The story revolves around Sammy and Stephany's father cheating on their mother, which tore their family apart. In part 1, Thanwa's mother is Sammy's father's mistress. Thanwa knew but never told Sammy while they were dating since it is his mother. When news broke out, Sammy's mother almost committed suicide and everything started falling apart. She broke up with Thanwa and then goes after him for revenge years later when he has a fiance to get back at him for not telling her about his mother being her father's mistress.
For this part, Stephanie ran away from home when she found out her father cheated on her mother. She ended up being adopted by Mik's father who is a wealthy millionaire. Mik's father adores her like his own and let's her take responsibility for a majority of the work at his resort. People thought Stephany was having an affair with him including his own son, Mik. So Mik despises but ends up falling for her at the same time. This part is more of p'ek taking revenge on n'ek.