Oh yes, next page. 
Yes, I'm sure she has some feelings for him, cool. She doesn't realize or understand it yet though hehe. Hence, she's sad inside when she finds out Thit is "close" with Ying (Fang's character). Hmm, when Nee (evil twin) gets into their married life and tries to ruin it, Gan will feel even more upset and sad... :teary: I hope she won't be super weak, for I want her to fight for love! :numchuck:
In the old version, Namfon's Gandaowasee presented Tang's Keeti/Thit with divorce papers (uh, or so I heard...I actually haven't watched the old version to that part yet... :scratchhead2
. She wanted to divorce him so that he could be free to marry Gandaomanee, the woman he originally feel in love with. There was a scene during the opening and closing credits for Sud Sai Paan (2013), in which Thit (Toomtam) rips up some papers and throws them into Gan's (Vill) face while she is kneeling in front of him. Gan is crying and is seen leaving him afterwards... So that scene makes me think that perhaps those papers (that Thit is ripping up) are the divorce papers. Lol, I'm thinking too far ahead, but it's fun to guess. ^o^ It's just a little embarrassing when I turn out to be wrong. :rofl: It's still fun, though.
Hahaha, Wit is slapping Nee (evil twin) because she doesn't want to do what he wants her to do.
Ekkk, it's going to be a scary situation for Nee, but I'm so looking forward to Vill and Guy's performances. Guy's an amazing actor. He makes me love him one minute, then hate him the next hehe. He is scary and fierce as Wit! :nailbiter: Yet, still so darn hot. :drool:
cool :) said:haha i agree,she's playing the evil role so good. I'm amazed at how convincing her acting can be :bhehe: ,like when she acts the "rai" role,she seems like a totally different person and her image just changes,which is a good thingalso, i loved todays episode :heart: but i was confused a bit because why was Gan crying when Thit said he was going to marry Fang?? Is it beacasue she likes him?..because to me, so far it seems like she's just sad cuz Thit doesnt believe that she's not the person he thinks she is. But i guess she does have some feelings for him..?so many questions,my head hurts 555 .And now i have to wait for tomorow again, I HATE WAITING lol ,its ok, its worth it :yes: The preview was confusing too though because Wit was like slapping her , why..? EXCITED FOR TOMOROW
Yes, I'm sure she has some feelings for him, cool. She doesn't realize or understand it yet though hehe. Hence, she's sad inside when she finds out Thit is "close" with Ying (Fang's character). Hmm, when Nee (evil twin) gets into their married life and tries to ruin it, Gan will feel even more upset and sad... :teary: I hope she won't be super weak, for I want her to fight for love! :numchuck:
In the old version, Namfon's Gandaowasee presented Tang's Keeti/Thit with divorce papers (uh, or so I heard...I actually haven't watched the old version to that part yet... :scratchhead2
Hahaha, Wit is slapping Nee (evil twin) because she doesn't want to do what he wants her to do.