe in each other, so that their love will grow stronger. :lmao3: to your last bolded sentence!