Ncmeowmeow35 said:
I really like this version more then the old one because the new Chichaba shows more softness that Patawee fell/will fall in love with. Somsupa is also weak in here unlike the old one where she's weak but had that deep hardness, plus she's a little bit more annoying in that she always introduce herself as Patawee's love interest. Girl have some self respect and wait for the guy to say something first.
Kwan's doing a really good job starting off seeing the world in a good light then turning into someone hard by the end of the episode. Tui need to show a little bit more emotions, can't wait to see him starting to turn more evil.
Kwan is doing a great job. I think both Kwan and Tui are doing great. They're expressing just the right amount of emotions. They don't overdo it or underdo(?) it. Haha.
Mahalo said:
I still have to finish that! Lol. 22 episodes is just too ridiculous for the storyline.
Sadly I won't be able to catch this premiere. Test tomorrow. UGH. Missing out on Seua too.
Oh good luck!!!
sarN said:
im so busyyyyyyyyyy at work !!!!!!! O'man , did anyone saw the first eps ? How was it ? Rscene coming up ? I need answer ! The preview look intense HAHA
It's an alright premiere. It's not a bang for sure, but it's good enough to keep me interested. Yeah their long preview showed an R scene. Not sure if it's EP2 or EP3 though. Either way we're getting an early R guys. Haha.
YingSheng said:
Awwww... If I knew it's going to be upload onto Viki today. I would get to it (segmenting), but I've already left out of town and away from my laptop....
The pace is actually okay, but the transition isn't good, kind of choppy (it's just me, I couldn't help but notice it). Today's episode is full of warm, sadness and anger... Soon, the dramas going to begin.... I hope it's intense with meaning...
I don't really like the fast pace. They need to slow it down a bit. Yes, it is very choppy! It's not horrible editing, it's the fact that they rushed to put everything together in one episode, so everything was shortened in length.
aiyaja said:
Are we still subbing at Viki? When Ninja is doing hardsubs? Lol Didn't want to overlap. It takes a lot of time and energy.
I don't think it's necessary since Ninja's going to sub it. Yipee!
Kim123 said:
OMG! I didn't know this has already aired. I guess have I have something to catch up on. Really? An rscene already? Damn I want to watch this lakorn is about! I have seen picture and they look cute together
Yes it's airing!!
sarN said:
don't worry , it's not all force . she agreed to be his mistress . having $ex w/ him is part of the contract HAHA
Haha. I don't like how everyone knows she's going to be his mistress. Shouldn't it be a secret amongst the two until she actually moves in?? And like it felt like they both openly announced that she was gonna be his mistress despite him going to marry soon.
lakornsrok said:
So I got to watch episode 1. Ohh gosh can't Patawee consider that she is innocent. Oh gosh!! Almost every scene Kwan is crying. Her crying scenes were good and I felt so bad for her. I love how in here she's soo strong and fiesty. I love how she is so rebellious also lol drinking ahah I love her in this different role something very new for her. They sure gave more volume to her hair. I think they should tone down on the foundation because she already has natural good skin but I guess they want us to see Chitchaba's role who likes dramatic make up!! Oh my her outfits are soo freaking gorgeous!! I love them and she matches them too. Paris was soo beautiful too. hah she sure has some sexy outfits in here. OHH NO episode 2 and 3 n3xt week begins with the drama!!

some intense r scenes coming up :eyetwitch:
Yeah, I'm loving her character a lot. I feel like they gave her extensions. Haha. That's why the back of her head is soo big and poofy.
I agree on her make up and wardrobe. Kwan really fits this role.
little22 said:
Omg it already aired n missed it. Been waiting for long. Haven't start 1 yet and I reading r scene in ep2. Wow the fastest r scene in thai lakorn ever.heheh I luv raeng lakorns
Haha. Yeah, fastest R scene ever! She must've provoked him pretty good for him to decide to R her so soon.