VILLNAN said:I miss Thiti and Gun
huajaikaungtur said:Haha, true true, Maiko. I remember just saying I was happy to see Toomtam in another lakorn. YES, this is definitey fate's way of working into our lives
Agree, hopefully they have a 3rd lakorn soon! That would just be too great but judging from all the fans ToomVill has, it's not too low of a chance that they'll pair up again!
I mean, they did get their own MV and all, hehe!
And I better see those ToomVill projects of yours, girlAnd are you planning to write fanfics and post them in the fanfiction area?
If so, that would be awesomeee, oh goshhh!
Hahaha, I can picture you and your large grin when it comes to ToomVill. You and your pretty self
And I'm surprised, too! It just shows how crazy we are for ToomVill! Plus, the NJ thread is always so active -- it moves to quick!
Hahaha, yes. SSP's thread xD
I, too, miss Thitit and Gan. And yes, soon Ruth and May. And soon, ToomVill... T^T
huajaikaungtur said:Yesss, I almost forgot I was already a fan of Toomtam before SSP started, haha. Agree, it makes me so happy, too! We were so adorable
Agree, if we keep trying and get the point across that ToomVill is loved by a ton of fans, I'm sure they'll be reunited in a 3rd lakorn!!
Yaaaay, I would love you to post up fanfics! Since I know you're an awesome writer and you have lots of ideas running through your head!
Yes, I can picture your beautiful smilingAgree! Without ToomVill, I would have never met you girls and I would have never found out about how amazing you all are!
Hahaha, yes, we need all the lifetimes we can get!
huajaikaungtur said:Hahaha, ToomVill did make us lose our innocence. The NJ thread and SSP thread are distinguishly different, hahaha.
Let's go bombard them together, Maiko! I just need to get all the IGs and then I'll go crazy with you, hahaha.
No problem! I'd definitely support you with fanfic writing but really, it's up to you! I know how busy you are
I bet your smile is adorableYesss, the power of ToomVill is incredible!!
Haha, yes about them being our Yadech!!
huajaikaungtur said:Okay, of course! Just tag my name and I'll be there to back you up! Aint no one gonna stop us now, haha!
I love you, too Maiko! You're such a sweetheart and you make asianfuse so much more of a comfortable placeAnd yes, finally you admit your smile is beautiful! yay
Agree, if only they could get more of everything like Yadech!
huajaikaungtur said:Haha, my IG name is a bit hard to remember... it's "okaiilovelakorns." Just think of it as "okay" except it's spelled with an i at the end instead of a y like "okai" then "i love lakorns"I don't know if that helps or anything but maybe? Haha.
You are a sweetheart! I'm sure of it, hahaYou're just too modest, Maiko. LOL, you make me laugh all the time, Maiko
Maiko^_^ said:
My sleepy and tired mind couldn't comprehend your adorable explanations at first, but going back to reread them with a clear mind, hahaha, your explanations do help out, girl! Thank you! Okie dokie, I will remember that next time I caption your name.
Aw, Marina...look at us, always complimenting and loving each other! :wub: :kiss3: You crack me up, too. :lmao3: Hehe, I :heart: you!![]()
huajaikaungtur said:Hahaha yes! Read my unclear explanations when you're fully awakeThat's good to hear, thanks Maiko!
LOL, we are always complimenting each other -- too much complimenting going on hahaha! Love youuuu <3
aiyaja said:GMM is reairing this so for the love of God, please air the uncut version. Hahaha.