Only one day has passed and i'm so late on this, you're saying your goodbyes already!
aiyaja said:
That made me giddy.

Something would be
very wrong if he didn't like it. XD
aiyaja, thank you for all your dedication and informational posts which have personally helped me grow in my time with SSP. I value our detailed analysis on plot and character and i only pray we will have that opportunity once again with Vill and Toomtam's reunion (or another lakorn that strikes both our hearts^^). Although SSP disappointed you, i hope you cherish the good times and the reasons why you watched and stayed til the end. Love and appreciate everything you've done for AF SSPers. Have a happy vacation~ much deserved naaa! :heart:
ceda_lee @
Maiko, OK, we don't keep secrets in here. Please show us your scenario in fanfic style!! Not sure about erotica though, Toomtam is too adorably innocent i would feel sinned to think otherwise. :spin:
I hope everyone has cooled down. Like @
Maiko, i also think there is much to talk about! Usually, i'd feel iffy if a lakorn exceeds 20 episodes, but considering my favorite lakorn happens to be an Exact one and had over 30 episodes, i actually think SSP would be a stronger lakorn had it been at least 20 episodes. Many questions left unanswered, many characters left unexplored and deserted even (Wit).
-What happened to the necklace that was so vital to initiating and solving the murder mysteries (all three persons died because of it, even had Nee stabbing herself)? It took up so much airtime to bring ruckus, which i think was the point-- but i'm left completely baffled at it's nonexistent closure.
-Wit's character was strongly written, but faded out.. and then, dust.* :mellow: I think he's the one character the audience can see entirely from the moment he's introduced to the moment he exits; he's consistent and doesn't hide anything. We know he's a sadist with a creative, dark nature and it's in line with his mentality and actions.
-As thoughtful as a person she is, i can't bring myself to understand why Gan never inquired about her mom. I think to see a very heartbreaking scene between her and her dad would've been a powerful detail in writing Gan's character. (One of the moments i was most moved by SPP was when Gan began to doubt herself and identity. To see her shattered and confused after seeing Nee for the first time really broke my heart because she was so justifiably sane and righteous before Thit.)
-Ying was such an unnecessary character, except for in the beginning as Thit's suspected fiancee. Wish they could've made use of her character more; P'Fang has never been so dully used.
-I've always been confused with Rut's change in character towards Gan; it wasn't gradual at all (however, it does show how much of an influence her mother had on her). Thit will never know the other reason why Gan chose to marry all of a sudden. I actually think it would have been a nice surprise to have Rut's boyfriend back for a cleaner closing (if we were to have an ep18) just to bring us all back to Thit and Gan's beginning days. I wanted a flashback reel of their days back then way more than what they showed us at the end. I think they were trying to show us the triumphs Thit and Gan overcame upon Nee's entrance, but i agree, it was poorly done and not very cohesive. Bad part on Exact.
There are more things we can all point out. By writing them down, i realize how both hardworking and lazy/tired the production team got. Careless even? I kind of want an
unedited version of SSP now..
P.S. Girls........... I think they planned it all along, to hook and sink us. If we look at SSP's main poster again, Thitit and Nee are in the forefront, while Gan is... just there. <_<