[Ch7] Lueam Salub Lai (Mongkol Karn Lakorn)


sarNie OldFart
Lol. And she knows that. Sammy always say that she has an unfriendly face because her mouth is shaped like a frown. That's why people are afraid to approach her. She looks mean. However, she has a pretty smile so she should learn how to smile more often. I'm also confused about her having a difficult time being seductive. She's naturally sexy off screen and always nails those sexy model photoshoots. 


sarNie Granny
Well, she can pose sexy for photo shoot but acting seductive toward your co star is another thing loll.New look does bother me , he look like a Ken doll!!! Gosh, so much drama. The cat fight is kind of funny really , ch 7 trade mark x number of n'rai + fish market lipsmack fight lol


sarNie OldFart
That is true. It's harder to seduce your co-stars. Lol. But Now did such a good job with Vee and she is not sexy at all in real life. Ch.7 has a lot of talented newbie actors and actresses now. I'm excited for their new generation of actors. Now if they just give all of them a chance, that'd be great. Some of them are so underrated. 


sarNie Granny
ooooO it so sad! she a train wreck ! I kind of like her frown lip now loll everyone is  crazy  , surprisingly I like New's character,   very refreshing , he try to understand her unlike some jerk ass p'ek HAHA


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, I really like Nakarin too. He gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling but sometimes New looks like a creep so it ruins it for me. 


sarNie Granny
too much make up on him + eyeliner + red lipstick , don't understand why the artist does that , he look more feminine than Sammy lol but I do love his character & you can see the struggle she give off , trying not to swoon over him HAHAHA poor girl ,


sarNie OldFart
@ SaRn and Mahalo
Her B/F jay played a few P'k Roles...I remember 1 of his role he play a spoil rich kid and he "R" n'k and eventually he change....he let his home and work his way up and had good character progression....The n'k was in a good amt of 90's lakorn...she was the original girl from Sanae Bangkok


sarNie Granny
OOoooo what the lakorn title . I remember one where he in a band or a singer or something.


sarNie OldFart
i do not remember the name....it's early 90's lakorn
Dtaam Jap Dtaam Jeep (dom/benz 2000) - She played Benz friend and she got w/dom friend...
she had 3 lakorn w/ http://www.sharerice.com/index.php/Lek_Saran_Sakornsin
n'k is http://www.dramatrailers.com/actresses/nussara-pawanna/
there's no list for her lakorn...she was in an old lakorn w/ann, tao and oil 
his lakorn list....they had a slap kiss lakorn too but too bad he end up paralyze -.-


sarNie Granny
Oooo thank for the infor, don't mind me , when ever I hear/read rscene I get curious, very bad habit HAHA ^^^ I do have one of his old lakorn but I do not remember her at all, the one I have he was in a band/singer, darn it, now I want to watch the one you mention loll


sarNie OldFart
it's a really good lakorn, you'll like it
p'k is the arrogant jerk...he like n'k and target her ...hire her and R  her...then he kind of stalked her and lived w/her for a bit....ffw later he became a change man...they meet again and he's trying to win her back
Her lakorn w/Saran is good too...p'k lil bro likes n'k...p'k is a bad boy and n'k is a con artist so he doesn't trust her because he got trick by her....p'k fight a lot w/his dad and went in bad ways and got into drugs...there is also an R/willing scene...sad ending...just when he is trying get his shit together and finally find his mom...he got hurt and is paralyze but n'k stay to take care of him...other than that, it's a good lakorn...bicker..slap/kiss
I watch these lakorn multiple times back in the day hahaha.....i miss em and can't find em sadly
she's in many of Ann lakorn as a supporting role...rang ngao
she's the girl in the square corner
lakorn w/tao/ann/oil...


sarNie Egg
Sammy is so Hot in here. And her acting is on full blast. But I don't see why people have to comment on New all the time. I think he's okay with Sammy and personally i think every actor puts on a lot of make-up, but it's just more noticeable on New because of his facial features and skin color.