
sarNie OldFart
aiyaja said:
Well, brace yourselves guys...the story gets more intense and sadder for Gan as we're nearing the end. I'll have the rest of Episode 13 up soon, please be patient.
But I'm keeping up the faith that after the rain comes the rainbow!!! :rockon:
OMG! Gan & Thit better have more sweet scenes.  I hope the ending is not rushed.  


sarNie Egg
I can understand Thit's feelings but is he that stupid to think that everyone is out to get Nee.I mean boy think you are the one who said that no one would talk about being rape very easily but Nee already said it so easily. I mean Nee didn't hesitant but he still believes her. How can everyone be wrong about Nee. He needs to open his freaking eyes. He and Gan need to get over their pride quick. Ahh Men.... 


sarNie Juvenile
wait what the lakorn is coming to and end. seriously I felt like it just started damn it i need to fine another one so soon. :tearybye:


sarNie Adult
i am BUM out that this lakorn is comming to an end. but on the other hand, its good for me b/c that means i can focus more on school work.

I'm a little off topic here.. But ...the last Lakorn that i have watch was "Sao Noi (2012)" didn't finish it... So I don't know if that's really consider a Lakorn that I have watch, I normally refer to a Lakorn being watch when I finish all EP.

But the last Lakorn that I have Finish watching all EP was:

Mia Teang (2011)
-Chompoo Araya A. Hargate
-Rome Patchata Nampan

And :
Kha Khong Khon (2011)
-Woranuch Wongsawan (Noon)
-Pong Nawat

I guess the next Lakorn I'm looking 4ward to see is Tik and Ann upcoming Lakorn together.


- Marina ♥
D~D said:
i am BUM out that this lakorn is comming to an end. but on the other hand, its good for me b/c that means i can focus more on school work.

I'm a little off topic here.. But ...the last Lakorn that i have watch was "Sao Noi (2012)" didn't finish it... So I don't know if that's really consider a Lakorn that I have watch, I normally refer to a Lakorn being watch when I finish all EP.

But the last Lakorn that I have Finish watching all EP was:

Mia Teang (2011)
-Chompoo Araya A. Hargate
-Rome Patchata Nampan

And :
Kha Khong Khon (2011)
-Woranuch Wongsawan (Noon)
-Pong Nawat

I guess the next Lakorn I'm looking 4ward to see is Tik and Ann upcoming Lakorn together.
Wow, so it's been two years since you 'watched' a lakorn? You seem to be very picky in lakorns xD I started Sao Noi but never finished it -.-


sarNie Adult
huajaikaungtur said:
Wow, so it's been two years since you 'watched' a lakorn? You seem to be very picky in lakorns xD I started Sao Noi but never finished it -.-
Yeah, I'm picky. If I like the story-line, I'll watch it but if its it's an actor/actress that I don't like than i don't watch. I have heard of Chompoo for years but my first Lakorn of her was Mia Taeng. Same thing goes to Noon as well in KKK. Since then... i haven't watch any of their project .


- Marina ♥
D~D said:
Yeah, I'm picky. If I like the story-line, I'll watch it but if its it's an actor/actress that I don't like than i don't watch. I have heard of Chompoo for years but my first Lakorn of her was Mia Taeng. Same thing goes to Noon as well in KKK. Since then... i haven't watch any of their project .
I'm quite picky, too but I don't think I'm as picky as you, hehe. I watch usually if the storyline's decent and if I like the casts. I don't watch much of Chompoo and Noon's lakorns either. ^^


D~D said:
Yeah, I'm picky. If I like the story-line, I'll watch it but if its it's an actor/actress that I don't like than i don't watch. I have heard of Chompoo for years but my first Lakorn of her was Mia Taeng. Same thing goes to Noon as well in KKK. Since then... i haven't watch any of their project .
huajaikaungtur said:
I'm quite picky, too but I don't think I'm as picky as you, hehe. I watch usually if the storyline's decent and if I like the casts. I don't watch much of Chompoo and Noon's lakorns either. ^^
Haha. I guess we're all quite picky. I only watch lakorns of actors and actresses I know. Unless the story's interesting enough or the leads look interesting enough, then I'll give that lakorn a try. Like SSP, I didn't really like Vill when I first knew about her because I saw a few clips of her and Son in their first lakorn together and I thought she was horrible. I'm glad I picked up this one because she's really a good actress. 


sarNie OldFart
Here you guys go my buddies! Please don't forget to take a deep breath. :yes:
Episode 13 Part 2 Spoilers ja.
Episode 13 Part 2: As the three ladies walk towards the bathroom, Won tries to stall time. Right when the Grandma is about to open the door, Nee comes out surprising them. The three ladies leave but are still suspicious of Nee and Won's behavior.

Nee explains to Won that she had to climb out the window of the room next door in order to enter the bathroom. Won asks about Wason and receives confirmation of his death as Nee wickedly asks Son to forgive her.

Gan finally gains consciousness and checks herself and belongings finding that the only thing missing is the letter. She walks out to Wason's hospital room but sees no one on the bed. She asks a nurse and the nurse tells her that Son passed away earlier. Gan is shocked.

Thit comes into his office seeing Gan sitting there waiting for him. Gan comes to ask Thit if the necklace is missing. Thit asks her how did she know? Gan says that she received a letter from Wason telling her to meet up with him if she wanted to know the whereabouts of the necklace. Thit immediately becomes irritated when he hears Wason's name. Thit says that Son probably knew about their divorce and wants a reconciliation. Gan tells Thit that she did go and tried to meet up with Wason but she was poisoned and went unconscious and by the time she regained her composure and went to see him, he had already died. Thit is a bit taken back but accuses Gan saying that Gan probably gave Son the necklace herself and is making up stories to cover her tracks. Thit continues accusing Gan saying why would she even lie to him when that was a present given to her from the Grandma, it's okay to do whatever she wants with it. Gan says, there's no reason to do such things. And the only reason why Gan even came to see him was to clarify as to what happened to the necklace. Thit says who else would have taken the necklace if not Gan?

Nee is over at Won's place talking about the incident. Won is really scared; however, Nee assures her that things will never reach them. Won is a bit concerned about Gan telling Nee that killing someone can end up with life in prison or even execution. Nee doesn't care and continues to be super happy that she has gotten rid of Wason and will now be getting rid of Gan as well.

The next morning, Gan is caring for her Father and is about to tell him what happened yesterday but Rat interrupts saying there are cops outside. The cops announce that they are taking her into custody for the involvement of Wason's death. The cops interrogate Gan asking her what happened. Gan tells them that she received a letter from Wason to meet him at the hospital. The cops ask, did he personally give you the letter? Gan says no. Gan tells them about getting poisoned and blacking out and not meeting him due to him passing away beforehand. The cops don't believe her. The cops also interrogated Rat. Rat tells them that Gan went to run some errands yesterday but didn't know what they were when the cops asked. The cops have the two witnesses, the two nurses, come and confirm who the murderer is. The two nurses both declare that it is Gan who is the killer.

At the Soorayagan palace, the three ladies receive a call from the Father that Gan is in custody for the murder of Wason. Thit walks in on time overhearing and says that he doesn't believe Gan can do such a thing.

Rompoie and Ying come to visit Gan at the police station. Rompoie is crying for her friend. Gan tells them that she didn't do it. They assure her that they believe her but who would do such a thing to Gan and why? Gan carefully thinks the sequence of events through. Ying asks Gan if she remembers how the perpetrator looks like? Gan says all she remembers is that the perpetrator was a woman and she couldn't see anything but she remembers the perfume the woman was wearing.
I've chilled out for a bit now. :coverlaf:


sarNie Adult
Yeah ( ) !!! !! Thank u for the rest of the spoiler !! Very disappointed at how the story going. Exact is really getting on my nerves.

This is for u ---> lol...


- Marina ♥
Thanks so much for the spoiler! :D
phatman said:
Haha. I guess we're all quite picky. I only watch lakorns of actors and actresses I know. Unless the story's interesting enough or the leads look interesting enough, then I'll give that lakorn a try. Like SSP, I didn't really like Vill when I first knew about her because I saw a few clips of her and Son in their first lakorn together and I thought she was horrible. I'm glad I picked up this one because she's really a good actress. 
And yes, I wasn't such a big fan of Vill in her first lakorn with Son but now, she's really growing on me ^^ And I'm starting to love her!


In love with Phet Thakrit <3
Hmm.... I'm starting to get happy now. Hope in episode 14, they catch Nee... but I doubt it. Maybe episode 15... or the last, idk but I know it's not soon. I hope Gan doesn't go to jail... I can't stand it.


sarNie Egg
Poor Gan, why is she always in the position/situation where Nee is supposed to be there. :weep:  Thit is getting stupider and stupider as the episodes goes on! Like seriously!! Well, I am not crazy or whatsoever but I hope Ch. 5 would add scenes like, Gandawasee would be in danger (ex. near death situation, 50-50), and Thit will worry about her, and wants to come back to her, and Gan will be like ignore him and not talk to him. OMG! I like these types of scene. :drool: As for Nee, I just simply want her TO DIE!! She's crazy! :angry:


sarNie Adult
Thanks Aiyaja for the spoiler. My heart sank again. It's an emotional roller coaster for me with this lakorn. I pray for more heartfelt scenes. There is a bit of hope for that I think. I'm not too ecstatic about what will happen to Gan but to look on the bright side, no more Wason. I hope Won comes to her senses and come clean about Nee. I can't think of any other way they would have proof against Nee except for the parcel Im Jai sent to Thit.


Expired Sarnie
i think my heart just broke into many pieces. it hurts to see an innocent person being framed and suffering. i know that feeling and hate it when it get portrayed in lakorn or any situation. my heart really goes out to gaan. poor girl.


Nee does deserve to die.  Her cruelty, selfishness and sins are unforgivable.  She has nearly killed so many people including her adopted father who loves her dearly.  She's cruel to every person.  She has to go!! Just has to go and die!!


sarNie Adult
I hope everything that has no whatsoever relation to Thit-Gan romance scene will end next week so that they'll pamper us with 2 episodes (or if we're lucky 3) of the Thit chasing Gan scenes (hah! watching too much lakorn enables you the power to foresee the coming scenes.. wehee~). Let's end Nee ASAP! Find the missing necklace and Thit! Please buy Gan a different wedding ring. I mean come on man! You're a man with title! Sir Thit! Please find our precious Gan something shinier.