hm... maybe thun almost dies but really someone else dies. Ja has to get with him because they never really got to be together stress-free. i feel like its going to be janie's mom. i can't see her getting back with her old lover. but i guess we'll see. i hope that thun doesn't die! that'd be sooo sadd.if he die then who does ja end up with? she can't just be by herself and he can't die. if he dies then would nott (the young generation) get with her? They can't end up with no one. that would be sad for both of them.
I knew it, it was like talay rissaya, try to trick you hehe. Joy isn't that bad to die, I guess, she never killed anyone, Jintara on the other hand killed some and attempted too, she's more physco than Jarunee hehe, Lol.. I'm Kinda back behind, hehe, I watch it with the family, so we rent haha.. ,hey, joy didnt die afterall