Rasa (Kob), who recently graduated from university and is opening a clothing store with two girlfriends, was shocked when her mother, Supa, revealed a dark secret before she passed away. Rasa was not a daughter of Supa's husband but it was Supa's wealthy boss. Supa's boss raped her when she worked as a maid in his house. She felt that Rasa must know who her biological father is. She asked Rasa to meet him along with a ring which will support her identity. However, Rasa's half older brother took all of her mother's belongings, including the ring, without telling her. Rasa decides to meet her biological father without any evidence, only with her mother's words.
Her father, Mr. Chalerm, owner of a big jewerly corporation, refused to meet or acknowledge Rasa immediately along with his wife and his oldest daughter, Wan. They see her as a con-artist, looking for money. Rasa, on the other hand, just wants her real father to apologize to her mother's dead body for the bad things he did to her in the past. Sasikarn, Mr. Chalerm's younger daughter, believes Rasa's word and treats her nicely. She thinks that Rasa and her look very alike. Sasikarn's boyfriend, Chanon (Andrew), distrusts Rasa but his younger brother, Apirak, likes Rasa. Instantly, Rasa is in the middle of many conflicts while she is trying to be accepted by her real father. She is trying to help Apirak meet his mother and asks Chanon to forgive his mother for leaving her husband and sons to live with another man 17 years ago.
Rasa's father has kidney malfunction and requires dialysis. His only chance of survival was to have a kidney transplant. Rasa is the only one who can help because her blood type matches her father. However, her older half-sister, Wan, was overwhelmed by greed and selfishness and tried to kill her. She was unsuccessfully because Rasa was not in the place where the bomb was suppose to go off but one of Rasa's friend was.
Chanon tries to avoid Rasa but can't help falling in love with her. He knows that his brother loves Rasa but Rasa doesn't love Apirak. She knows that she loves Chanon but she feels so guilty because Chanon is Sasikarn's boyfriend. Finally everything is clear. Chanon sees that Rasa is willing to risk herself giving her kidney to her father. He feels that no matter how terrible his mother is, she is still his mother. He knows that Rasa makes him see things better. Sasikarn knows that Chanon doesn't love her but he loves Rasa. She knows that she is the third party, not Rasa. All she wants is for her father to be better. Apirak also accepts the fact that Rasa is going to be his sister-in-law but he is happy for his brother to have a good wife like Rasa. Rasa has proved herself with honor and pride against all prejudices. The End