ESP 07 (soooo sweet) :wub:
Namfon's bro is pissed off he just got back to his apartment. He starts to throw things and then he just starts talking. Sunrises and Namfon and Por is holding Lookthang's hand like a family cute =). Suddenly the mood is ruin when bad girl comes and Namfon says that they should get going and Lookthang takes the bad girl hand off her father and the three leaves. bad girl comes and whine to the aunt. They arrive in the field where goats are raised. Namfon let Lookthang hold a baby goat. Then they goes back to the caar in a while. Namfon and Por both help put Lookthang seatbelt and Por lips touch Namfon cheek when they were doing that. hehehe
Then they come to a clothing store. Bad girl comes to the clothing store tooo. Lookthang tries on a white dress.
Namfon hears the bad girl saying something in the other fitting room.
Look thang laughs at somethign Namfon says to the bad girl lol. Then Por comes and say that the dress is nice lol and then Namfon says lets go. Then they all come to toy store for Lookthang. Namfon ends up holding all the bags and then she fell and all the bags did too and Khon Anai sees and come and help not knowing it's Namfon. Khon Anai holds all the bags for her. Por gets jealous and Namfon says thank u. Por says lets go now and he gives Khon Anai the death glare lol
bad girl and Por is at the farm and bad girl follows Namfon and says something and the two little boys with Namfon was told to give the goat to Namfon. Then bad girl wants to take the goat away from Namfon but ends up falling on crap and her face fell into crap lol n the lil boys and Namfon is laughing and smiling. Por ends up carrying bad girl back to his house. Then the aunt ask what happen and she said Namfon did something to her. Namfon tells what actually happens i think. Lookthang is sitting on Por's aunt, her grandma. Bad girl starts to whine to Por aunt and then two male maids come and carry but to says NO! and so they leave. Bad girl lays back down on sofa and she whines to Por. LOL Por ends up having to carry bad girl to get her clean or somethingand Namfon is getting jealous i do not like the aunt gosh mangz. bad girl sits next to Por at the diner table and she is sleeping on his shoulder whining. Por's aunt is drinking whine. Namfon says something and bad girl and aunt says what. the bad girl ends up tryin to sleep on his shoulder again but he moves. He gets up and drags Namfon to living room and im not sure what he said. I think this is the part where he says what a wife should be doing lol cuz he grabs her and starts to kiss her and then she struggles a bit and then stops. The aunt and bad girl is tipsy LOL Por is kissing Namfon and then they both ends up sitting and he is tlaking to her. Then the aunt and bad girl comes in and bad girl falls to the ground and the aunt ruin their moment. Bad girl starts to wake up and stands next to the aunt. Bad girl falls again but her head is resting on the chair this time. LOl the aunt is laughing. lol
Namfon is in her bed and she is whining about something and she looks at the clock. I think she is waiting for Por. cuteee
Por is driving and all of sudden he bumps into someone bad guys. A group of guys come and kidnap bad girl. Por starts to beat them up. Lookthang head starts to hurt and the nanny touches her forehead. Nanny comes knocking on Namfon's and Por's bedroom door. She gets happy thinking it's Por so she hesitates to open the door but she goes and open it and Nanny Chem tells her there's something wrong with Lookthang and she hurries and go to Lookthang room. Lookthang sees blurry and Lookthang starts to call for mom and Namfon says yea she's here pretending to be Lookthang's momi and Namfon wipes Lookthang body. So her body will cool down. Bad guy kidnaps bad girl thinking it
s Namfon LOL but it is actually Arapin. Bad guy starts to smack his ppl. Namfon then puts the bowl of water on the table and Lookthang is awake. Lookthang is thirsty so Namfon brings her water to drink. Namfon is a gud mom hehehe She tucks Lookthang in to sleep and sleeps next to Lookthang. Por brings bad girl in to her house cuz he sees her infront of her gate. or his iono lol but the maid who gets smack around is there wid Arapin. Sunrises again and Nanny Chem is looking out for Por. Nanny Chem says theres something wrong with Lookthang. He hurries and go and check on her. Por's aunt questions Nanny Chem. HE walks in and sees Namfon hugging Looktahng to sleep and he kisses both of them. Namfon on forehead and Looktahng on cheek. He yawns. He says thank u to Namfon and then he sleep there too hugging both Lookthang and Namfon awwww :wub: they look like a family. Por's aunt walks in and sees and then walks out. Bad girl starts to wkae up. Lookthang is the first one up and so she gently gets up leaving them to sleep hugging each other lol
she is tooo cute hahaha
Bad girl starts to cry because to told Por's aunt soemthing stupid biotch lol Namfon wakes up and sees Lookthang sitting there and she sees Lookthang sitting there and then Por calls Lookthang name and then he wakes up cuz he says his daughter voice says she over here. Lookthang starts to call Namfon her mom. Lookthang wants Namfon to kiss her and her father to kiss her, he kisses her and is hugging both of them. Cute family
Por's aunt and bad girl is shock to hear Lookthang calling Namfon Mom and Por's aunt ask wheres Por and Lookthang says he's with her mom. they're talking in the bed room and he hugs her from behind and she is just smiling =) Por's aunt comes in and Namfon says something to Por. He gets angry and walks out. Por aunt says something to Namfon and she walks away. Namfon is just standing near a cliff and Por brought or is playing with Lookthang. She looks for her mom. Namfon is just standing there crying and she looks down the cliff looks like she's ready to jump then bad girl comes from behind i think she wants to push Namfon. SHe gets read but Namfon looks.
Eps 8
A group of guys try and kidnap Namfon in front of the clothing store. bad girl slaps Namfon. Then bad girl tries to slap her again but this time she block and punches her and then Por and Khon Anai is just staring at each other like they wanna fite.
go and get it at BM i upload it already hehehe =)
omg i cant for next wkend lol im addicted it just gets better and better.