cool :)

sarNie Adult
:welcome:  TO ASIANFUSE! @Nanciie and @katecao  :highfive: lol so many people joining AF for SSP  :yes: Hahaha sharing the looove   :grouphug:
Anywaaays. All these reviews you guys are giving, I can tell today's episode was amazingly beautiful?Finally some scenes for our pranangs :cry: But Nee was also really annoying?!!  :cry1: I think i mite actually punch my screen :eyetwitch: 555 jk ,but I'll probably be screaming LOL  :loool: catching up this weekend!


sarNie OldFart
Ahhh, I've been waiting for the ratings all day!!!

สุดสายป่าน 4.1(3.5,4.2) CREDIT: ไก่ลูกแมว @ Pantip In English: Sood Sai Paan 4.1(3.5,4.2)

Alright guys! Just two more weeks to show our undying support for this awesome lakorn!!!
I hope it reaches a 5 in the next episode or two!!!! And hopefully, the last two episodes will reach a 6!!!!
Keep up the faith everyone!!


sarNie Adult
@--> aiyaja.

WOW !!!! Ur explanation as to why Thit loves Gan and not Nee is sooooo amaZing. I ❤ it !!! it's so awSome !! it made me really happy with happy tears included ( call me childish for that, I don't mind). u know what really funny, I really did believe that in the beginning, Gan is ment to be with Thit even when Nee used her name. Thit "is" meant to be with Gan.

Wow... I really ❤ ur explanation, it all makes sense. I read it 4X, I can u. Lol.. J/k with the kiss. I got a little too eXcited.

BTW.. Did u really write all that on ur own???


sarNie OldFart
^Oh, you're not childish ja. You and I are in love with Thit, Gan, and SSP. :dance1: This is what SSP does to us. :thumbsup:
Yeah, I wrote it on my own based on my own understanding of this version. Aw, thanks that you enjoyed my explanation. :kiss:


sarNie OldFart
Welcome to the thread ja Nanciie! Thailand has quite a few channels, Ch. 7, Ch. 3, Ch. 5, Ch. 9, Ch. 8 and etc. However, the most famous ones for their lakorns are Ch. 7, Ch. 3, and Ch. 5. Ratings work the same ja. Each point or number represents a certain number of people watching it. For example, for Sood Sai Paan, the 4.1 is the overall rating and the 3.5 and 4.2 are the ratings for the city, BKK, and the countryside or other regions.
What is considered successful? It depends. Ch. 5 has never been as popular as Ch. 7 or Ch. 3, so for them, a rating of 4 is considered pretty good, 5 is super good, and anything pass 6 is excellent, talk of the town type of lakorn.
As for Ch. 7 and Ch. 3, they have the fanbase and popular support to reach even into the 20's. So it really depends on which channel you're watching. A 10 is average for Ch. 7 but super good for Ch. 3. So yeah...depends.


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
*Groan* I'm back from my trip, and as expected...I missed such a good discussion while I was gone. T_T Sadly, I'm too tired and sleepy from my trip to reply to the comments tonight. :yawn: I will do so, early in the morning or after work. Thanks for all the lovely and entertaining comments, you guys! I'm happy that I'm not the only who feels Toomtam and Vill's raw emotions in today's episode. Told you that most of you will love the Thit x Gan scenes today! :wink: Well, good nite, everybody! :) :goodnite: :grouphug:


방탄소년단 x Bangtan Sonyeondan x JiTaew
I think I need to stop reading the spoilers. It really kills my mood. Why? Because I don't enjoy the lakorn as much just because I know what is going to happen and etc. Sigh. Anyways, so far I think it's getting good. Too bad there's only 16 episodes. I mean it's good since it won't be so draggy but I want more GanxThit!! 555 Those two breaks my heart because of their stubbornness. This entire time I just wanted to slap Thit in the face and Nee too! But because Thit is so adorable, I'll give him a break but for Nee, nope. She deserves it. 555 I can't wait for next weeekk!! 
Thit needs to find out the truth soon cause I want to see some sweet scenes between him and Gan!!  :heart:


sarNie OldFart
Vill looks so gorgeous and full of emotions in the past few episodes especially during Wason's accusation. Enjoy. I love HD. Even though, I wish these were more HD than this.



Before the Wason accusation, when Gan told Thit that she has never been a good person in his eyes. And when Thit confronted Gan about having Ying accuse Gandamanee. So sad.

The flashback and taking ring off scene. So heartbreaking.

The yearing scene inside the car.

The tear from Thit.

The loan contract.
I don't remember US.



sarNie Egg
aiyaja -girl thank you for the HD pics! And also thank you for posting spoilers all the time. It is deeply appreciated esp to some of us who can't understand Thai. From all of us :clap2:  :grouphug: 

Look at him!  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
And to Maiko who keep this thread so alive-thank you!  :clap2:  :highfive:  :kiss: Your dedication to this thread and to the show keep us coming back to the thread because you are so welcoming and really makes time to reply to everyone. 
And to all who viewed or posted in this thread  I love hearing your thoughts. It is so good to see funny comments after a sad episode. 
And btw Vill posted a hilarious video on her IG! She seems so happy and grounded. Nee can fly beaches! :woot2:  Team Nee! lol :rant: But Vill is  :cheer:  :toast: Cheery!(happy) Cool beans! I love happy people.
  :eek:fftopic: Is Vill dating anyone?   :dance1: My canon OTP Vill&Toomtam.
KimBerry said:
aiyaja -girl thank you for the HD pics! And also thank you for posting spoilers all the time. It is deeply appreciated esp to some of us who can't understand Thai. From all of us :clap2:  :grouphug: 

Look at him!  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
And to Maiko who keep this thread so alive-thank you!  :clap2:  :highfive:  :kiss: Your dedication to this thread and to the show keep us coming back to the thread because you are so welcoming and really makes time to reply to everyone. 
And to all who viewed or posted in this thread  I love hearing your thoughts. It is so good to see funny comments after a sad episode. 
And btw Vill posted a hilarious video on her IG! She seems so happy and grounded. Nee can fly beaches! :woot2:  Team Nee! lol :rant: But Vill is  :cheer:  :toast: Cheery!(happy) Cool beans! I love happy people.
  :eek:fftopic: Is Vill dating anyone?   :dance1: My canon OTP Vill&Toomtam.
Back then rumored that Vill dated Mark Prin but they stop contacting each other now so I think she us single


sarNie Oldmaid
aiyaja said:
Anyway, here's my explanation as to why Thit loves Gan and not Nee. Thit never loved Nee, it was infactuation. I'm going to repost from Spicy. :dance3:
I'm someone who believes in fate. Like that one saying, "Kaeng arai gaw kaeng dai thae kaeng bon wasana kaeng mai dai." That phrase basically means you can compete in anything but you can't compete when it comes to destiny/fate. It holds true here. It was fate that the Father kept Gan and not Nee. Even without Nee meeting Thit at Prajuab first, Thit and Gan would have eventually met and fall in love later on. Why is it that Nee had Thit in her hands, a diamond, yet she neglected it? Why is that Nee used Gan's name and not her own, in a way symbolizing Thit and Gan's destiny. Thit fell in love with Gan, in name, for a whole year even before falling for the true owner of the name. Fate may have different paths but in the end, they all lead to the same destination. So when Thit saw the real Gan, it's like he had met his soulmate, his soul recognized hers. Thit already fell for Gan the first moment he saw her grace the dance floor. Anyone who knows Gan and Nee would eventually know that they are two different people. Like Urai said, Gan has a classy soft aura to her yet Nee has a rough slum arua. But Thit kept using the whole "past in Prajuab" not because he was in love with that woman from a year ago but because he wants to have ties to the current one, Gan.
As one hearted and honest of a man Thit is, Thit is still a man in the end. Which means, if a man doesn't care for the current person, he's going to be like all of that love was in the past, you need to move on. But when a man loves the current person, he uses everything to tie himself to her. And we all know men hate strings YET Thit ties himself to Gan like a little puppy chasing after a balloon on his tail. :pervie:
It is fate again that Thit met Gan and not Nee because if Thit had met Nee again, she would have ruined her chances with him and reject him again because he wasn't wealthy yet. He would have learned of her true rotten nature and never take her back after he became royalty because he would only consider the relationship with her as being in the past and move right on. So Nee is misunderstanding something here. It's Gan's fate with Thit that is allowing Nee a second chance with Thit, not the other way around. Nee is riding on Gan's fate.
I don't think Thit is aware when he fell for Gan. All he knows is that to see her is to feel immense pain. I think Thit fell for Nee because like Nee said, the environment added to the infactuation, but infactuation only lasts for a bit before it becomes nothing more than just a feeling in the past. Thit never fell in love with Nee; he didn't know who she was. How can he? It was simply infactuation. Now, if like Gan, who he calls a slut left and right, once he learns the truth of Nee's ugly past and still pursues her, now that's love. It's funny, Thit calls Gan a dirty person yet he is so attached to her YET Nee is supposedly the good one here but he never gives her the time of day. Thit loves Gan. :crush:
Wow ! :eek: Great (how do we say 'Great' in thailandese ?) I love your thoughts about fate ! Nice I have not finished to read your post but I have to pause to send you this message :D


sarNie Hatchling
I run a marathon catch up movie today, I watched it from ep 8 - 12, my feeling now is totally rock :woot: . even if ep 11 and 12 in raw , but it is better and better day by day, episode by episode. I cant stand when thinking to say goodbye from this movie.
1st about nearly ep, 12! I dont love Toom anymore, I think I'm crazy in love with him, :spin: his acting are wonderful, his eyes telling much all the feelings and situation that can make me understand and drift cross this story line without any language. I love him, totally :thumbup:  ToomToom, here's my heart, I give it for you! :heart: :heart: :heart:
The chemistry btw Thit and Gan make me crazy too, I just holding the mouse and click to rewind again and again and again to see them more and more, so touching. (even iff all those scene nearly always are anguish :teary: )
Watch all of this in sequence bring a lot of crazy things pass through my mind, I hate Nee, hate Wason too :arrg: :arrg: :arrg: , how can they do such many things means like that? they'll get retribution for their's deed :angry: . And Wit, he just came out, and disappear, came out and disappear, :girlmad: that bring me to think some scene like Gan will take his bussiness card and accpet a role in his movie, you know, thats all about money for her family (and Thit jealous too :whistle: )
My heart is broken when come out with divorce scene, bring ring back? why? why's that? but that's the best scene for me to prove that love are blind, why dont they tell all about what they feel? about their love for each other? forget about the past and keep moving on? Toom and Vill's acting are amazing, they can reach audience heart, for sure!!! :lolyup:
Looking for the spoil of Aiyaja and saw the preview for the next ep, make me think 1 thing crazy, maybe, when Nee in Gan's style come in Wason room and doing/talking horrible things to him, the police appear, she ran a way, Real Gan wake up, they meet each other on the run way, BUM! the police cant regconize them, so "pan pan" :gungirl: =>>>>if is truly happen, my fear for sth terrible would happy to Gan will reduce (cuz Nee was shot and her evil plan sooner will come to light - Gan "pan pan" is the only thing I worry, but when I think over this, I saw in my mind, beside Gan is Thit with all his heart put in Gan, worry for her, and declare his love for her, kekekeke, sweet sweet :yes: ). But if Nee die after "pan pan" is too easy for her, nothing truth came to life and I really want to see anybody unmask her, see her real evil/sin/terrible face, see Thit face and Thit's regret :lmao2:
So its will be long long time to next week, Aiyaja this is the time I miss you most :p .
P.S: i dont want to think about the last 2 more weeks, No No I dont want, plz tell me that is not true, that is temporary plan for this. :teary: :teary:


Expired Sarnie
aiyaja? r u my gma? lol over the weekend, that is exactly what she said to me about gan's fate/destiny. well she said it entirely in another language but pretty much exactly.

anyways SSP will be the death of me!!!! i have been working 12 hour shift for 3 wks and im literally awake for the new episode and sub version. i havent done this in a while were i will watch raw and eagerly waiting for sub.

i have a feeling nee friend will take the fault and be blamed for wasun. serves her right for having such a lousy/pathetic friend like nee. i believe that the gma should kick thi out and see if nee is till willingly b by his side. i just wish they havent given nee any clue on what they were planning to do but eh a lakorn is a lakorn.


sarNie OldFart
Maiko^_^ said:
*Groan* I'm back from my trip, and as expected...I missed such a good discussion while I was gone. T_T Sadly, I'm too tired and sleepy from my trip to reply to the comments tonight. :yawn: I will do so, early in the morning or after work. Thanks for all the lovely and entertaining comments, you guys! I'm happy that I'm not the only who feels Toomtam and Vill's raw emotions in today's episode. Told you that most of you will love the Thit x Gan scenes today! :wink: Well, good nite, everybody! :) :goodnite: :grouphug:
:welcome1: back!!! 
I cried when Gan returned her wedding ring.  Such an emotional scene... :teary:  :cry: Excellent acting from the both of them.  That has to be the saddest scene or as equally as sad as the scene where Thit threw money in her face.  


- Marina ♥
aiyaja said:
Anyway, here's my explanation as to why Thit loves Gan and not Nee. Thit never loved Nee, it was infactuation. I'm going to repost from Spicy. :dance3:
I'm someone who believes in fate. Like that one saying, "Kaeng arai gaw kaeng dai thae kaeng bon wasana kaeng mai dai." That phrase basically means you can compete in anything but you can't compete when it comes to destiny/fate. It holds true here. It was fate that the Father kept Gan and not Nee. Even without Nee meeting Thit at Prajuab first, Thit and Gan would have eventually met and fall in love later on. Why is it that Nee had Thit in her hands, a diamond, yet she neglected it? Why is that Nee used Gan's name and not her own, in a way symbolizing Thit and Gan's destiny. Thit fell in love with Gan, in name, for a whole year even before falling for the true owner of the name. Fate may have different paths but in the end, they all lead to the same destination. So when Thit saw the real Gan, it's like he had met his soulmate, his soul recognized hers. Thit already fell for Gan the first moment he saw her grace the dance floor. Anyone who knows Gan and Nee would eventually know that they are two different people. Like Urai said, Gan has a classy soft aura to her yet Nee has a rough slum arua. But Thit kept using the whole "past in Prajuab" not because he was in love with that woman from a year ago but because he wants to have ties to the current one, Gan.
As one hearted and honest of a man Thit is, Thit is still a man in the end. Which means, if a man doesn't care for the current person, he's going to be like all of that love was in the past, you need to move on. But when a man loves the current person, he uses everything to tie himself to her. And we all know men hate strings YET Thit ties himself to Gan like a little puppy chasing after a balloon on his tail. :pervie:
It is fate again that Thit met Gan and not Nee because if Thit had met Nee again, she would have ruined her chances with him and reject him again because he wasn't wealthy yet. He would have learned of her true rotten nature and never take her back after he became royalty because he would only consider the relationship with her as being in the past and move right on. So Nee is misunderstanding something here. It's Gan's fate with Thit that is allowing Nee a second chance with Thit, not the other way around. Nee is riding on Gan's fate.
I don't think Thit is aware when he fell for Gan. All he knows is that to see her is to feel immense pain. I think Thit fell for Nee because like Nee said, the environment added to the infactuation, but infactuation only lasts for a bit before it becomes nothing more than just a feeling in the past. Thit never fell in love with Nee; he didn't know who she was. How can he? It was simply infactuation. Now, if like Gan, who he calls a slut left and right, once he learns the truth of Nee's ugly past and still pursues her, now that's love. It's funny, Thit calls Gan a dirty person yet he is so attached to her YET Nee is supposedly the good one here but he never gives her the time of day. Thit loves Gan. :crush:
Why are you so amazing? T__T Your words of describing why Thit loves Gan are so powerful & moving. I seriously think your words should be saved forever or something xD Your explanation is too awesome!
ALSO, loving the pictures of Toomtam & Vill. Vill's expressions are so amazing for they can allow me to feel how she feels. She's truly a great actress in any role. And of course, Toomtam, his tears are too precious. His crying/sad scenes always get to me x)


what can I say? Toomtam has stolen my heart from this lakorn. lol LOVE him. Adorable XD
su su TOOMTAM+VILL. May the ratings shoot skyrocket high! :dance1:  :numchuck:


sarNie Adult
Glad I took the chance to watch this. 
It's really good. 
Vill definitely doesn't disappoint with her double role here as n'ek and n'rai...definitely one of her best yet imo. 
Toomtam definitely holds his ground well too being a newbie and all too. 


sarNie OldFart
KimBerry said:
aiyaja -girl thank you for the HD pics! And also thank you for posting spoilers all the time. It is deeply appreciated esp to some of us who can't understand Thai. From all of us :clap2:  :grouphug:
  :eek:fftopic: Is Vill dating anyone?   :dance1: My canon OTP Vill&Toomtam.
You very welcome. Vill was seeing Mark but they've distant for a few months now ever since the Mark and Kimberley scandal hit. Vill needs a boyfriend though, she's been leaving depressing phrases on IG. ^_^ Darn, if only Toomtam was single.
Balu_bear said:
if Nee die after "pan pan" is too easy for her, nothing truth came to
life and I really want to see anybody unmask her, see her real
evil/sin/terrible face, see Thit face and Thit's regret :lmao2:
So its will be long long time to next week, Aiyaja this is the time I miss you most :p .
i dont want to think about the last 2 more weeks, No No I dont want,
plz tell me that is not true, that is temporary plan for this. :teary: :teary:
Haha, everyone is waiting to see that sorry face of Thit's. Aw, at least all of us will be here struggling through the wait. :rockon:
fun said:
r u my gma? lol over the weekend, that is exactly what she said to me
about gan's fate/destiny. well she said it entirely in another language
but pretty much exactly.
Haha, that is so funny. Thanks ja. I guess, the understanding of fate/destiny is the same everywhere.
ceda_lee said:
I cried when Gan returned her wedding ring.  Such an emotional scene... :teary:  :cry: Excellent
acting from the both of them.  That has to be the saddest scene or as
equally as sad as the scene where Thit threw money in her face.  
Did you notice that right when Gan walked out on Thit, he realized, "Oh shit, I was too irrational?" :p Like he expected Gan to not walk out but cry and chase him like usual.
huajaikaungtur said:
ALSO, loving the pictures of Toomtam & Vill. Vill's expressions are so amazing for they can allow me to feel how she feels. She's truly a great actress in any role. And of course, Toomtam, his tears are too precious. His crying/sad scenes always get to me x)
Vill and Toomtam are awesome! :rockon:
WeirFany said:
So, I've been a lurker in this thread. 

I'm Tiffany btw. 
Welcome to the thread ja. We all can't help but to fal in love with this lakorn.
Episode 13 Spoilers coming up soon....