eps.9 was soo good even though por and namfon werent together for most of the eps. omg he was so violent to the stuffed animals. the lambs are so cute lol. urgh that aunt is really bothering me. she gets mad at namfon for not being patient in persuing danai when she's the one who sets them up together. danai should walk away, like por said, he's being the third wheel. it was kinda stupid having namai capture namfon...when she gets out, its like it wasnt serious. anyways, eps.10 looks really good. i'm not sure if namfon gets shot for real or not, it could be a dream. but oh no, por gets shot and namfon gives him blood.
question: i dont really understand namfon's background. i skipped a lot of parts...was she rich and then became bankrupt??