Wohooo! Summer holiday!!!
-The Wongwai's Circle company-
''Ohh,What do you want now? Can't i just work undisturbed one day?'' Sira cried in the phone, on the other line Chat was chukle that he got on her nervs ''I haven't talk with Riya much yesterday, can you bring her to me?''
''Hay!!, I'm not your maid for you to order me to do what you want. And if you want to meet her, why don't call?'' Chat scrathed his head '' You said you don't want your brother to know anything about me and Riya. So i though why not you come along every day Riya and I out. Like that your brother won't know anything and people can't talk on ours back that I'm having affair with your sis-in-lawn.'' What? what did he just said, she was going to be with them everywhere they go?!''No way! I'm not fallowing you guys''..Sira said in disbelievable ''I'm just going to help you get near Riya, not more than that!!!''
''Don't mess with me!'' Chat yelled ''If you don't want to hurt your brother just come and see me at my house, take with Riya to

therwish you know what i can do.'' he warn her and hung up. Sira was upset, why can he ordering her as he want? she smached the table with madness before she calmed herself to dial Riyas number.
-Sam's office-
''P'Sam is in,right?'' Sira ask the secretry as she nods Sira go in.
''Are you come to call me to go home?'' Sam ask as he saw his sister come, Sira shaked her head. She though a moment, if she should ask or not.''Aww, are you just going to stand like that?'' Sam ask when he saw her standing as she was dreaming.
''Ahh,P'Sam....''she look at her brother that look up at her waiting for her to say whatever she was going to say, she was heastice but she have to ask him '' Ahm, do you know if khun Riya have lover?.....''she look at her brother's confused face'' ...I mean...you know.....she might have a boyfriend and....and she was marrying you by force.'' Sam smiled looking at his sister.
''Why? have you see her go out with a guy that's not me?'' Sira quickly said ''No..not that but you know if she was married you by force...she is a pity girl that have to seprate from hers love.'' Sam nods in agreement ''What should i do?'' he suddenly ask.''Wha..what?...ohh, i don't know. It's your life and you are the one that can decide how you want it to be like.'' she smiled at him, she don't want to say this but ''P'Sam, you married her cus of ours parents wish right? If so you can just left her go and left her be happy with the one she loves. Otherwish we can get hurt when we love them and they don't love back, on that time it's will be late for both of you and none can be happy. Or if you love her just make her see that you care and love her.'' Sam was feeling shame, was he asking advice of his sister just now.''Why are you talking about me and Riya suddenly?'' Sira smiled nervously'' I'm just making sure that i'm not doing wrong on what i'm doing....Ok, that's all i want to ask.'' she stand up tp leave but stoped at the door to said ''I'm taking Riya out today.'' Sam looked up ''Where are you guy going?''
''I don't know, i haven't plan on that yet.'' She left and though that she don't know where Chat live.''Eh, Riya might know.''
Wongwai's house
Sam come home to eat and saw Riya watering the flowers in the garden, he stand there looking at her as he was thinking that Sira said to him at the office.
''Aww,khun Sam, are you come to eat at home?'' Nanny Wai ask him when she saw him as he was bringing the juice for Riya. Riya looked at their way when she heard Nanny Wai's voice.''Khun Sam!'' Riya said as she saw him. Sam smiled at her'' Can we talk?'' he ask as Riya close the crane and come to him. She took the juice from nanny Wai and thanked her ''Do you want something to drink while talking, khun Sam?'' Sam shaked his head as he walked to the door and Riya was fallowing behind him.
-On the way-
''Just drive straight and then left.''Riya guide the way to Chat's house.
''That wasn't difficult to find his house.''Sira said as the though of Lada from yesterday meeting come to her head.''Ehm, Do you know the girl that we meet yesterday?''Riya look at her, not wanting to answer the question were asked.''Yes,i do know her.''she said short and Sira doesn't ask her again cus the looks on Riya saw everything, that she don't want to talk about this girl,Lada.
-Chat's house-
Chat was sitting on the sofa, curious at why the girls hasn't show up yet. Do she think she can mess up with me? If you don't show up, let not wait till tomorrow for your brother to know everything about me and Riya he though. As the same time the ball rang and a smile form on his mouth, he opned the door and saw Riya was standing there. He smiled at her and she returned a smile as well ''Where is Sira?'' he ask cus he don't know where to starts.''Oh,Khun Sira is talking in the car, she will be come in after that.'' Riya said as Chat mentioned her to go in.
''We haven't got to talk much yesterday, so i though we would talk this out today.'' Chat said after being quest for a moment.''You still love me,right?''
Riya looked at him, of course she love him but she is married now she thought as she think about what Sam has said.
''Come in.'' Sam said as he was entering his workroom,Riya go in and sit down on the chair as Sam was sitting infront of her in his chair.
''I have though about our marrige and i know that this wasn't easy for you.'' he looked at her ''I'm doing that for ours parents sake and i believe you are the same.''
Riya nods''Yes.''
''So what i'm saying is that you can have and live your life as you want. If you have lover you can meet with him as you wish and if you want to get a divorse i can give it to you. Like you see,it's for everyone sake but..i can't give you the divorse now.''What? Why was he saying all of this if he can't give a divorse now,Riya though but she didn't say anything.
''What I mean is ....people can talk on ours back, that we are divorsing and ours marrige has only gone not more than one moth.''
''I'm understand. So I can get my own room?''Riya ask.
''Huh....No, you can't get .You know,we are not living here alone. I don't want Nanny and Sira to know that we are not as what they are thinking.''
Aww, don't Sira know about this. Oh, of course Sira know but the one who doesn't know is this guy that sitting infront of her. He don't know about Chat so he though Sira didn't know that they were not sleeping together.
''So you will be sleeping at the sofa as you always have done?'' she ask confusing.
''Oh well, I guess so.'' Sam said strug his shoulder.
-End Flashback-
''Riya...hey Riya.'' Chat was calling her cus she didn't answer him.
''Huh?...did you say something?'' she ask.
''Can we be as we were like before?'' She smiled. Why not?, he is the one she love and that man already give her permission to have her life as she want and that is what she want.
''Of course.'' she said.
Chat grip Riya's hand and hold into his ''Thanks you,.... thank you.'' As the two was holding hands and smiling at each other, Sira was standing at the door and look at the two love birds. She never though her life would be like this, she was going marry and yet he only marry her cus he wanted to be by her side,..Riya's side. And what about her borther, what will he do when he find out that his wife and hers husband was the real lovers. There was many unanswered quesstion in her head and she has never never felt that her doing was wrong but this time, she don't really know what she do was wrong or right.Chat quesstion made her come to reality ''Are you just going to stand there like that?''
''Oh,..'' she looked at them'' ...I was just dreaming.,heh.' she luaghed at her own saying. ''So what is the results? Eh, i shouldn't has ask.'' she giggle''So I'm going to marry this guy....after all.'' she said annoyed.''I guess you two have enough talking,...We should get going, Riya.''
Riya looked at her watch'' Oh, yes.''she stand up and said''See you later,Chat.''
''One week and we can be together.''Chat said standing up and fallowed them to the car.''See you,Sira.''he smirk as Sira was completly ignored him.