Nai_1_1's Pics


Very lovely pics! Very nice views of the bridge! And awwies, Nai, you look so cute...tho kinda far...hehehe​


Mr. Char
Hey Nai Nai, thanks for sharing your moments :). I'm quite jealous actually, here in Paris, it is all cloudy or rainy. It was sunny and warm days ago and now it's all cold. I want to leave France for a while !


Hey Nai Nai, thanks for sharing your moments :). I'm quite jealous actually, here in Paris, it is all cloudy or rainy. It was sunny and warm days ago and now it's all cold. I want to leave France for a while !
You should be jealous. That's why california is called the "golden" state lol.

You're still cute tho! Hehehe...Btw, what do you mean for 20 years? Lol.
Aww thanks :D. 20 years so by that time, I might have kids..or maybe not, but I'll post close ups of them lol. But then again, I most likely will not be roaming around sarnworld in 20 years.


looks like you had a fun spring break.... very cute girl, even from afar!
Oh Lome my spring break is soooo much fun! So damn relaxing, having to do nothing, except sleep, eat, and shop lol. Too bad it's over after tomorrow. Arggghhh! Only 10 more weeks until summer. I like to say weeks because it seems faster than saying 3 months for some reason lol. And thank you for the compliment ^__^.


I took another little trip this time and one of the many highlights of it is meeting her:

She's really nice/pretty in person and she sounds better live than when I normally hear her sing at the recorded Ch7 concert shows.
More pics will follow later, too tired to upload them all now. Goodnight forum.


Yup, that is Cheer in L.A. Gosh, she must have been burning hot in those pants under the L.A. heat!!!
I bet she was! Even I was burning hot and I was in capris! I got out of the hotel wearing shorts then decided it was a little chill so I decided to change into capris. Bad choice! I was soooo freaken hot that even the thai teas, shaved ices, and starbucks's passion tea lemonade couldn't keep me cool for long. Still angry about my spoiled kanoms though. Want moreeeeee right now!

WOW ! One of the most beautiful girl I've seen today, Apr. 6th !
She's pretty huh? I was struck in awe as well. Gotta meet these daras in real to know how they look to the naked eye instead of on the monitor screen or tv screen. I'll pm you some vids of her singing :).


awwww i want you to pm those video's for me tooo Nai Nai..... i kinda like Cheer also...... post more pictures please when you get the chance okay...... MISS YA!!!


Awwies, you're so lucky to have meet Cheer! Eh, them pants 0_0​
Yeah those pants were not so flattering.

awwww i want you to pm those video's for me tooo Nai Nai..... i kinda like Cheer also...... post more pictures please when you get the chance okay...... MISS YA!!!
I will post more pics maybe on Wed after all my classes since I only have classes until 2pm on Wed. I was gonna post the one of me and James Franco...but i didn't meet him LOL. But OMG P'Lek I love the pics you posted! You're still so gorgeous and I miss you a lot too!!!! So that's your see ew? You two are soooo naruk! Mmmm talking about see ew makes me want some pad see ew haha.