
Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Awh, it's been such a slow week...not a lot of updates... Just three worthy pictures to share for now. Can't wait until SSP airs! I had a wonderful dream about it last night...the first episode was airing, and sadly, I only remember the ending theme of the "first" episode hehe...Toomtam and Vill's "scenes" in my dream were so squeal-worthy: :wub: Hurry up and end, Reuan Saneha! :D
Credits: Vill and tohtae69's IGs, Vill's Twitter.

Ekk, Vill in the water/pool is a refreshing sight! She looks gorgeous like usual hehe. Hmm...I don't recall pools back in Thai period times. :huh: Oh, but when I used Google Translate, the rough translation indicates that the scene from the pool pictures of Vill are from a dream or something like that. :) Ooh, she looks so sexy in the short dress! :drool:
D~D said:
It's amazing how she can totally pull off the Nangrai look.
BTW.. Does anyone know if someone is going to sub it ???
And yet, she looks so angelic when she's n'ek. :wub: Nope...I don't know anyone who plans on subbing SSP. :teary: It sure would be sweet if someone will kindly sub it for us hehe. But I will still watch it raw anyway. :D


sarNie Adult
Maiko : And yet, she looks so angelic when she's n'ek. :wub: Nope...I don't know anyone who plans on subbing SSP. :teary: It sure would be sweet if someone will kindly sub it for us hehe. But I will still watch it raw anyway.


D~D : I wonder if that girl that did Sai Noi on viki would ask other people to help her sub it.


❤All that you are is all that I'll ever need❤
Omg, wat can i say....view is super gorgeous in all da pics Maiko post in here...doesnt matter which role she portray, n'rai twin or n'ek twin...both are pretty in their own both make-up on View!

So touches...seen like da bad twin is a wh0r3 hehehehe oh well, every apple trees has a rotten apple!

Btw, it june already...wonder when is da exact date??? Mid june or late june?


- Marina ♥
Oh please, Sud Sai Paan! Just air already! LOL, I'll patiently wait.
Vill looks gorgeous in the pool -- so refreshing :)
I'm at the point where I'll just watch this without subs, taha. :D


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Sweet_09 said:
Omg, wat can i say....view is super gorgeous in all da pics Maiko post in here...doesnt matter which role she portray, n'rai twin or n'ek twin...both are pretty in their own both make-up on View!

So touches...seen like da bad twin is a wh0r3 hehehehe oh well, every apple trees has a rotten apple!

Btw, it june already...wonder when is da exact date??? Mid june or late june?
Sud Sai Paan will air once Reuan (or Ruan) Saneha ends. Since I'm not watching it, I don't know when it will end. But I just check the latest episode, and it looks like it's continuing on next week. If we're lucky, RS may end next Tuesday, and that would mean that SSP airs on Monday, June 17. But a teaser is sure to be coming up soon for SSP, perhaps next week. :woot: I'll just have to keep checking on YouTube and my other resources. :lolyup: I don't know the exact air date yet, but SSP will air either in mid-June or late June, exactly what you're wondering about hehe. :wink:
huajaikaungtur said:
Oh please, Sud Sai Paan! Just air already! LOL, I'll patiently wait.
Vill looks gorgeous in the pool -- so refreshing :)
I'm at the point where I'll just watch this without subs, taha. :D
That's what I said, too! About how refreshing Vill looks in the pool. :rofl: The pool looks so cool and nice! Good thing it's June already; I was worried it will be next year before we get to watch SSP. Thank goodness Exact is speedy with their filming. :phew: Hopefully, the quality is just as good hehe. And it won't be a disappointment for us. :spin:


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
*Groan* Another slow week... I'm dying for a teaser for SSP. Anyway, four pictures. :D Lovely Vill and May playing behind the set. Cute! Both look beautiful here, and the teddies are adorable! I love cute, stuff animals! :wub:
Credits: Vill's IG & Twitter.



- Marina ♥
AWWE C: The teddy bears, so cuuuute ;3
Same here, Maiko. I'm dying for a teaser here. Please come soon, teaser & SSP !!!


sarNie OldFart
The grls r cute....I remember this lakorn. .pk was mean to nice nk...I love the ost tang sang....tootam and vill look good. .


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
huajaikaungtur said:
AWWE C: The teddy bears, so cuuuute ;3
Same here, Maiko. I'm dying for a teaser here. Please come soon, teaser & SSP !!!
Have to go to work soon, so I'll have to check later if Ruean Saneha has ended yet. I haven't yet found a teaser for SSP, so I have a bad feeling RS isn't ending today. =( Lol, yep, the teddies are cute. They're the type that I would love to have one for myself. xD
spanky said:
The grls r cute....I remember this lakorn. .pk was mean to nice nk...I love the ost tang sang....tootam and vill look good. .
I like the ost that Tang sang, too, but it seems like I keep hearing it in every three or so scene. :lolyup: It's still a good song, but it was depressing at times, and I did wish it wasn't played so much in Tang and Namfon's scenes. :D Yep, p'ek at times was really mean to n'ek, but that's how I like 'em. :wink: Can't wait for Toomtam and Vill on screen. :lol:
Anyway, more pictures for my fluttering heart.
Credits: princetamgroup, teddymayfc, & tumrio's IGs; banknote (as tagged).

Awh yes!!!!!!!!! xD <=== (I would have express my excitement better, but I'm too much of a hurry to do so. Yet I have time to explain myself. :D) Anyhoo, geez, I just love the pictures of Toomtam and Vill! Especially the wedding pictures! :wub: Gosh, they keep looking better and better together! :cloud9: Toomtam is handsome while Vill is super duper beautiful and gorgeous! :drool: Oh, I really :heart: their wedding pictures. They remind me of Num and Joy in Bai Sai Tong. Toomtam is so good-looking in the black tuxedo. Love him in the Thai wedding outfit, too. Did I mention I love their wedding pictures? :D All their wedding pictures look so good, hard to pick a favorite. Just love them all. K, I have to get ready for work now. :teary: Hopefully, more of their wedding pictures will be released soon. :spin:


- Marina ♥
OH MY GAHHH, the pictures just keep getting better!!! Those wedding photos are amazing! Vill's hair is so perfect and Toomtam is so handsome! Both look so great together. Those are really some nice photos :)
Toomtam looks so nice in the tuxedo, gahhhh, he's too dreamy~
They're so cuuuute! These photos honestly made my day.
Yeah, I don't think Ruan Saneha is done today -.-" Hopefully soon though :/


sarNie Adult
Finally some photo of the nice twin with Toomtam. Very sweet. I LoVE the photo. The photo with Vill hand on Toomtam chest.. I was hoping that his face expression could of have been better. But over all like I said, I LOvE it. ^O^


sarNie Adult
Maiko: ---- Awh yes!!!!!!!!! xD <=== (I would have express my excitement better, but I'm too much of a hurry to do so. Yet I have time to explain myself. :D) Anyhoo, geez, I just love the pictures of Toomtam and Vill! Especially the wedding pictures! :wub: Gosh, they keep looking better and better together! :cloud9: Toomtam is handsome while Vill is super duper beautiful and gorgeous! :drool: Oh, I really :heart: their wedding pictures. They remind me of Num and Joy in Bai Sai Tong. Toomtam is so good-looking in the black tuxedo. Love him in the Thai wedding outfit, too. Did I mention I love their wedding pictures? :D All their wedding pictures look so good, hard to pick a favorite. Just love them all. K, I have to get ready for work now. :teary: Hopefully, more of their wedding pictures will be released soon. :spin:[/quote]

D~D: ----- I agree with u.. The photo does remind me of the Lakorn of BanSaiThong (Num and Joy). That was actually my first Lakorn that I love so much (Thats how i got addicted to lakorn). Maybe b/c it's the whole thing about a strong Pra'nang and their life after marriage. I'm still having my finger cross for Min Peechaya to play it.


- Marina ♥
Here are some photos I found on facebook, don't know if they've been posted yet but yeah :) They look good!
CREDIT: Toomtam's facebook (




Gahhhh, Toomtam is one fine cookie C: He's so handsome! The first and last photo are sooo .... asdfghjkl! They're too sweet especially the last photo.
I believe this lakorn will be airing in about 2 weeks since Ruan Saneha is possibly ending next week.
*fingers crossed* Please air soon, Sud Sai Paan! Give us a teaser soon, too!
Also, Toomtam & Vill are so cute singing at 1:04 <333


sarNie Adult
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the last photo!!! Super super sweet ^o^.

COME on !!! Air already !!!!!


❤All that you are is all that I'll ever need❤
Awh i cant believe tat i'mgoing to say this...Toomtam is so hot! He never cuaght my attention but by adding View to his side lol tat make a huge different hehehehe! Loved da wedding pichs, View is super gorgeous like always and Toomtam look like a Khun Luang lol