sarNie OldFart
the place looks perfect for the Cullen! can't wait for your detailed version, starry...m ^_^Okay, so back to theTwilight thai fan fic idea, here's my adaptation.
I still think the characters should be young (not high school), but still young enough to be in college.
I goggled the rainiest place in Thailand, and it's the Ranong province, so that's where she'll come stay. They go see beaches, waterfalls, hot springs, and go have that camp out in a nearby exotic island because there's a lot of that there. There are lots of forests for the Cullens to get their "food" too. I even found Ranong pictures.
There's a community college that could find in Ranong, but I'm not sure I want to send Bella and Edward there since it looks really small… maybe Carlisle will come to town to volunteer as the town doctor (he chose the place because of the rain) and bring the Cullens. They'll enroll in school. Bella comes from Bangkok to the area because her dad and pen pal Jacob asked to come visit. Edward and Bella will still meet at school and fall in love... She might have to ride a bike or moped too back and forth though because I'm not sure too many students will drive clunky red cars in a tiny town, Edward might drive motorcycles or since the Cullens are so rich, maybe the Volvo will still work -- hm, adapting this story to Thai is a little bit complicated than I thought-- have to think of so many tiny details.
** I'll post some photoshopped pics up later for who I think should be in my Twilight thai fan fic. I picked a list of people. (Gosh, I had a lot of time on my hands yesterday, huh?)**
really?! cool!!Did you guys hear new moon making have been confirm!!
can't wait to see the cliff diving part