HmMmMmM...i wonder what this lakorn is about? compuer angel? kinda like duen dued or whateva? i wonder...i think it looks pretty interesting...prolly an action pack lakorn huh? or not! i can't wait to see it...does anyone know if it's already aired or when it's gonna...or got a klue what this lakorn is about..anywayz just discuzz it here!
Credits to CH3
no... it's not that one... that one just aired not long ago starring paul and paula right? the one i'm talking about was a long time ago about 6-7 years ago.. it was when claudia first came into the biz...

Credits to CH3
BaBeeLaiLai said:HmMmMmM....i remember there was another movie with a girl coming out of a computer game i think...Chit Cha Sow Noy Mah Ha Sa Jan or somethign..is that the movie ur talking about SunFlower? HmmMmm>...iunno but we don't got this movie here yet..prolly next week...a lil slow here..i wanna try watching it..hmmm eww the guy in the glasses doesn't look sooo kute!
no... it's not that one... that one just aired not long ago starring paul and paula right? the one i'm talking about was a long time ago about 6-7 years ago.. it was when claudia first came into the biz...