aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...OMG episode 12 was sooooo cool. I have to rewatch immediately. My heart ist still running from this emotional episode and I have to gather myself till I can think clearly again.
Thank you so much to all the JLK cast for this wonderful lakorn
First of all can someone tell me the name and singer of the song when Mek and Nim were lying outside and watching the moon? I love this song and would appreciate if someone could share it to me.
Nim's parents were hilarious in ep 12. It's like they have something like a competition between them going on, as the mom is cheering for Mek and the father for Katha. But both not in a severe way but just try to support the daughter.
And again Mek was too late because of Ruttha. Fortunately she couldn't stop him from going to the ceremony. At least Nim saw that Mek tried to interfere. Although P'Pom didn't have the similar emotional scenes as in the last ep. I still like how he does his very best to help his brother. I wished my brother would do the same for me
For all Nim and Mek scenes this time: sad, heartbreaking but wonderful.
@Kayla: The song, did you mean the duet? I remember it from Pinky and Weir's first lakorn "tue keu cheevit." I am not quite sure but I think the question already came up in in youtube and Thinkjaden answered the question. I have to search for it, maybe I can find it. Also youtube shows an itunes ad about, singers are Songsit and Saowanit, the song is called "Heart alone" in English. I can't read the Thai name. I think this must be the song, too. But hopefully Jubjib can just share it for us

That would be just great. I would love to have the whole soundtrack with this one, the main title with both Soul123 and Cherry singing, Da Endorphine and so on.
Can't wait for the next ep. it seems quite thrilling. Why does Nim suddenly changes her mind and tells she loves Katha. I think this must be because of Ruttha in the teaser you see her at the beginning. What do you guys think?