At the beginning of Ep.4, Min told Khem his Mom "Montha" said that Kwanta is already dead so Mon does really have something to do with the disappearance of Kwanta. While others speculate that Kwanta ran away with another guy, Mon went ahead and told her son that she's dead. Monta is such an ugly and cruel woman!!! Why does she hate Kwanta so much when she's not even someone who is related to Chanon or Nin? She's just Nin's nanny right? Crazy lady! You can sense so much hatred she has towards Kwanta(Khem) with the informal tone of voice she was using while yelling at Khem. And she needs to quit tripping esp since all Khem want to do is help Min recover from his condition. Plus Kwan's friend did mention that Kwan was the only one who took care of him and Min loves her a lot. That is why he
calls Kwanta nangfah. (Something along those lines. I'm not completely right lol) I remember hearing Min addressing Kwan(Khem) as Nangfa before.That means Kwanta and Min knew each other well prior to her disappearance.
I am disappointed at Chanon because he keeps feeding Priya with his kindness and she's falling for him even more. Clearly Non is in denial that he's not over Kwanta and still cares for her. I feel like his intention is not to use Priya or hurt her but at the moment, he is digging his own hole because he's falling for Kwanta(Khem) all over again. Non makes it seem as if he is interested in Priya too. This guy is being too nice. I hope you girls understand what I'm trying to say lol Poochai ngoh urie.....tsktsk The workers of the house have to endure so much madness from Monta. I don't know how they can tolerate her psycho-ness because with that kind of attitude and mentality towards a servant, I would've quit that place in a heartbeat lol *SHIVERS Pracha looked so lustful when he saw Khem...that pervert. ARGH...this is making me wonder if Kwanta ever did have a special relationship with him? LOL reu wa bpen rak khaang diao? Aiiiiii so much unanswered questions.....
Monday ill be waiting for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Episode 5 should be fun to watch
I swear when Khem made her entrance to the event (I think Chanon's company is launching a new perfume?), she looked as if she came out of WE magazine lol eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks can't wait to see CHANON's expression when he sees his phanraya ^____^