As he laid there in bed next to Prisana who now has tears trickling down her cheek...a drop or two slid down onto umm's bare chest. He felt the wetness and knew she was crying again. He got up and looked at her with such worrisome face. "Whats the matter? ..Are you in the baby giving you a hard time?..Do you want me to get you anything? anything at all ...just let me know!...
hes an idiot..he only cares bout what happens to his baby? ...what bout the babys' mother? prisana thought to herself. "No, im fine..a womans body is very emotional during their pregnancy stage, she managed to say. "so you better get used to it" ...her own words surprised her..not only is she emotional..shes being bold towards this handsome demon as well.
prisana...!? Umm finally spoke up again.. "what?" she replied....bout the baby..we will have to keep it quiet for just a lil while ok?..he said..
oh hes ashamed of impregnanating a servant girl like me? she thougth to herself feeling sadden...if you didnt bring me wouldnt have this burden of having anything with a servant girl like me! she blurted out..
umm bit his tongue..oh shiat!? he thought..shes getting the wrong idea. "no, its not that..i ..i dont want the other 25 mistresses to harm you, you know each and everyone of them tries to get pregnant too.. some more than others....until i can do something bout them first! has nothing bout you being a servant girl...ahh you shouldnt be thinking too much..youre get some rest.. we can discuss this matter later!..he said it all too a different person.. the side prisana have not yet seen. hes not just a demon with green scary he think that hes a doctor too.. she thought to herself..but was very relief that he was a bit caring bout her safety & of their baby!...
but i will let one mother knows bout your pregnancy so she cant cancel that upcoming party that she was planning on doing...
this whole time they were talking...there was a shadow on the other side of their door ..who was eavesdropping..her face turned a blank she just saw a ghost..."Prisana is pregnant?" she shrieked quietly to herself..why that lil biatch!?..i will not allow you to take my spotlight from can not live a happier life than me..if i cant have him i will definitely make sure that you wont neither!!!! ..she storms away angrily while plotting on what she will do to Prisana...