I really love episode 8. There's a little happiness before the storm starts.
I really love the friendship between the trio. Matt/Ken/Un. As much as I don't like Ken individually but I really like him when it comes to his bond with Matt. He sincerely care about her, Ken and Un seemed to be the only stable thing in Matt's like at this point. And she needed that.
I was teary eye a few times with Matt. She is such a passionate person. She either loves you or hates you. She doesn't quite have a neutral feeling about things. That is why she gets hurt so easily. She really loves Grate for what it's worth. To even share her birthday moment with her stepmom, it's pretty much because she is falling in love with Grate and was willing to change for him.
My moment for Matt/Grate was when he goes and see her before his wedding. That hug was powerful because both were emotional. The way Grate didn't want to let Matt go even if she tries to push him away was bitter sweet. That was so touching. Matt and Grate does so well when they are fighting. It feels so real.
As strong as Matt is she just couldn't let go of Grate. Even if she lied to herself and be with Tansik or not her heart will always be with Grate.
Though, I couldn't stand to watch Jane and that Tansik guy. But what lakorn without two stupid Rais. One thing, I wish they did not do was have Grate married Jane. They could've had one long ass engagement or something. I know he doesn't love her but the fact that he's married and keep on seeking Matt out is annoying. lol. The lakorn is going in a good pace. Everything happens fast and it's good. Love Matt/Grate.