My Heart's For Sale :: Rome/Rita


maplestory addict xD
[ Chapter 15 ]

Maybe, if her brother had said that earlier -- she wouldn't mind getting killed. Better still, she would hand him the knife herself and nicely position herself on the ground to be butchered. That would ease her pain -- A LOT. Some might find her foolish for wanting to be killed. But, have these 'some' people experienced what she had gone through since young? Not only was she hurt physically and emotionally, but having to face two sick bastards she called as 'brother' and 'father', everyday. It was far too much pain for her small fragile heart to bare.

'Maybe' would always stay as 'Maybe' in her dictionary.

Time passes by so fast. Things changed faster. Just recently she found out that -- she was not alone in the world. This cruel world. Rita was not even sure whether she should be happy or sad for that. Happy, because she has someone to share her grief with. Sad, because she knew how much pain it was. Torn between the two, it doesn't matter anymore. She's now able to love and be loved. That's what important, isn't it?

She was very happy being Rome, even if it was for a short period of time. She knew her happiness was not for long. Or maybe, she somehow predicted it to be that way. Being lonely again, it saddens her.

"Get into the car now!"

An old guy, in his 50's shouted at his daughter.

"I-I .. d-don't want to go back h-home."

Her traumatic past got the best of her. Rita sounded so scared. She was still afraid, very afraid.


"Yeah dad?"

"Just shove her into the car now! I don't want the police to suspect anything .."

"Oh .. I'll be glad to .."

She looked at her brother with a pair of frightened eyes. With that, Nick gave out a strong punch towards Rita's stomache.


It hurt so much that she couldn't help but to follow their orders. She went it reluctantly. She knew .. even if she tried fighting, she'll end up with more bruises. She's no match for them. Her father started the engine of an old volvo car. As he drove out of the gate, both of them snickered. They knew that .. victory is theirs, again.

"What were you doing at a mental hospital, Rita?" That old man voice cracked while asking.


"Answer me!"


"Hey, you bitch! Answer dad NOW!"

"I won't .."

Nick kept on shouting as they were on their way back home. Rita was still keeping quiet. She knew it was very pathethic but that was the best she could do, that was her way of 'fighting back'.

"Last warning .. Rita!"


"She thinks we're joking .. dad."

"We'll show her who's boss, when we're at home later .."

"Why wait?"

Nick turned and looked at her little sister. He was pissed. No, 'pissed' was an understatement. Never in his life did Rita ever defy his order. How dare she!

"Dad, do we have anything to tie her up?"

"Yeah .. somehow I do .. haha .."


"It's right under your seat."

Nick found the ropes and took it out. He was staring at is as if it was a priceless treasure.

"What are you going to do to me??"

"You enjoyed being a bitch, a moment ago .. didn't you?"

He questioned her back as he quickly turned her around and tied both of her hands together.

"Son .. just be more careful back there ok? I don't want to clean up your 'mess' later .. haha .."

"Ok .. dad." He looked back at his little sister. "Now, I'll let you act as a bitch."

"NO! No--"

Her brother took out his handkerchief and stuffed it into her mouth. She kept on mmph-ing as Nick was his unfastening his belt. Just as he was about to unzip his pants ..


"No way I'm going to stop now!"

"I said STOP!"

"Geez! WHY??"

"There's a police traffic! Act normal .."

"Fine .. you're lucky this time, sis."


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ahhh.. i'm sorry An, but I'm sooo disgusted right now. :blink:

the sad thing is..... these kinds of things do exist in the human world.


maplestory addict xD
ahh .. i'm sorry to disgust u lome. lol.
its just that i read this somewhere in the newspaper ..
i was shocked as it happened here b4


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ahh .. i'm sorry to disgust u lome. lol.
its just that i read this somewhere in the newspaper ..
i was shocked as it happened here b4
girl.. lol... I still like your fic though. I'm just really apalled that it's not just the nasty brother, but it's the disgusting dad. How can they live with themselves??? Ughh.. poor Rita.. Hope Rome do something quick!


maplestory addict xD
lmao ahaha .. and ppl wonder why im still stuck with my 'forbidden love' fic ..

i used to wonder too, how do a father/bro have the heart to do this to their own family .. maybe thats the thing. they dont have any heart


Professional Lakorn Watcher
you know... bro or dad.. it's equally evil, but what really boggles my mind is.. how can a freakin DAD do that to his own daughter????


Professional Lakorn Watcher
^^ I think it's beyond lust, cause he can easily lust for other women other than his own daughter. I think fathers like that are pure evil; work of the devil.


maplestory addict xD
It's sad to admit but yeah, what you just said is true.
haih, there's so many cases like this you know..everyday.

thats another reason why i enter law..i want to help this kind of woman ..


sarNie Granny
OH MY =O it's so cruel that this happens to people everyday...and it's makes me sick that her brother and her dad both do this to her, both aiding the other. EWW! so lucky that they reached a police traffic. this sort of reminds me of this episode on CSI, where the father raped his daughter, she got pregnant, but the baby was raised as her "sister" instead of her daughter, and then the father raped that little girl. UGH

awwww my sweet an going to help these women <3


maplestory addict xD
oh man, i've not been watching CSI like forever!
since i've been in uni .. tv is far from reachable lol

but geez .. that episode was ewwww all the way!


p/s this fic is going to end pretty soon. i'll be replacing it with a new fic starring ken/ann


sarNie Adult
what!!!!!!!!!!!!! its gonna end soon no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although i don't want rita to suffer i still would like to see rome and rita have happy moments and not end it fast


maplestory addict xD
what!!!!!!!!!!!!! its gonna end soon no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! although i don't want rita to suffer i still would like to see rome and rita have happy moments and not end it fast

it's going to end soon :( AWWW...i know that you told me before, but awww.
awww u gurls. lol. i dont want the plot to get draggy u noe :p
but ok, for u gurls .. i'll try to maximize it maybe up to 20 chapters.
(if i can lmao)


Expired Sarnie
I don't know if I want to continue. I just want to cry! I know that it still ongoing in this world and I just wish I had the power to kill everyone that commit such disgusting crimes.

The world is not a beautiful place after all. --> I think I have a good idea to add to one of my fiction >_<


sarNie Egg
oh man, i've not been watching CSI like forever!
since i've been in uni .. tv is far from reachable lol

but geez .. that episode was ewwww all the way!


p/s this fic is going to end pretty soon. i'll be replacing it with a new fic starring ken/ann

oh..another ken-ann fic?? :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: