dear friend,,, or,,, dearest friend--- words i extend from my inner self as i climb to another pinnacle in time in my life,,, i have come to realize the happiness is always at moments i choose these words in conversation with love or something else near my heart felt.... maybe i never need to find out truths but hold onto this idea and these words "dear friend" never say i love you but know deep inside i do,,, i never need to look around the corn and see the reality of who or what i am and hope you can see me too,,, i can accept we will be dear friends and keep our distant like children and never have to lie with words that hurt our feelings "i love you",,, i'm all grown up and near my time but i live better and love more if you believe we are just dearest friends and nothing else,,, i can't hurt anymore,,, i'm alone when i say i love you,,, i know so i will never say more then this to reveal my dreams are more,,, if i die tomorrow i've learned to just be me and just your friend,,, dearest friend!!!
are we really ever meant to be with anyone less fear to just give in or give up???