[Ch7] Mai Sin Rai Fai Sawart (Daravideo)


sarNie OldFart
Everything will have its flaws. It just depends on how big or small the flaws are. Nang Chada has minimum flaws that I can look past so it is still enjoyable to me in comparison to these other disastrous and poorly executed scripts!


sarNie Hatchling
Oh what the, hahah Nang Chada got me bored after the 2nd episode LOL Waiting for Dung Sawan Sarb  and Neung nai suang now  :woot:
You're right @Mahalo...I feel like this is Tuikwan last lakorn together :( Unless they starred in another lakorn for next year *Crossing my fingers*


sarNie OldFart
You'd have to watch Kan and Mai's last lakorn together to appreciate their pairing in NC. Lol. If NC is the first time you're tuning into them, it sure will be a boring lakorn. 
I want Kwan to pair with new people now. Since she's already reuniting with Weir, I'm not sure who else I want her to pair up with next. Weir again please? LOL.


sarNie Oldmaid
I never want to see her with Vee, no no please. Would love to see her with Kan though. What was her last lakorn with Cee? Since i don't know any of the newbies, i just want to see her with Cee,Om, and Kan. No need to mention Weir and Win cus they're confirmed :)


sarNie OldFart
Kan would be a good one! After Cee's nose job, I can't look at him the same. I've never finished any of KwanOm's lakorns. Despite Dome being a bad actor, I'd like to see them too.


sarNie Hatchling
2 lakorns confirmed for kwan?! Yup there goes my hope for tuikwan reunion looool. I guess I wanna see her again with om. Those two r so cute together

@mahalo: I did watched mai and kan previous lakorn. That's why I decided to watch nang chada for them lol but I guess it wasn't my type xD


sarNie OldFart
Aww. I understand. Lol. It's not the most exciting storyline. Horror lakorns are never top on my list to watch because they lack good romance. However, this one displays such a touching love story. I like it. I won't rewatch it though. Lol. 
And yes, Kwan has two lakorns confirmed. One is a romantic comedy with Win and the other is action with Weir. Everyone has been waiting for these two couples to pair up again for a very long time. It's a miracle we got our wishes in 2015. I guess they heard our complaints. Lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh no, i don't want to see her with Dome until he improves his acting, that is why i don't want to see her with Vee.

Cee had a nose job? Lol i never notice.


Yeah, although NC has its flaws I'm able to look pass them and enjoy my lovely Rin and Techin. Oh my poor great aches.

I don't mind seeing Kan and Kwan!


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Oh no, i don't want to see her with Dome until he improves his acting, that is why i don't want to see her with Vee.

Cee had a nose job? Lol i never notice.
I don't mind Vee, I mind Dome. You can't deny that they won't look hot together. They both have porcelain white skin. Hehe.
Yeah. He got his nose done. Go look at his old photos and compare them to now. He has a bridge now.


sarNie Hatchling
LOL I think Qipao is a very good horror lakorn. I got my entire family to watch it hahaha and I made them bet on who is the killer and whoever lose will have to buy ice cream for everyone. I got my free ice cream hahah
And they finally grant your wish for kwan+win reunion LOL @Mahalo :dance1:
On a side note, I dont mind if Kwan ever act in a slap/kiss lakorn with Aum or Ken T. :D


sarNie OldFart
Not possible unless Kwan switches over to Ch.3. I doubt it because she has been very loyal to Ch.7. I wanted a Kwan + Weir reunion. Lol. Been waiting since 2008. Those were 8 long years. They're all grown up, both handsome and beautiful now. So proud  :cry:


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
I don't mind Vee, I mind Dome. You can't deny that they won't look hot together. They both have porcelain white skin. Hehe.
Yeah. He got his nose done. Go look at his old photos and compare them to now. He has a bridge now.
Oh i won't argue that they'll look good together like how him and Poo looked super hot together but omg after SSK, i just want to bash him in the head. 'Sigh'


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
Not possible unless Kwan switches over to Ch.3. I doubt it because she has been very loyal to Ch.7. I wanted a Kwan + Weir reunion. Lol. Been waiting since 2008. Those were 8 long years. They're all grown up all handsome and beautiful now. So proud  :cry:
She should had stayed with Ch3 but then we wouldn't have KwanWeir or KwanWin and she might have gotten downgrade to evenings like Yardthip :(.


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
She should had stayed with Ch3 but then we wouldn't have KwanWeir or KwanWin and she might have gotten downgrade to evenings like Yardthip :(.
Ch.3 is over-saturated with newbies. Kwan can be considered a veteran at Ch.7 now if you count her childhood acting days. She'll be more respected there while Ch.3 will probably pair her with newbies with mediocre acting. It's difficult to pair with Ch.3 veterans now since they are all retiring. The newbies over there still need lots of improvements. I think she's safe where she's at despite their lack of promotion for her these past few years. I'm glad they're recognizing her potential now. Plus, I like that Ch.7 men are manlier.


sarNie Hatchling

credit: Teetrapatclub on IG
Looking from this pic, I think this is the scene where Wee going to save Chit, the Dr, and the reporter from the bad guys :O


sarNie Oldmaid
Mahalo said:
Ch.3 is over-saturated with newbies. Kwan can be considered a veteran at Ch.7 now if you count her childhood acting days. She'll be more respected there while Ch.3 will probably pair her with newbies with mediocre acting. It's difficult to pair with Ch.3 veterans now since they are all retiring. The newbies over there still need lots of improvements. I think she's safe where she's at despite their lack of promotion for her these past few years. I'm glad they're recognizing her potential now. Plus, I like that Ch.7 men are manlier.
I'm so sad that all my favorites are starting to fade into the background. Will the newbies get better in 5-10 years or will they too fade into the background since this is now the age of high speed rise and fall of stardom?


sarNie OldFart
I don't know. I am super sad as well. As discussed in the Veterans Vs. Newbies thread, the entertainment industry is no longer the same. People no longer value quality work or consider skills over popularity. I honestly don't think I'll tune into lakorns a couple years from now once all my veterans retire. Thank goodness I've grown to accept the newer generation at Ch.7 a bit. I'll still tune into their lakorns, but Ch.3 is definitely pushing me away with all their koo jins and aggressive fans. 


sarNie OldFart
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
I'm so sad that all my favorites are starting to fade into the background. Will the newbies get better in 5-10 years or will they too fade into the background since this is now the age of high speed rise and fall of stardom?
Some will stay in the industry for a long time to come like Yadech and MarkKim but some will soon fade once they hit their later 20's.
But yes, so many new faces with poor acting abilities. I don't know how long I'll tune in once all of my favorites take on Papa and Mama roles or disappear.


sarNie Oldmaid
Yeah ch3 does have the most aggressive fans, domestic and international. You can't even voice an opposing opinions before someone jumps at your throat and tell you to get out. They act as if those people are gods or something. That's our world's future right there lol, scary. I'll still enjoy watching some, just not talking about it. Well at least not about a few handful.