i love today's episode too. right in the beginning, it was hilarious. when mark was going to hug fon, and wat calls him, then it shows the bodyguard pointing the gun at mark, what a protective brother ^^ it was so cute when pai was thinking about wat (the hospital scene) and then he shows up. and then when pai threw the pitcher of water at wat, it went on her grandma awww, it was so funny. i really like her grandma. when wat threw the melon and hit nart, who was hiding under the basket LOL pan followed thong-ake to aunt's kaew shop, then she saw pai there ahahha. poor fon, she saw mark with some other girl. wat was so cute when he was eating the desserts, then he started to choke, and pai gave him the Heimlich maneuver, and pan thought pai was hugging wat. OMG when wat was reminiscing about him and pai :wub: all those cute scenes because pan was talking about pai and thong-ake. it was really funny that one of the bodyguards was following pai, then pai caught him. and i like how thong-ake "grew" a mustache.absolutely love the two episodes this week....love all the scenes between Mart and Cherry.....so cute....too bad we have to wait another week for the next episode....from the preview, it looks like it's gonna be a good one...
i know. that was such a cute scene.I like It when Mark says to fon "Ruk na dek nago" Love you dumb kid!! :wub: :blush: :wub: :spin:
I was totally SREAMING! :yahoo::lmao:
uh huh. she looks so pretty in that dress :wub: i really want wat to kiss pai again. i know he wants too. loltoday's episode was good! i cant wait to see next week's episode, looks real good! pai is gonna wear the thai traditional dress, looking all pretty! ^_^ cant wait! it looks like she shot mart? hmmm i wonder if he really did get shot 0_o
yes, another lakorn to share with youRR, I'm glad we have another lakorn to share and talk about.
Have a look at this link which was this weeks episode.....
Mart look super fine in that white suit^^
Notice the scene cherry in the thai traditional outfit pointing a gun toward p'wat their actually surrounded by trees and then have a look at the pictures after it where mart is lying down on the floorboard.......I think they are two separate scenes. Maybe pai didnt shoot p'wat in the garden???
But the other scene I presume could be where he tried to attack her and pai as usual is very good at resisting p'wat must have struck him with something that resulted in him falling to the ground?????
Thats just my theory dont mark my word on it.......we just have to wait until monday i guess^^
I so cant wait! This lakorn have 15 episodes so we have like 3 more weeks of Maeka kanom waanthough I cant seem to get enough of these two just love them together!!!