LOL Untinnu thats what my brother said...too much lakorn! whatever i gave him this look :huh: (now his 9 yr daughter does too whats the excuse? lol) oh i shouldnt be laughing at that!contacts here...
and it all began with the school projectors and sarnworld(cause me to always be online/computer when I was hooked)
LMAO funfun..yes i see that most of us are...i think its getting worst too..i might have to go get another eye exam..(thicker glasses lol) ugh i tried to see if i can squint really hard trying to focus..but darnit it ooesnt work that way. i even pull my glasses down a few times while driving on the freeway at eyes are really bad at night.LMAO us sarnies are blind a** :loool: . I hate wearing glasses. LOL> I lost my pair so I don't wear them any more. But I got in trouble once because the cop stop me from driving and when he saw my license, he was like "where is your glasses?" he let me off the hook though, I wished I told him, I had on contact. LMAO but I was afraid he would want me to take them off too to see if I was lying. Anyways, I am much more careful, though I hate copying notes from my friend, that is the only downside. Anyways I have to get new ones, but I am in a poor state as of now, I got to wait to buy me another pair.
But you know how I got blind. LMAO too much drama [sitting too close to the television], and I stay on the internet at night with the light shut. LMAO Its better not to rely so much on your glasses, it only worsen it.
LOL Untinnu thats what my brother said...too much lakorn! whatever i gave him this look :huh: (now his 9 yr daughter does too whats the excuse? lol) oh i shouldnt be laughing at that!
LMAO funfun..yes i see that most of us are...i think its getting worst too..i might have to go get another eye exam..(thicker glasses lol) ugh i tried to see if i can squint really hard trying to focus..but darnit it ooesnt work that way. i even pull my glasses down a few times while driving on the freeway at eyes are really bad at night.
i want to try contacts but i am afraid of sticking stuff in my eyes...i cant even stand a lil piece of lint how will the contacts be any different?
what?! you sleep with your contacts on... ahh.. i can't do that. even when im super tired, i gotta take them out. or when i'm like drunk as hell, i still manage to take them out. hahaha.i was blind since middle school probably. can't really blame it on lakorns or tv, b/c i didn't watch much like i do now.i did like reading in the dark though. :huh: anyway, my vision is about 20/400 i think... i forget, but it sucks. glasses are pretty thin, & don't worry about contacts. you won't feel them. just don't develop bad habits like me... sleeping in them. i must've had 3 corneal abrasions already.
u suck potato butts... i'm ready to get some laser surgery, and have the choice of wearing fake glasses instead of havin' to wearin' them 24/7. urgh shmurg.20/20 here. i have a cool emo glasses i just bought last month though! i look smart with it lol. plus prettier O_O
i got "Asian" glasses too..--->Max said:Anyways, I love my glasses. They are the "Asian" glasses. Haha.
i jinxed my damn self! lol. i wanna get lasik too but my vision is always changing so i gotta wait til it stays constant before i get it.For reals lasik sounds scary to me too that's why i haven't done it yet...i use to wear contacts all the time but then i started working full time and well glasses were just easier and i'm lazy ahahaha...yea i'm the only one in my family to wear glasses...i blame it on college and of course all the dramas i watch LOL
agh. yes. the doc. pretty much said the same thing to my friend. poor child.i jinxed my damn self! lol. i wanna get lasik too but my vision is always changing so i gotta wait til it stays constant before i get it.
wearing glass for the first time feels weird.yesh i do! i wear glasses but the majority of the time i wear contacts =] i'm super blind...
how do you feel about wearing glasses emilie?
I use to hate wearing glasses, simply because i thought it was dorky. now i'm a true geek & im proud! lol.
20/20 here. i have a cool emo glasses i just bought last month though! i look smart with it lol. plus prettier O_O